Anti-Immigration = Pro-Fascist

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Hardly. Statists doubt that economic liberty and individual freedom are necessary, practical, or doable in today's world. It's all Obama.

Denial is not a river in Egypt.
I propose enforcing immigration.

If you're upper middle class, white, christian and you love guns, we'll deport you to Mexico. Plenty of brown people for you wanna-be soldiers to shoot.

Good one. :P But unfortunately it wouldn't work because there's no one left in Mexico anymore. They've all moved here. :D
It is a crime to overtly act out on racist beliefs. However, it is not a crime to covertly act out on racist beliefs. Prejudice is the thought, discrimination is the action. Anyone who is guided by prejudicial thinking will be employing some form of discrimination in their day to day actions, be it covert or overt.

Where the Nazis went wrong in their "congenital disability" premise is that the vast majority of disabilities are not genetically based, and therefore, not passed through offspring. Same mistake that A.G. Bell made, but that is another story. So, even when functioning under the "pure race" theory, their actions would not have ensured a superior race. The basic premise that is wrong in any form of prejudicial thinking and discriminatory action.

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