Any Embarrassing Or Goofy Moments In A Restaurant?...

I remember I went to a nice restaurant with a guy and I was wearing a nice skirt. After we were done we stood up and walked out of the restaurant. Then the guy that I was with pulled me in front of him while we were walking. I looked at him and asked what was he doing. He signed to me "the back of your skirt has a big hole there". We kept on walking to the car with him behind me and got in the car. I then looked down and gasped when I saw the hole. It was big enough for my underwear to be seen. I was embarrassed because I was sure there were some people in the restaurant who saw me walking out of the restaurant with the big hole on my skirt. I was also puzzled how in the world my skirt got torn because I didn't feel it tearing :lol:
Yeah I got one here too. I was with a friend and we went in to get something to eat then we sat down and as I sat down, it was unexcepted , my eyes went wide because a silent and powerful fart came from me. I went " Uh-oh not good , man !!! " in my mind. It was not a loud fart so I was happy I thought I got away with that mistake then suddenly I noticed people's heads turning everywhere in the whole resturant then almost at the same time they pinpointed the source of the horrible silent farting powerful scent. My friend could not even eat and was laughing so hard. I wanted to leave then the lady waitress , she opened a window then the cold winter air came in which was nice with the stuffy hot air circulating in the resturant and it was amazing to note the reactions of the people who were telling the lady waitress " Thank you " and the guys were going crazy for her and having a good laugh at my expense , so much for silent farting.
I went to Burger King with my friends for drinks and chat. My friend ordered coffee and sat down at the table, he put some sugar from packets into his coffee cup and drank it and said YUCK, awful!!! Know why? He use salt packets instead of sugar packets!!! :giggle: He was not pay attention!!!
Gemtun said:
Good one!

I can't recall any funny or embarassing moments other than tripping over and spilling food from my tray everywhere on the floor a few times.

<-----clumsy gal :ugh:
Uh oh... ok that's good to know. We'll just go to Japanese restaurant. We'll find a place to sit on the floor and have them serve us sushi. :D
IcedTeaRulz said:
I went to Burger King with my friends for drinks and chat. My friend ordered coffee and sat down at the table, he put some sugar from packets into his coffee cup and drank it and said YUCK, awful!!! Know why? He use salt packets instead of sugar packets!!! :giggle: He was not pay attention!!!

ROFL! That's a good one! :thumb: I can only image his face expression would be.

here riding public trolley in my home country trolley stopped rapidly all people pushed, i accidently somehow grabbed lady's eyeglasses out, wtf?!? i was trying to grab the pole, seat's one, :o that one i couldnt forget
I have few happened to me, lol. Everybody's stories in here are so funny and crazy.

1.) I went to Starbucks with my best friend, Gabrielle to drinking coffee together when she and I was around 17 yrs old or 18 yrs old.. Somehow, I saw a guy that she and I knew who and hes cute guy, I just laughed and saw him and somehow hit Gabrielle's coffee over on her and I was like ohhh! and gasped. Gabrielle jumped over the chair to stand up during that happened.. She growled at me and the guy was laughing out of his guts at us.. I got blush abt it and he never forget abt it since he is working at that Starbucks! Yikes but Gabrielle and I think its very funny. :giggle:

2.) And another time, I was sitting with couple of my friends, I forgot who and at where.. Somehow, I said you cant make ketchup blew up because its in the packet.. She said want to bet? I said nah! and somehow she slam on it with her fist and it blew up on my face and shirt and hair, I was like HEY!!!!! and growling at her... I went to the bathroom to cleaning my hair and face up and shirt too. I came back and EVERYBODY in the building was laughing because its so funny. Ugh...

3.) And one time, I was at caferina(sp) at school, I sat with Fei ku and some of our friends. Fei Ku drank chocolate milk and I was chatting with my ex friend named Jessie and somehow she said, "I love (guy's name)" and I was like oh ok, planning to say something but felt something wet on my arm already, I looked at Fei Ku which she "threw up" her chocolate milk(not threw up, planning to drink but all of sudden got all of them out of her mouth) and she said WHAT?! and I laughed so hard because its ssosososooso funny! :giggle:

I will try to remember what happened since and I can post up in here ;) :thumb:
:lol: You guys got good stories there, real funni too....More MORE please!!
Yeah, I had a few moments here and there with the spillouts.

When I was at a restaurant with a friend, I was signing like crazy and unfortunelatly hit the big glass cup full of water and spilled ALL over the table and my lap got wet, too! My friend was laugh at me and I also laughed and had to clean up the mess with the napkins, lol. The similar things like that happened to me before.

That's all I remember for now, I guess my brain needs a recharge.
when with kids more likely i got embarassed often :o

younger daughter used to show funny, and sometimes silly, face expression to strangers who was starring at her or smiling at her, and many more i might forget :lol:
A few years ago when my step-son graduated from H.S., we went to this nice restaurant to celebrate. Towards the end of the meal, the waitress re-filled my really big glass of Pepsi. I was signing to my wife and accidentally hit this glass of Pepsi right onto my lap! I had a whole quart of Pepsi squishing down there! :Oops: We left a few minutes after this and I got this really bright idea: "Hey, Jaime, gimme your gown and cap". That's how I got out of this really crowded restaurant with my pride intact and no red face! :mrgreen:
Oh yes, i remember , long ago my friend was tell me funny story , she went out with deafie to the Annual Dinner and Dance, she said ,, when deafie people sat down the table and she sat on the same table say about 10 of them in one of the tables and you know what deafie people are like always keep to chatting away with biggest signs and ,,, one of the waitresses was try to put the soup on the table behind the person and this person didnt know and his finger was just straight up to the waitress's inside mouth while the waitress was bent to try put the soup on the table and sudden his finger went into inside her mouth and accidently pull her top denture flew out and land on the table , then suddenly all the deafie who sat on the table went silents then the waitress went red and quick snatched her upper denture and ran off then all the deafies went started to had hell of laughed all nite long ,, lol it was so funny and .. poor waitress never again went into this same table .... :lol:
I remember my embarrassing moment when I was in a school cafeteria. I was sitting at a table with friends. We were talking about something that got me all excited and I was signing bigger and fast. All of a sudden my arm knocked down this girl's lunch tray as she was walking past our table. The tray and the food flew all over. The poor girl's face had this frightened look on it as she thought I was going to put up a fight with her. I kept telling her sorry sorry sorry. Everyone looked at me like I was some kind of a manic. I was then given a mop and a rag to clean up all the foods from the floor. I was embarrassed but I laugh at it whenever I think about it :lol:
A couple of years ago, I went out to eat with about 8 members of my family. My step dad being one of them. It was a buffet so everyone was getting their food then coming to sit down at the table. I didnt know what had happened yet, but my mom, aunt, and my step dad were all laughing really hard. I was trying to ask them what was so funny. When all of a sudden the waitress bent down by our table and picked something up. She was holding a pair of mens underwear and dangled them in front of my uncle Jerry, asking if this was anyones. My uncle said really loud so everyone in the place looked at our table, "well they arent mine!!!" Then the waitress realized what they were and dropped them really fast. I guess when my step dad got dressed they got stuck in his pant leg and fell out when he was walking to the buffet. LOL My mom had noticed them and said arent those yours? Everyone in the resturant kept pointing and whispering about our table. I was sooo embrassed to be with them. Needless to say, nobody went and claimed the lost undies... :laugh2:
Oh my God, now that's the worst embarrassing moment that happened in a restaurant Luckystar.... :rofl:

I hope that doesn't happened to me, I might just run out of there and cry :lol:
OMG Luckystar that's so freggin funny! :rofl: That was some great story!
:lol: @ luckystar, similar mine (dunno what to say, u know paper makes smell good for clothes for dryer/washer) stucked with my jeans i left home walking my backyard to my SUV, thank god, nobody saw me but my older girl :lol:
I've been trying to remember the funniest or goofy moment...It has been so long since I've eatten out with family or friends...(recently I did with my son and my good friend)

I remembered when my son was newborn (not sure age), my ex and I wanted eat we choosen Zebb's. I ordered drink I think just water...he saw the lemon, he took lemon and put the lemon on my son's mouth..he made funniest face! We laughed so hard! Even I scolded him not do that!!!

I can't remember if there is any..ummmm
Yea mine was really embrassing. Lets just say now when we go out to eat I make my step dad check his pant legs for any loose underwear!!!!! :giggle: