Any Embarrassing Or Goofy Moments In A Restaurant?...

luckystar said:
Yea mine was really embrassing. Lets just say now when we go out to eat I make my step dad check his pant legs for any loose underwear!!!!! :giggle:

Gosh.. i have tons of embrasses.. LOL I will tell u one of my stories. My ex, and i were with friends and eat at buffet restanrest. some how. a guy who do his job to customer to sit down on the tables with hand up to get them attention. Anyway, My ex has much guts, which a guy was close by him, and say hand up and arm pit with *sign phew* everyone saw him and LAUGHED so hard, a guy was pisssssseddd offf. I got embrassed and walk out w/o him.
When I was in 6th grade, I was in English class and my bestfriend was sitting next to me. We were whispering and giggling, I don't remember what it was about. anyway, I told her to stop making me laugh or I'll fart. It just made it worse.. she kept laughing and I farted sooo loud that it echoed in the room.. my bestfriend heard it and was bawling out laughing and I farted again, even it was more louder than the first.. the whole class looked at me and I had to run out of the room and stay in the bathroom til the next class.

I've got a lot more... I'll just wait
Not long ago, about a year ago i think, i went to a friend house in london for a week or so, and we went to a nearby mcdonald in downtown. After ordering the stuff i wanted, I had orange pop, chickenburger and fries (I remember cuz that the the only thing i order from mcdonald) anyway as i carried the tray, i was holding the tray with one hand, as i have done it before, but somehow the tray tipped and the weight of the drink overweighted the rest and all the sudden the tray flipped all over, the pop spilled all over as well as the other was ok and stayed on the tray.. but the embrassing part was that there was a couple sitting at a table right where the pop spilled all over. Damn that was embrassing. I had to apologize for the accident, and i spoiled their fries.

Ever since that incident, i always carried the tray with two hands...
when i was in first preggy, and went to the mall. I was so extremely hungary and in cranky, so i have some cash in my pocket to be ready for eat out from purse. so i ordered something from mcdoanld. and cashier give me RUDE look at me. in my head, what her plm is?!?! so i ingrone and walk and find a table with my best friend. I finally eat and make me alots better. a lady from mcdonald keep staring at me. So, somehow i was check my pocket. I was like OOOOOOOPPS! I know why she keep look at me. I forgot to pay the food! I got red face and walk to her, SORRY and gave her cash, and she was relief after all! LOL