Animals Foods


Active Member
Aug 25, 2003
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How many do you feed animals in one day? I feed dog two times in one day morning and night and I feeding ferret two times in one day morning and night.
There's 3 cats and sometimes one dog in my household. Cats feed off the dry feeder whenever they feel like and I give moist food to the oldest cat while locking the 2 'teen' kittens in the bathroom for about 20 minutes. The dog is fed 2 times a day.

Lovely day I have to have LOL.

Yes the dog have to two time...

My rats anytime. Until the bowl was empty or left seeds. Add more that'all...
i feed my cat morning n lunch and supper cuz of he dont like eat dry foods so i feed him from sheba and fancy small cans..
My Hamster has her bowl of food in her cage at all times, so usually she doesn't eat it all in one day. I buy her alot of different type of foods such as sunflower seeds, hamster food with fruits, nuts, vegetables, snacks sometimes bread and corn.

careful about that bowl,you might make her fat leaving it in the cage :sadwave:
harleymn said:
careful about that bowl,you might make her fat leaving it in the cage :sadwave:

I know how to care for my hamster I have books and read in websites. It never said to take food bowl out of hamster cage. Water bottle and food can leave in cage at all times. Same goes for Rabbits too. Thank you.;)
I feed my two furkids (BabyCat and PeeWee) twice a day, with fresh water at the same time. They're on a special diet, because of PeeWee's bladder stone surgery several years ago...*rme*
I feed my cats dry cat food -- they eat that one anytime of the day, but as for wet food..twice a day.
My roomate is an idiot! he feed his cat one time a day and cat is really starving and meow all time. I told him please feed cat twice a day and he said I rather one time a day that's my decision.
I feed my doggies twice a day, they get their breakfast in the morning and dinner at night. Izzie bird eats the majority of his food in the morning, but I give him a little snack at bedtime. Birdies don't eat lots. LOL! Although, my Izzie does have a healthy appetite...I have to make sure he eats the "right" foods because birds can develop fatty liver disease.