AllDeaf's very own trash newspaper

LOL oddball! funny!
I think we should something special for bbnt .. cos he gives a lot to this community!
{The Deaf Enquirer} 2nd print
In wedding news Angel and Roadrunner finally got married, at first this just seemed like a normal wedding but with a little investigative reporting we found out that Angel had Cheri take her place at the alter because Angel's favorite show "The bachelor" was on at the same time and she didn't think Roadrunner could tell the difference anyway.

Later when it came time to go on the honeymoon Cheri didn't want to go and it turns out she went to watch TV with her sister. Las Vegas betting odds on who went with Roadrunner on the honeymoon is as follows

Liebling 4 to 1

RebelGirl 7 to 1

MizzDeaf 12 to 1

Peachlady's husband (Toolman) 23 to 1

??? what the hell??? hmmmm oookkkkk

Hey, BBNT, I need a new prescription and refill, it called a "laugh-like-hell-pills."
Hey, BBNT, I need a new prescription and refill, it called a "laugh-like-hell-pills."

Here it is, I think BBNT is too slow. ;)

Thanks, dude. *gulped*........hmm...nothing still.....hahahahahahahha....whoa...what the a..hahahahahahha....wrong.....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....pills!!..hahahahahahhahahahahah...*coughing*.....need hahahaha..damn it..hahahahahahahahahahahaha....haha.......ha......I'm good now....*ahem*....Here, Clarke, I don't need it. But thanks. :)
Thanks, dude. *gulped*........hmm...nothing still.....hahahahahahahha....whoa...what the a..hahahahahahha....wrong.....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....pills!!..hahahahahahhahahahahah...*coughing*.....need hahahaha..damn it..hahahahahahahahahahahaha....haha.......ha......I'm good now....*ahem*....Here, Clarke, I don't need it. But thanks. :)

I thought you wanted the laugh-a-hell pills?