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Originally posted by Fly Free
im gonna HISS thats for sure! *joins my babies in a *hissing* chorus* :rofl:

are there secrets u have and u are desperate to tell someone about q (not haveta go deep just "yes" or "no" answer is fine)

yes i do but noti gonna mention now.... its gonna wait a while...

have u wonder HOW U gonna talk to a person abt secrets??
Originally posted by Fly Free
uhmm yes i have and it is challenging i know

what drives u nuts qq

men with balls drives me nuts LOLOL JKJK get it balls -nuts HAHAHAHA

seriously the one thing that deffy drives me nuts is the way mom and dad pester me on how to take care of the pad ( my dog)

when u house sit do u tend to get nosy on poeple's personal property?
:rofl: hahahahah Javapride

no -- just nosy in the kitchen to find the right thing im looking for and where theyre kept LOL otherwise no reason to be nosy *shrugs*

if u are petite (between 4'9 - 5'5) do u ever wish u are taller qq opposite for those who are TALL (between 6'5 to 7'11) do u ever wish u are shorter qq
Originally posted by Fly Free
:rofl: hahahahah Javapride

no -- just nosy in the kitchen to find the right thing im looking for and where theyre kept LOL otherwise no reason to be nosy *shrugs*

if u are petite (between 4'9 - 5'5) do u ever wish u are taller qq opposite for those who are TALL (between 6'5 to 7'11) do u ever wish u are shorter qq

im happy with the way I am i belive i was told to grow to a certain height and learn the challegenges in life thru that height and yes thru the eyes of others who are taller or shorter BUT i also have an advantage. TALL womyn and ofc seeing the breast RIGHT SMACK DAB IN THE FACE heheheh :lol:

if ur short do poeple tend to tell u u can't go on this certain ride? if ur TOO tall do u have to deal with them asking u if u play basketball???
Originally posted by Fly Free
:rofl: hahahahah Javapride

no -- just nosy in the kitchen to find the right thing im looking for and where theyre kept LOL otherwise no reason to be nosy *shrugs*

if u are petite (between 4'9 - 5'5) do u ever wish u are taller qq opposite for those who are TALL (between 6'5 to 7'11) do u ever wish u are shorter qq

I wish I can be short!!! that mean i have to wait for few decades for my bone become strink so i can be short like my pettie friends!

How can u get some hints from someone who crush you???
good question Lasza -- some are VERY good at keeping it hush hush -- but some surefire ways is wanting to spend time with u and etc id think

what do u hope u are doing 5 years from now q
Originally posted by Fly Free
good question Lasza -- some are VERY good at keeping it hush hush -- but some surefire ways is wanting to spend time with u and etc id think

what do u hope u are doing 5 years from now q

continuing my anger management i dont forsee it ending for a while, i want to make this an ongoing so i can truly get thru this thick skull of mine, I ALSO will have hoped to graduate with a degree in my hand :)

when u graduate from college do u intend to follow thru ur degree planning or just find another job thats WAY off base of ur degree???
Originally posted by Fly Free
YES i do dammit!

and what do u see urself in 10 years q

doing my job ( if i ever have one) and settling down being happy with my partner if i have one :)
*pointing at Javapride* she didnt post a question hahahahah

ok question from MOI would be -- what was the INSANEST thing u have done q
Originally posted by Fly Free
*pointing at Javapride* she didnt post a question hahahahah

ok question from MOI would be -- what was the INSANEST thing u have done q

AWWWW SHEESH see what happens when my bladder controls me ! Sowwy all I doh head!

insanest thing i ever done was run on a cliff and suprised fly free wondering HOW i can do that! LOLOL!
Originally posted by Fly Free
*pointing at Javapride* she didnt post a question hahahahah

ok question from MOI would be -- what was the INSANEST thing u have done q

AWWWW SHEESH see what happens when my bladder controls me ! Sowwy all I doh head!

insanest thing i ever done was run on a cliff and suprised fly free wondering HOW i can do that! LOLOL!

HOW crazy would u go to do anything ur heart's desire???
the kraziest thing i would do is .. well two things, one go on a skydiving WITH the PRIDE parachute in the air! and the other craziest thing i would plby do is just live in the truck and travel all over usa and write from my experince..

what would u do if someone told u that u had to do the worse possible imaginable thing like be forced to live with someone that has a crazy head ( mental plms)
ohhhh SKYDIVING !!!!!!!!!!! that would be massively COOL! and with pride colors yayayaya heheh

i would first find out what kind of background and problems the person has prior to agreeing to give it a try :dunno: really if i WOULD actually do that
Originally posted by Fly Free
ohhhh SKYDIVING !!!!!!!!!!! that would be massively COOL! and with pride colors yayayaya heheh

i would first find out what kind of background and problems the person has prior to agreeing to give it a try :dunno: really if i WOULD actually do that

Gurls, are u both daydreaming alot lately??? forgot about Questions. :naughty: