Amber Alert!


Active Member
May 1, 2003
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Be on the look out for 11-year old CARLIE BRUCIA.

She was abducted from Evie's Car Wash on February 1, 2004 around 6:16 p.m. The abductor is described as a White male with dark brown hair, 20-40 years old, 5'10", and approximately 200 lbs. He was last seen wearing a dark colored uniform shirt with a name patch, dark colored pants, and white shoes. Carlie was last seen wearing blue jeans and a red T-shirt. She was carrying a pink backpack.

CLICK HERE for further information. Here is a photograph of the young girl:


Keep your eyes open! Help police bring Carlie home.
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It's Amber, not Ambre. Named after a girl long ago who was abudcted. It came to effect right after the return of Elizabeth Smart.
I know Deaf258. It's a typo. I did an edit to correct it, but it did not change the typo. :eek:

The important thing is finding Carlie.
Umm... the post isn't clear. I don't even know where this happened. It would be like advertising a kidnapping in some small unheard local nameless gas station without naming the city and state. For all we know it could have happened in Graceland... since you said Elvis.
VamPyroX said:
Umm... the post isn't clear. I don't even know where this happened. It would be like advertising a kidnapping in some small unheard local nameless gas station without naming the city and state. For all we know it could have happened in Graceland... since you said Elvis.

It's Elvie's not Elvis. :) I reckon you may need to get a new pair of reading glasses! *runs*
On a more serious note -- of course, sure hope that Carlie'll be found safe and sound...and be returned to her family ASAP.
A lot of those 'missing kids' services online all mainly started after both Amber and Polly Klaas went missing. Polly Klaas was the 12 year old girl who was abducted at knifepoint at her home in Petaluma, California (not far from where I was born and raised).
Seeing the determination in the community of Sonoma County -- it gave me the goosebumps. I drove past the area where Polly was found dead just about every day to work...up past Kenwood/Sonoma on Hwy 12.
Her memorial service was packed with thousands of people and I was in the church to pay my respects to her family and Polly. Her grandfather, Joe and her father, Marc...her mother, Eve and including Winona Ryder all were there. they all were so overwhelmed by the outpour of emotions and support they got from the community.

Marc Klaas' site

Polly Klaas Org
I hate to report this bad news. A source from another forum who works for a local news radio station (610 WIOD FM- Miami) has made this sad report:

I hate to be the first to report this.

But Carlie has been found dead. It was reported by 610 WIOD. They have a source at a radio station called 94.9 Zeta who has a connection with the family and they were informed last night she is dead.

I know. The mainstream media is not reporting this because it has not been confirmed by the police.

Again, this source is from News Radio 610 WIOD. They have an exclusive connection with someone in the family and they were informed that police told the family last night she was dead.

If you noticed today in the press conference. The Sheriff did not mention if she was alive or dead, just that they were in the process of finding her because again, since it's not confirmed it is not going to be made public.

Don't get me wrong. I pray to god that this source is wrong.

But nothing will be made public by the mainstream media until it's official.

I'm just relaying what I heard from a very creadible news media outlet.

I hope this is wrong and the girl is still alive. Let's all pray that Carlie is still alive.

Kidnap Suspect's Housemate Saw Tape, Called 911
The video of a man who approached 11-year-old Carlie Brucia led to the arrest of Joseph Smith, according to a woman who lives with him, who saw the video and called police.

Here's link about Kidnap Suspect's Housemate

*sigh* I hate pay for previewing "Video camera catches abduction of Carlie Brucia.
PLAY VIDEO " Anyone who know about free viewing ?? I would love to see what happend about her. Hope she'll be alright and stay alive..
I pray for her and her family would be happy returned home safetly..
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well i hope she's found sooN! im afraid this is going to be a repeat of the polly klass situation!
Florida Girl Kidnapped on Tape Found Dead
A suspect has been charged in the kidnapping and death of 11-year-old Carlie Brucia, whose body has been found, Sarasota County Sheriff Bill Balkwill said Friday.
Body has been found

I'm very upsetting.. That really hurts me.. That man belongs prisionment!!!
He really extremelly sicko and :asshole: guy! What he really want be killed her for what reason? for Sex then dead! Wha... a heck he doing ?
How tragic. I hope they lock him up and throw away the key. This may be stereotypical, but inmates go out of their way to harrass child rapists/murderers. I think having to live with that every single day of his life would be an appropriate sentence.
he was arrested 13 times and he still gets out into the streets!

why are some people SO fucking stupid when they let some animals like him out into the streets and hurts other people??