Another example california is a socialist state

California has always been a bloody jungle. Theres no genuine justice. Political warlords continue to manipulate the legal system.

Crazymanw00t said:
... California can live without US. ...Probaly most advanced military forces in world, too....
Please explain how California would have "most advanced military forces in world" if it became an independent country. If California split from the U.S., all the Navy, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marines would still belong to the U.S., not California.
Crazymanw00t said:
BUT we can't let California be independece from USA because Californians are very liberal people. I can not let liberals run California as independent state. It will cause too many problems and crisis!
Let's not forget that rich counties like Orange County could decide to become independent states then it'd mean bad news for California!
Reba said:
Please explain how California would have "most advanced military forces in world" if it became an independent country. If California split from the U.S., all the Navy, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marines would still belong to the U.S., not California.

It is all about military technologies. California made about more than half of our military technologies.
Brian said:
Let's not forget that rich counties like Orange County could decide to become independent states then it'd mean bad news for California!

Orange country is nothing. It is only people with big money in their pocket. California depends on Silicon Valley, San Fransisco trading center, ports, farmers at valley of California, wine at Napa, our new technologies, rockets/nuclear research at livermoore, and our economic still grows without orange country.
Reba said:
Please explain how California would have "most advanced military forces in world" if it became an independent country. If California split from the U.S., all the Navy, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marines would still belong to the U.S., not California.
Wasnt that Diane Feinstein who wanted some of california military bases closed during those clinton years because she says russia was no longer a threat to us?
To my belief, California still need USA no matter what.. I'm certain that if California secede from USA, USA might turn their back on California.. What if next nasty earthquake struck California, who else can Californians loan money from to rebuild the damages as in the past for California to depend on FEMA. If California secede, that goes with social securities to support million of illegal/legal alien from Mexico, deaf, blind, and etc, costly border patrol agents between the line of the States and Mexico, homeland security, etc, and etc y'all get the ideas.. It's costly and since that California are in red ink economically. Even if California is on its own, i'd doubt that they will survive that long.. they will get on their knees and beg for USA to get them back. Just my two cents, merry xmas ya'll. :)