Another example california is a socialist state

ravensteve1961 said:
Because the trial is a disgrace. Ita all for political reasons. Theres is NO PROOF scott peterson murder laci. Theres no DNA proof. Theres no EYEWITNESS. All is hearsay. I think when someone or something breaks out found out someone else killed laci guess what scott peterson is gonna do. SUE the state of california. SUE the city of modesto,. SUE the modesto Police dept,, SUE the police officer who arrseted him falsely,, SUE the laci parents and finaly he is gonna SUE amber frey. He will be a very very very rich man!

I am getting very tired of your rantings. You blame everyone for everything else.

I refuse to respond to any more of your postings. I am fed up with listening to your ravings. You are too angry/bitter to think logically.
wait a minute

Scott peterson isn't in sport and fitness section

Talk about scott's trial ? use the other topic!

mod~~ Do you agree ??????????

WBHarley said:
wait a minute

Scott peterson isn't in sport and fitness section

Talk about scott's trial ? use the other topic!

mod~~ Do you agree ??????????


Raven cant keep track of his topics. I keep asking him to tell me why he says that California is a socialist state. :dizzy:
Meg said:
Raven cant keep track of his topics. I keep asking him to tell me why he says that California is a socialist state. :dizzy:

Yup I know I was reading ( 4 times today on this TOPIC.. )I was thinking-- what does this have to do with this or that or that.. I though it was about football.. so it has gone off topic since it kept on stick to 1 topic.. I recall we have * peterson guilty * somewhere here ?? Let me see if I can find it

So Raven here's link you can talk about peterson in there!

Agreed Harley but why Meg keeps asking me why i think california is a socialist state. So she bought of off topic, The title does say "california is a socialist state " It was a figure of speech because they dont have a right to tell the NCAA what to do. So i suggested all california college teams to move to divison 1-AA so the NCAA cant make the rose bowl part of the BCS. So california can still have their rose bowl tradition.That all they had to do.
ravensteve1961 said:
Agreed Harley but why Meg keeps asking me why i think california is a socialist state. So she bought of off topic, The title does say "california is a socialist state " It was a figure of speech because they dont have a right to tell the NCAA what to do. So i suggested all california college teams to move to divison 1-AA so the NCAA cant make the rose bowl part of the BCS. So california can still have their rose bowl tradition.That all they had to do.

Raven, I did not go off on the topic. You made up the title and I have every right to question you because I do not see any relationship between football and California being socialist state.

You need to look up the definition of socialism. This has nothing to do with socialism.

You tend to be careless with words you use here. You claim it was just figure of speech but words are very powerful. Do not underestimate power of words because your words have angered me. the article again...

I will c/p here.

California lawmaker seeks end of Bowl Championship Series
December 13, 2004

SACRAMENTO (AP) -- The Republican leader of the California Senate has introduced a resolution calling for the dissolution of the Bowl Championship Series.

Sen. Dick Ackerman, an unhappy alumnus of California, is only half-kidding with the measure, which even if approved could not force the breakup of the BCS.

Ackerman, a 1964 Cal graduate, is furious that his school lost a chance to play in one of college football's big-money games despite ranking among the top five in the polls most of the year.

``The BCS has proven in its seven-year existence that it is a failure,'' Ackerman said. ``It has failed at the expense of California and other Pac-10 teams that have lost millions of dollars in revenue.''

There's no word yet whether the Texas legislature will seek a resolution endorsing the BCS. Texas slipped past Cal in the BCS standings in the final week and received an invitation to play in the Rose Bowl, even though the Longhorns were previously ranked behind Cal.

Ackerman blamed Cal's loss on last-minute lobbying efforts by Texas officials.

``Politicking and campaigning have no place in college athletics,'' he said. ``Teams should be judged on their performances on the field and not by the success of their PR campaigns.''

Now I will put a sentence in BOLD here...:
Sen. Dick Ackerman, an unhappy alumnus of California, is only half-kidding with the measure, which even if approved could not force the breakup of the BCS.

Now read again...: "...only half-kidding with the measure..."

Now read again...: "...even if approved could not force the breakup of the BCS."

Get it?

Nothing to worry about. Just more ravings from someone that didnt do enough research.
Meg said:
Raven, didnt anyone teach you that if you spew out your opinions/facts, you are always to FOLLOW up with these with genuine evidence if someone questions you regarding these?

You have no right to tell us that US is better off without CA. I am a proud Californian native and do not appreciate you spewing out facts without backing these up.

You need to start thinking twice before you spew out because most people will always ask you to clarify. We cannot just accept your far fetched ideas like that.

You apparently do not know what socialism means. Canada is one example of Socialist systems and you did not bother to explain to me why you felt California is a socialist state.

US can't live without CA. CA can live without US.
Dont Break up the BCS!! But improve the BCS and turn it into a playoff format. Like look at the BCS standings.
1ST BCS Playoff Bowl at Superdome in New Orleans
1.USC vs 4 TEXAS @ 4PM December 18th
2.Oklahoma vs Auburn @ 8:00PM December 18th
Winners will play national championship game in miami
Losers will go to the rose bowl.Just like in NCAA BBALL Tourny.
Thats how you inprove the BCS
ravensteve1961 said:
Dont Break up the BCS!! But improve the BCS and turn it into a playoff format. Like look at the BCS standings.
1ST BCS Playoff Bowl at Superdome in New Orleans
1.USC vs 4 TEXAS @ 4PM December 18th
2.Oklahoma vs Auburn @ 8:00PM December 18th
Winners will play national championship game in miami
Losers will go to the rose bowl.Just like in NCAA BBALL Tourny.
Thats how you inprove the BCS

Good idea. :) What about sugar bowl?
Meg said:
Raven, didnt anyone teach you that if you spew out your opinions/facts, you are always to FOLLOW up with these with genuine evidence if someone questions you regarding these?

You have no right to tell us that US is better off without CA. I am a proud Californian native and do not appreciate you spewing out facts without backing these up.

You need to start thinking twice before you spew out because most people will always ask you to clarify. We cannot just accept your far fetched ideas like that.

You apparently do not know what socialism means. Canada is one example of Socialist systems and you did not bother to explain to me why you felt California is a socialist state.

Please remember your Admenment I ,
"Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." from

He have right to say whatever he want to say.

Anyway, I believe you are giving wrong definition to him about, "Canada is one example of Socialist systems." Canada operated by Democratic Socialist system. Socialist system points out to communism system not what Canada have in their government system.

ravensteve1961- I don't know you. I see that you have lack of logical order and I understood what you were trying to say. Maybe it is better for you to find a link or definition or sources to support your comments/statements to us. As you can see that I am giving many supports of my statements to on this My best advice, don't speak out without any support of your statements on debates or giving serious info. If you know that you have support of your statements but you cannot prove it then it is better to not statement it. Unless you really wish to statement it and you may want to say I have sources of my statements but I am searching for it or mention it as my opinion until you proves it.

Number one rule that you have your own 1st admenment and you should know it by your heart.
jazzy said:
US can't live without CA. CA can live without US.
Excalty! :D

I born at California, grew, and still living there. I know that US can't live without California. California can live without US. California have its own technology system, invention and factory at Silicon Valley and at Livermoore, too. California have many raw resources, farms, trees, water, technology, quality of workers, education, and etc. I believe California would be better if it was independence from USA. California would become a world richest country. Probaly most advanced military forces in world, too.

You can find thousands information on

BUT we can't let California be independece from USA because Californians are very liberal people. I can not let liberals run California as independent state. It will cause too many problems and crisis!
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Jazzy said:
US can't live without CA. CA can live without US.

Crazymanw00t said:
BUT we can't let California be independece from USA because Californians are very liberal people. I can not let liberals run California as independent state. It will cause too many problems and crisis!
I disagree. Look at Sweden. Their economy, education, family values, morals, etc etc.. is 20 - 50 years ahead of America... and *gasp* their country is liberal/socialist. Now, New Europe wants to copy some of Sweden's systems to solve the situations & issues. So therefore, if California seceded from America with liberal in control, it will become a powerful nation for sure. Oh also, if California seceded, it will become the third richest nation on this planet.

(Add): Canada is a socialist country, look at them. They are doing well. That says much...

Edit: Crazyman, I read your signature... do you know that Jesus was a liberal and strongly believe in liberalism. Did Jesus cause any problem? Hmm? I guess not. So keep that in your mind. Also there are more than 300 verses in the bible deemed that God is a liberal as well. I will follow up about that one in my new topic whenever I listen to one priest who preach for more than 60 years this morning.
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DreamDeaf said: the article again...

I will c/p here.

California lawmaker seeks end of Bowl Championship Series
December 13, 2004

SACRAMENTO (AP) -- The Republican leader of the California Senate has introduced a resolution calling for the dissolution of the Bowl Championship Series.

Sen. Dick Ackerman, an unhappy alumnus of California, is only half-kidding with the measure, which even if approved could not force the breakup of the BCS.

Ackerman, a 1964 Cal graduate, is furious that his school lost a chance to play in one of college football's big-money games despite ranking among the top five in the polls most of the year.

``The BCS has proven in its seven-year existence that it is a failure,'' Ackerman said. ``It has failed at the expense of California and other Pac-10 teams that have lost millions of dollars in revenue.''

There's no word yet whether the Texas legislature will seek a resolution endorsing the BCS. Texas slipped past Cal in the BCS standings in the final week and received an invitation to play in the Rose Bowl, even though the Longhorns were previously ranked behind Cal.

Ackerman blamed Cal's loss on last-minute lobbying efforts by Texas officials.

``Politicking and campaigning have no place in college athletics,'' he said. ``Teams should be judged on their performances on the field and not by the success of their PR campaigns.''

Now I will put a sentence in BOLD here...:
Sen. Dick Ackerman, an unhappy alumnus of California, is only half-kidding with the measure, which even if approved could not force the breakup of the BCS.

Now read again...: "...only half-kidding with the measure..."

Now read again...: "...even if approved could not force the breakup of the BCS."

Get it?

Nothing to worry about. Just more ravings from someone that didnt do enough research.
Awesome post. Thank you for straightening this topic out! :cheers:
Magatsu said:
(Add): Canada is a socialist country, look at them. They are doing well. That says much...
Please read my pervious post about definiation word with Socialist. It is Democratic Socialist.
Magatsu said:
Edit: Crazyman, I read your signature... do you know that Jesus was a liberal and strongly believe in liberalism. Did Jesus cause any problem? Hmm? I guess not. So keep that in your mind. Also there are more than 300 verses in the bible deemed that God is a liberal as well. I will follow up about that one in my new topic whenever I listen to one priest who preach for more than 60 years this morning.

Remember this, Liberal and Conservative is upon people's belief. I have to say this, and I really disagree with you that you stated Jesus is liberalism. Jesus is Jesus and nothing like Liberalism or Conservatism. If Jesus were Liberalism then he should say Homosexual and Homosexual Marriage are ok. If Jesus were Conservatism then he would put Homosexual people behind the bar. Therefore, it is upon people's beliefs.
Just out of curiosity, why do legislators worry about passing laws about stupid things. I don't mean the subject itself is stupid as sports are highly loved by many and generate revenue for the state. Why would someone admit to:

Sen. Dick Ackerman, an unhappy alumnus of California, is only half-kidding with the measure, which even if approved could not force the breakup of the BCS.

I could see where he was coming from if he believed it would be doing something....Senators pass stupid (IMO) laws all the time...But, I know they are fighting for what they believe in and believe they are doing the right thing. When a senator does something like this its like saying 'Ha, Ha...All I'm doing is wasting time and taxpayer money by trying to get such a thing passed just for the hell of it'. Why not 'waste' that time working on worthwhile bills and laws? Like I said, if he believed in it, I could see where he was coming from, but why intentionally waste the resources when there is so much more out there to be done?
Crazymanw00t said:
Please read my pervious post about definiation word with Socialist. It is Democratic Socialist.
I believe you missed my point. If California seceded from USA, it automatically will become to Democratic Socialist for sure. Either way.. Democractic Socialist, Socialist or Liberal. Just like Sweden. Sweden's systems are SO successful that New Europe want to adopt. Its alone said much about liberals/socialists.

Crazymanw00t said:
Remember this, Liberal and Conservative is upon people's belief. I have to say this, and I really disagree with you that you stated Jesus is liberalism. Jesus is Jesus and nothing like Liberalism or Conservatism. If Jesus were Liberalism then he should say Homosexual and Homosexual Marriage are ok. If Jesus were Conservatism then he would put Homosexual people behind the bar. Therefore, it is upon people's beliefs.
Edit: I totally disagree with you. I edited this comment out due to offtopic and I will bring it into my new topic. But I want to add: As the priest I spoke of explained, 'judge not, lest ye be judged.' alone automatically separate Jesus and God from conservatives since liberalism itself practice to NOT judge while most conservatives practically love to judge others. Anyway, we are offtopic'ing, I am not going to offtopic again so save it for a new topic that I plan to create. Sayonara.

Taylor said:
Just out of curiosity, why do legislators worry about passing laws about stupid things. I don't mean the subject itself is stupid as sports are highly loved by many and generate revenue for the state. Why would someone admit to:

I could see where he was coming from if he believed it would be doing something....Senators pass stupid (IMO) laws all the time...But, I know they are fighting for what they believe in and believe they are doing the right thing. When a senator does something like this its like saying 'Ha, Ha...All I'm doing is wasting time and taxpayer money by trying to get such a thing passed just for the hell of it'. Why not 'waste' that time working on worthwhile bills and laws? Like I said, if he believed in it, I could see where he was coming from, but why intentionally waste the resources when there is so much more out there to be done?
That's what I wonder... You have a good point as usual.
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