
Sorry for nto responding sooner, due to login problem. now, it's fine.

I decided to let the heat debate go since it's obviously no match for me. I don't care if they (my friends) are children of rapists because they are important to me. I'm so happy they are here. :)

I would feel the same if my young adult (child) is a rapist. But, I wouldn't let him if he continues the same problem. If he made a mistake, then he should not go to jail. I don't trust the judges because they don't give a damn about people. If he has a long rap, then he should be castrated because we are tired of seeing more problems out there. I am not saying who is right or wrong, but I believe to use the concept of a better way instead of the prison and not paying more taxes. Again, he made a mistake to have a baby, then he must support his baby and learn the hard way.

Giving a baby away that a mother would never see again for rest of her life and thinking about that baby. What's like to see him/her in 30 years? It is not a possible for anyone to find out about their baby when they become adult.

In fact, prisoners teach new prisoners to follow their leaders. In the same way when he goes to a rehab program, it does not always work. I find that disappointment that some of you missed a lot of information.

The castration is a different attitude. It is a loss of sex drive. I don't buy that story about the violence because of the hormone/testosterone loss. It is not possible for a male without testicles to get emotions. Absolute not. Ask a doctor about the castration and the sex drive.

We could try to teach young people to improve their understanding the risk of the birth control for safety. But, the problem is that we cannot help other children because their parents have the rights. This rights do not allow anyone to explain their children. You know some parents have a poor explanation due embarrassing themselves or no time to explain it to them. Who is going to do it for their children? Probably none.

Catholic schools are not allowed to have a sex education because it is a religious school. Isn't that correct? Does it mention about anti-adoption/adoption issue in school? I am wondering about that.
Sorry, I need to tell you this one off the subject a little bit.

Reba, what would happen if your son breaks a simple law? If we build more new prisons, it would be so easy for the judges to send your son to a new prison because there are plenty of rooms. That's why I do not want our government to use our money to build more prisons because guards and inmates always abuse each other that would scar their memory after they come out of the prison.

I do not like to bring this up, but we need to prevent this happen, and we want to make a simple thing like sending your son with a group to clean up on a highway, or clean up the town.

My opinion is that a rapist is for the first time probably the low level of crime. i.e. a boyfriend and a girlfriend make a mistake. She called him a rapist. It does not mean that he forced her to have a sex with him. It's their mistake. They go to a court, and let a judge decide if he should clean up the town or not - etc. If it is an evidence of force sex, it would be a whole difference story. I am not expert this one, but in a general idea. Wouldn't you agree with me? What do you think about that, Mann-K05?
My opinion is that a rapist is for the first time probably the low level of crime. i.e. a boyfriend and a girlfriend make a mistake. She called him a rapist. It does not mean that he forced her to have a sex with him. It's their mistake. They go to a court, and let a judge decide if he should clean up the town or not - etc. If it is an evidence of force sex, it would be a whole difference story. I am not expert this one, but in a general idea. Wouldn't you agree with me? What do you think about that, Mann-K05?

I try hard to not fight in forums and maybe I misunderstand, but this is wrong.

If "she called him a rapist" then she does "mean that he forced her to have a sex with him". She means exactly this. It is not "their mistake" - it is his mistake to force her. What "evidence of force sex" do you expect? Videotape? Who videotaped their sex (except Paris Hilton :P)? Witness? Who has other watch (except Paris Hilton :P)? Do you need broken bones or beaten woman and anything less is not forced? A man forced women in sex is not a "low level crime". It is rape and a big, terrible crime.
webexplorer said:
Giving a baby away that a mother would never see again for rest of her life and thinking about that baby. What's like to see him/her in 30 years? It is not a possible for anyone to find out about their baby when they become adult.
That is not true. There are a couple ways to find your child when they are grown. One way is to sign your state registry (ie Texas Vital Statistics – Central Adoption Registry ). If both the birth mother and the adoptee sign the registry, then they will be reunited. Another way to find a grown adoptee is through a search agency such as Givenright Adoption Search: Search for Birth Mother, Adoptee, Birthmother, Child Placed for Adoption, Edna Gladney . As I posted in another thread in AD, there will be an episode dedicated to reunited birth families on the Morning Show with Mike and Juliette on Tuesday, November 20th, at 9 a.m. eastern time.
Sorry, I need to tell you this one off the subject a little bit.

Reba, what would happen if your son breaks a simple law?
The punishment should fit the crime, for my adult child and everyone else's child. If it was a "simple" law (I guess you mean a misdemeanor), then it should be a fine, or a couple days on clean up crew, depending on the offense. If it was for rape, that's not a "simple" crime, that's a felony.

I do not like to bring this up, but we need to prevent this happen, and we want to make a simple thing like sending your son with a group to clean up on a highway, or clean up the town.
I see them in their striped uniforms at the side of the road all the time when I drive to work. They are the non-violent, short-time offenders, and they are under guard while they work.

My opinion is that a rapist is for the first time probably the low level of crime. i.e. a boyfriend and a girlfriend make a mistake.
That's a pretty broad conclusion with no basis of fact. Each criminal case is totally different from the next. You can't paint them with a broad brush.

She called him a rapist. It does not mean that he forced her to have a sex with him.
If he didn't commit rape then he shouldn't be punished at all. If he did commit rape then he should be punished according to the law. The judge or jury prescribes punishment within the legal guidelines.

That's what I think.
From Religious Tolerance.Org: California, Minnesota, New York and New Jersey allow homosexuals to adopt a child. 40 other states had no laws either forbidding or permitting adoption by gays or lesbians individuals or couples.

From MayoClinic.Com: How effective are condoms at preventing pregnancy?
The breakage rate for condoms is two out of 100. Of every 100 couples who use condoms incorrectly and inconsistently, 15 will experience a pregnancy during the first year of use. Of every 100 couples who use condoms correctly and consistently, only two will experience a pregnancy.
So 2% if used correctly and add spermicide for more protection.

"T"-shaped object is IUD. New IUDs are safe, but the old ones not sold now caused women problems. From Family Doc. Org: An older kind of IUD, which is no longer available, had serious side effects, including pelvic infections and infertility (problems getting pregnant after removal). These problems are very rare with the new IUDs.

IUDs are very effective. From Brown University: How effective is the IUD in preventing pregnancy and STIs?
The IUD is one of the most effective methods of contraception available. The rate of pregnancy for women using the ParaGard is 0.8% and for women using the Progestasert the rate is 2%. The IUD remains a medically safe method for many women and is the reversible contraceptive method used by more women across the globe.

Yeah, excatly. Still, to me, I expect it improve a bit more than that post you wrote because it seems not enough.. jmo. By the way, thak you for explaining a several new things that i never heard before. :D
I would feel the same if my young adult (child) is a rapist. But, I wouldn't let him if he continues the same problem. If he made a mistake, then he should not go to jail. I don't trust the judges because they don't give a damn about people. If he has a long rap, then he should be castrated because we are tired of seeing more problems out there. I am not saying who is right or wrong, but I believe to use the concept of a better way instead of the prison and not paying more taxes. Again, he made a mistake to have a baby, then he must support his baby and learn the hard way.

Yes, I aware of that.. It's frustating (sp) and, also, it's kinda of hard to reduce a rate of rape issue..

Giving a baby away that a mother would never see again for rest of her life and thinking about that baby. What's like to see him/her in 30 years? It is not a possible for anyone to find out about their baby when they become adult.

No, because I saw a young hs girl visited her child a several years ago. Why? Because a new law made to allow some females to visit their children with adoptive parent's permissions. That's what I know, unless if someone can add more information about it, of course, to correct me a bit more. :)

In fact, prisoners teach new prisoners to follow their leaders. In the same way when he goes to a rehab program, it does not always work. I find that disappointment that some of you missed a lot of information.

Yes, I aware of that and, you are right, it's not always work.. To me, I don't think it really improve a rate of any crime, honsetly.. I'd rather to see a something so different than that.. besides, what do make you think I have a lot of missing infomation. :confused:

The castration is a different attitude. It is a loss of sex drive. I don't buy that story about the violence because of the hormone/testosterone loss. It is not possible for a male without testicles to get emotions. Absolute not. Ask a doctor about the castration and the sex drive.

I don't trust any story about this, too.. it's hard for me to believe.. beside, why are you telling me to ask a doctor? because I have lot of information?

We could try to teach young people to improve their understanding the risk of the birth control for safety. But, the problem is that we cannot help other children because their parents have the rights. This rights do not allow anyone to explain their children. You know some parents have a poor explanation due embarrassing themselves or no time to explain it to them. Who is going to do it for their children? Probably none.

I think, I mean, I really think that all schools should have a open meeting for any kind of parents weekly, at tonight. To discuss, to chat with, to learn, to teach, and etc that would help parents to think twice about crime, b.c. stuff, and anything else. I don't know really.. I think it would help. :dunno:

Catholic schools are not allowed to have a sex education because it is a religious school. Isn't that correct? Does it mention about anti-adoption/adoption issue in school? I am wondering about that.

Yeah.. Just for your info, I'm not a Catholic.. But, I don't trust those because I don't like that idea. Also, yes, it should. My school taught me about that too.

actually, I'm trying to not fight with you, besides, if I have a lot of informations that I never heard of. I'd rather to see you tell me some interesting experiences, stories, or something else, that would be cool. :D ^_^ Not just tell me how you are disappointing heh.
My opinion is that a rapist is for the first time probably the low level of crime. i.e. a boyfriend and a girlfriend make a mistake. She called him a rapist. It does not mean that he forced her to have a sex with him. It's their mistake. They go to a court, and let a judge decide if he should clean up the town or not - etc. If it is an evidence of force sex, it would be a whole difference story. I am not expert this one, but in a general idea. Wouldn't you agree with me? What do you think about that, Mann-K05?

Mmm, true.. well, I somewhat agree with you because you got some great points. :) it would make a bit more sense anyhow. *nods* I think it's really nice idea, however, in my other view, it would have a conlcusion with no proofs or facts which is pretty hard to believe. Y'know?
That is not true. There are a couple ways to find your child when they are grown. One way is to sign your state registry (ie Texas Vital Statistics – Central Adoption Registry ). If both the birth mother and the adoptee sign the registry, then they will be reunited. Another way to find a grown adoptee is through a search agency such as Givenright Adoption Search: Search for Birth Mother, Adoptee, Birthmother, Child Placed for Adoption, Edna Gladney . As I posted in another thread in AD, there will be an episode dedicated to reunited birth families on the Morning Show with Mike and Juliette on Tuesday, November 20th, at 9 a.m. eastern time.

Yeah, i remember this one. :) I'm really happy about it. really. :D
Catholic schools are not allowed to have a sex education because it is a religious school. Isn't that correct? Does it mention about anti-adoption/adoption issue in school? I am wondering about that.

Hey! I went to a Catholic high school in my town. I vividly remember my health in senior year went into the hallway and looked for an administer (?). When she did not see any one, she closed the door and told the class about birth control.
Excellent explanation of the sociological theories of the causes of crime! You have ben studying hard, SCJSue! Keep up the good work!

Jillio, my professor emailed me back and he said the final will be only theories. :fingersx:
Hey! I went to a Catholic high school in my town. I vividly remember my health in senior year went into the hallway and looked for an administer (?). When she did not see any one, she closed the door and told the class about birth control.

I applause her for that! Students should know about B.C. stuff.. :/
The castration is a different attitude. It is a loss of sex drive. I don't buy that story about the violence because of the hormone/testosterone loss. It is not possible for a male without testicles to get emotions. Absolute not. Ask a doctor about the castration and the sex drive.

I don't trust any story about this, too.. it's hard for me to believe.. beside, why are you telling me to ask a doctor? because I have lot of information?

That's okay if you don't have a lot of information. You are not alone. We are learning each other. Smile. I thought that perhaps you could ask a friend of a doctor or your mother about the castration. It is part of sex drive loss. I don't know how will you say to your mother about it. Maybe, one of your friends is familiar about it. Do I have my right to allow me to ask you to ask someone about the castration? That's the problem. I feel that it is too weird for me to tell you guys about it. We often talk about abortion, and no one mentioned about the castration issue. (yuck and disgusting)

How about looking it up on google? Castration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shame on me for misreading your post again. -_-

I realized you were talking about your hubby's FATHER. I thought it's your husband, I think because of my dark background and blue font that was a bit diffcult for me reading.. haha =P

But, I think his father still have an interest for his family.

No problem. :D

It mean that my hubby´s Grandfather is a Rapist. His Grandmother don´t know which soliders and Nazis because she cannot remember how many soliders/Nazi raped her. During WWII, they don´t have DNA to find out who father is or many soliders/Nazi disappeared or killed. My hubby didn´t know what his Grandfather really is all what his father lied to my hubby that his Grandfather disappeared in WWII which is not true. My hubby learned from his father´s mother (Grandmother) when he was 16 years old. Funny is, Grandmother has no love feeling for her son (my hubby´s father) but she have love feeling for his Grandson (my hubby).

Unfortunately, my hubby´s father (my father-in-law) has no love feeling for us and our sons. We broke contact in 1997 after death of my mother-in-law. We tried to contact him via invited him to attend my son´s confirmation last April 2007 after years no contact. Yes, he attended my son´s confirmation. After that, he still has no interest to contact us. We are trying again to invite him to spend Xmas Day with us. I ask to myself often "why do we have to invite, invite, invite him? Why can´t he pay his visit volunatarily?". I know my hubby and his brother don´t receive love feeling from their father during childhood. It blames his unhappy childhood.

Like what I said before that each mother is different and has different feeling either she want to keep Rapist´s child or not.
That's okay if you don't have a lot of information. You are not alone. We are learning each other. Smile. I thought that perhaps you could ask a friend of a doctor or your mother about the castration. It is part of sex drive loss. I don't know how will you say to your mother about it. Maybe, one of your friends is familiar about it. Do I have my right to allow me to ask you to ask someone about the castration? That's the problem. I feel that it is too weird for me to tell you guys about it. We often talk about abortion, and no one mentioned about the castration issue. (yuck and disgusting)

How about looking it up on google? Castration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I was so gulped that I did not realize that site has a bunch of information, too much details for castation. O_O I now know some more about it. :D Thanks for this.

That's okay if you don't have a lot of information. You are not alone. We are learning each other. Smile.

True. I hate it when I feel like I miss something so impt, at the least, I am happy that ADers, inculding you, and I can teach each other. :D

It is part of sex drive loss. I don't know how will you say to your mother about it. Maybe, one of your friends is familiar about it. Do I have my right to allow me to ask you to ask someone about the castration? That's the problem. I feel that it is too weird for me to tell you guys about it. We often talk about abortion, and no one mentioned about the castration issue.

Ah, I don't know about that but I agreed pretty much what you said so. Besides, my thread is suppose to discuss/debate about anti-adoption/adoption so let's go back to the subject. Shall we?

I am actually surprise there are some new information/laws/rules have been added for adoption topic. It seems it gets slight improvement or maybe it's just me as in my own view. Mmm..

tell me what do you know about adoption?
No problem. :D

It mean that my hubby´s Grandfather is a Rapist. His Grandmother don´t know which soliders and Nazis because she cannot remember how many soliders/Nazi raped her. During WWII, they don´t have DNA to find out who father is or many soliders/Nazi disappeared or killed. My hubby didn´t know what his Grandfather really is all what his father lied to my hubby that his Grandfather disappeared in WWII which is not true. My hubby learned from his father´s mother (Grandmother) when he was 16 years old. Funny is, Grandmother has no love feeling for her son (my hubby´s father) but she have love feeling for his Grandson (my hubby).

Unfortunately, my hubby´s father (my father-in-law) has no love feeling for us and our sons. We broke contact in 1997 after death of my mother-in-law. We tried to contact him via invited him to attend my son´s confirmation last April 2007 after years no contact. Yes, he attended my son´s confirmation. After that, he still has no interest to contact us. We are trying again to invite him to spend Xmas Day with us. I ask to myself often "why do we have to invite, invite, invite him? Why can´t he pay his visit volunatarily?". I know my hubby and his brother don´t receive love feeling from their father during childhood. It blames his unhappy childhood.

Like what I said before that each mother is different and has different feeling either she want to keep Rapist´s child or not.

Ah, damn.. people should know a child of rapist is NOT going to be "monster" type or father like personality, each child has a different personality. It's depend on who is who. I jsut hate when females easily assmue their children that they are not so speical or something else.

well, life goes on. :/
Ah, damn.. people should know a child of rapist is NOT going to be "monster" type or father like personality, each child has a different personality. It's depend on who is who. I jsut hate when females easily assmue their children that they are not so speical or something else.

well, life goes on. :/

Yes I know and agree but I can´t say anything because each mother has different feeling/emotion.