Another Shooting Spree

That's sad about school shooting and Santa Monica is very beautiful place.
Out-of-state purchases (gun shows) or black market.

It is illegal to carry assault weapon into California without permit from state government.

Black market? They don't follow law.
why aren't you complaining about mentally-ill people? notice that in just about all school shootings... they're caused by mentally-ill people.

California is one of the most gun-restrictive states and yet... this happened. why? because you're focusing on wrong thing.

Yes, California has worst treatment for mental illness, that's not 1950's anymore and their prison housed a lot of mentally ill today instead of hospital.
It's too common that people are blaming on guns... it can't kill someone by itself. Assault rifles are illegal in many states and still there is a lot of loopholes that people sneak illegal guns into.

In many cases, young kids got ahold of guns and accidentally killed someone... do you blame guns made kids accessible to? No, the irresponsible owners didn't store the guns properly.

How did assault rifles get into the wrong hands... those people with mental issues or gangs smuggling guns around. Guns don't travel by itself, it travels through those wrong hands.

Would gun control solve the problem? Probably not... 2nd amendment is a major reason. Would seizing illegal weapons and destroy them help? Perhaps that would reduce the guns but there is always another way to do such violence such as bombings.
Well said!

It's too common that people are blaming on guns... it can't kill someone by itself. Assault rifles are illegal in many states and still there is a lot of loopholes that people sneak illegal guns into.

In many cases, young kids got ahold of guns and accidentally killed someone... do you blame guns made kids accessible to? No, the irresponsible owners didn't store the guns properly.

How did assault rifles get into the wrong hands... those people with mental issues or gangs smuggling guns around. Guns don't travel by itself, it travels through those wrong hands.

Would gun control solve the problem? Probably not... 2nd amendment is a major reason. Would seizing illegal weapons and destroy them help? Perhaps that would reduce the guns but there is always another way to do such violence such as bombings.
All of you haven't answered my question. Why did he use the assault rifle, not knife, sword or shotgun?
All of you haven't answered my question. Why did he use the assault rifle, not knife, sword or shotgun?

because assault rifle is capable to kill more people really quickly.
because assault rifle is capable to kill more people really quickly.
YES, that's why other mass murderers used it, too. So is it not reasonable to ban assault weapons all over in USA (meaning stop manufacturing them)?
Isn't it obvious? The most simple answer is "Carnage!"

All of you haven't answered my question. Why did he use the assault rifle, not knife, sword or shotgun?
Sure, they have used bombs for mass killing too. Even used plane as weapon of mass murders as well.

You have NO IDEA how many guns are in this planet! Once ban, millions, or maybe even billions of rifles will be tucked and hide and NO one is going to give up thousands of dollars worth of rifles. There is NO way we can wipe them out. Government have made several UNSUCCESSFUL attempts to wipe out several things, including alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, guns, and so forth and NONE have yield productive result.

If one wants to obtain guns, there are many ways to do so and they are very easily obtain, by smuggling, though straw buyers, stealing, and IF one has machine shop, they got everything needed to make guns from scratch and no one will know.

If you wish to be in gun free zone, move to Japan, or Brazil in South America, good luck surviving in Brazil!

Leave 2nd Amendment ****ing alone will ya?

All of you haven't answered my question. Why did he use the assault rifle, not knife, sword or shotgun?
YES, that's why other mass murderers used it, too. So is it not reasonable to ban assault weapons all over in USA (meaning stop manufacturing them)?

No, we can't ban it because of constitutional issue and assault weapon is widely use in military, LEO (FBI, ATF, DEA, SWAT) and militias.

If assault weapon is banned in the US so we can still get assault weapon from black market. How amazing are you think about perfect gun control law. :ugh: