Anti-Immigration = Pro-Fascist

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(Good luck with your book - I need to write my Sci-Fi Horror novel)

Let me have a crack at explaining the difference between Nazism and Arizona's Immigration Bill. I promise I will do my best (sleepyhead) comparison (if one is to be found).

Ok, hmmmm, here goes. I think the OP is trying to articulate the following.

In Nazi Germany, the ONLY thing I can think of that may resemble Arizona's Immigration Bill (keep in mind, this comparison is being made by a leftist and is not an actual comparison) is the persecution of the Jews.

The Nazis targeted Jews specifically. They made being a Jew, illegal. They wanted to rid all of Europe, not just Germany, of Jews and anyone whom had Jewish ancestry. They did this by killing them ... by the millions. This "plan of action" was called "The Final Solution" and was discussed at the Wannsee Conference.
It was a racist agenda (although not entirely so). It was very hateful. The Germans thought they had to protect the human "race" from Jews. You see, the Nazis were not true white supremacist racists, they were more of what could be called "purists". They felt that the human gene pool was infected by inferior races, but they saw the Japanese as equals.

The Nazis were scum. My grandfather, and great uncles, popped a few Nazis in the noggin in their war years. The Japanese killed another of my great uncles in the Pacific.

Now, Arizona's new immigration law is not NEW. It has been the policy of the United States Government to deport illegal immigrants of all races who enter the U.S. illegally. The U.S. Government does not load trains full of illegal immigrants and transport them to killing centers such as the Nazis did to the Jews, Gypsies, Free Masons, homosexual men and political enemies.

The United States Government "currently" has no law making it a crime to be a specific race. Although, I do not believe it has ever been a crime to be a certain race in the U.S., however that point is debatable (i.e. Native Americans).

Arizona's Law is upholding United States Immigration Law at the State Level. The Supreme Court has ruled this constitutional time and again. State officers CAN inquire as to an individual's legal citizenship status. If an individual is discovered to be an illegal by any state representative, they are not shot, they are not gassed, they are not tortured, they are not raped, they are not beaten to death in groups and in public (pogroms), they are simply arrested and processed given the provisions of due process under color of law. Then they are deported to their nation of origin - since they are citizens there.

An Illegal has never taken an oath of allegiance to the United States. They are deemed a criminal. It does not matter what race, ethnicity, etc. the individual may be. The only factor is if they entered the U.S. legally ...... or not.

In Nazi Germany, the only thing that mattered was if you were Jewish .... or not. If you were Jewish, you were tortured, killed, raped, gassed, and beaten to death in large numbers in public (pogroms).

There is no comparison between the two, even though was a futile attempt made by the OP.

If I left anything out, please by all means correct me.

Not necessarily. You could have been gentile and deaf, gentile and blind, gentile with a mental disorder or a physical disability and be subjected to the same treatment. Not just could have been...were. You could also have been guilty of supporting those of Jewish decent. It was about perfection in the race. It just so happens that those of Jewish decent were considered to be imperfect, just as there are those here in the U.S. at this time that consider specific races to be inferior to others.
Oh, please let this classic thread not get locked. Please!!!
I know that a former head of the Russian KBG was in charge of our Homeland Security some time ago. I wonder what has changed...
Only Facists(if you need further information, look no further than Adolph Hitler) support closing the borders and jailing people, even legal immigrants.
Don't forget communists. They love trapping people inside walls and countries. Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea. Not just immigrants either- natural born citizens. You should also call the supporters communists. How about commuscists?
Removed the picture because it's just absolutely massive, and no one should have to scroll down through two pictures.

No, I don't have the time to "drag things out," persay. I spend too much time on AllDeaf as it is, through debating with you guys, when I could be using that time to do more productive things like writing a book, which I am at the moment.

However, I cannot ignore someone hijacking a term that I used in a very specific and surgical sense, only to see them twisted the word into a concept that did not exist in context of my previous debate posts.

Only thing Hitler and fascism has in common in this context of anti-immigration is the fact the people supported those policies, and that he gave the police tools they shouldn't have. Everything else is just straight-up Nazism. Anything more, than the implication of failed democracy and police state, is Godwin's law.

And the original poster... violated Godwin's law by basing his concept of fascism on the Nazi influences. Fascism does not equal anti-immigration.

This topic... well:

Topic fail.

Epic fail.

You must enjoy getting victories on the internet because no matter who "wins" an argument, they're still retarded.
Wirelessly posted

No victories.

Just don't want right-wingers to use this topic against me.
Not necessarily. You could have been gentile and deaf, gentile and blind, gentile with a mental disorder or a physical disability and be subjected to the same treatment. Not just could have been...were. You could also have been guilty of supporting those of Jewish decent. It was about perfection in the race. It just so happens that those of Jewish decent were considered to be imperfect, just as there are those here in the U.S. at this time that consider specific races to be inferior to others.

Exactly. The fact that I am of Germanic descent from my mother's side of my family wouldn't have cut ice with the Nazis.

I went to the Holocaust Museum several years ago during a field trip.. and while I was there, I found a small memorial for the deaf Germans who died during the holocaust. I knew a Deaf man who survived those camps and he had the tattoos to show it.
Exactly. The fact that I am of Germanic descent from my mother's side of my family wouldn't have cut ice with the Nazis.

I went to the Holocaust Museum several years ago during a field trip.. and while I was there, I found a small memorial for the deaf Germans who died during the holocaust. I knew a Deaf man who survived those camps and he had the tattoos to show it.

Yep. I absolutely hate it when people selectively attend to history, and when they distort political philosophies in an attempt to support their twisted views. If I see a Marxism referred to as Communism one more time around here I am going to scream. LOL. People obviously don't realize they destroy their own credibility by using the terms interchangably and by leaving out accuracy in history.
Don't forget communists. They love trapping people inside walls and countries. Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea. Not just immigrants either- natural born citizens. You should also call the supporters communists. How about commuscists?

Now THIS is a failure of logic.

Me thinks kokonut has a feeding tube and colostomy bag because he seems to be on here 24/7. Is the government paying for it?
In theory I support enforcement of immigration (not enough room for everyone, unfortunately), but when it comes to implementation its a tricky issue.
In theory I support enforcement of immigration (not enough room for everyone, unfortunately), but when it comes to implementation its a tricky issue.

Bingo.Theory and practice are seldom the same.
In theory I support enforcement of immigration (not enough room for everyone, unfortunately), but when it comes to implementation its a tricky issue.

I propose enforcing immigration.

If you're upper middle class, white, christian and you love guns, we'll deport you to Mexico. Plenty of brown people for you wanna-be soldiers to shoot.
With powder and cap pistols? Heh.
I propose enforcing immigration.

If you're upper middle class, white, christian and you love guns, we'll deport you to Mexico. Plenty of brown people for you wanna-be soldiers to shoot.

Oh ... look who proves themself a racist again.

Tell me, how is Arizona's law racist? I, for one, am glad you don't enforce it, you would profile.
Oh ... look who proves themself a racist again.

Tell me, how is Arizona's law racist? I, for one, am glad you don't enforce it, you would profile.

here's a robot parrot for you. it'll keep screaming "how is it racist" as many times as you want.
A legal immigrant named Gabriella Sosito (SP?) spoke out in favor of the law. The assumption has always been that the anti illegal immigration law in Arizona will inflame the passions of legal Hispanic Americans, causing them to vote for the Democratic Party for fear of racial profiling and being asked for their papers. That assumption may not have basis in reality.
Legal Immigrant Supports Arizona Anti Illegal Immigration Law (Video) - Associated Content -

Indeed. Gabriella is one smart lady. She came to the USA in 1986 as a legal immigrant. She learned English. And she became a naturalized citizen 1991. Kudos to her! I'm proud to see that she worked her way up.
I propose enforcing immigration.

If you're upper middle class, white, christian and you love guns, we'll deport you to Mexico. Plenty of brown people for you wanna-be soldiers to shoot.
How many more groups can you offend in one day?
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