Another newbie :)


New Member
Dec 16, 2005
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G'day y'all.

I'm a hearing guy, living in Canberra, Australia. Used to go out (um, go with, date, whatever the expression is) a Deaf girl. Unfortunately, that finished (right person, wrong time. Life sucks majorly, sometimes). So this is my only real connection to d/Deafness.

Anyway, she taught me some Auslan (Australian Sign Language), and when I found out that there were classes at a local college, I enrolled. Two years later, I've finished the 4th certificate, and was looking forward to a more advanced course next year but there aren't enough people enrolled for the college to run it. Major let down.

Quite recently I found out that my mother's father (now unfortunately deceased) had a deaf friend when he and my grandmother lived in a small country town, and he learn to sign quite fluently. It would be so wonderful if he was still alive...the stories he could tell...

Along the way I've become quite interested in literacy and education. Maybe one day a career change will happen and I'll end up teaching literacy... who knows? Right now I work for a research organisation in a technical training area. For the last three years, I've fought pitched battles against Microsoft Word, and won all except two - we have a lot of international researchers who visit us ( and one Chinese guy has a mixture of Chinese and English software on his computer, which seems to wreak havoc with Word.

Anyway, I finally joined AD because I wanted to comment on the "cleaning bathrooms thread". I share a house with a woman, and do a lot of the cleaning....but I'll leave that story for later :D
Welcome you stay AD and let's breath away...


You'll meeting some of members here cool on my book!
G'day flutable,
Welcome to AD. I hope you'll learn stuff. It's great you had learned Auslan.
Cheers! :wave:
:welcome to AD and I hope that you have enjoy to look around these posts!!! :D
nice to meet a newbie2,....and I am hearing, studying deaf education and would love to make some friends here...especially those who use hh friends don't so i don't have a chance to sign w them...Trust'll find ur true love.....
Hi flutable :welcome: & enjoy AD. That's quite interesting about your grandfather who knew signs... I wonder if you were able to reach his deaf friend (if still alive) to get stories?
thanks for all your greets :) AD seems to be a good place to be.

@flyfishfemme: I asked my grandmother if my grandfather's friend was still alive, but he died in the early 1980s. But I might see if any of his family are still around....hmmm....good idea.

I was at a conference this week, and a girl there suggested that I interview my grandmother and record her life story...maybe if this other guy's family were still around I could do the same.

For Australia's bicentenary, in 1988, a group of older Deaf Australians were interviewed and videoed. Each video has each person talking about their lives, based around a particular theme, such as early childhood, family, work, school and so on. Really interesting stuff, though much of it is signed way too fast for me to comprehend!
Hello there!!

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here! ;)
welcome I am also an avis MS word hater becase of the buggyness, I think it is cool that you are intrested in education it takes a big hart to do that kind of work and a lot of pashints
Welcome to All Deaf and have fun here! You'll be able to find different and tons of topics to be involved with ;) Enjoy!
Welcome to AD, mate! I used to live in Melbourne, Victoria for 6.5 years -- I've been back in the States since December 2004 (exactly a year since I left Australia)