AIM Deaf - the deaf AIM chatroom info-bot!


New Member
Dec 24, 2005
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The new AIM Deaf chatroom info-bot is now available to the deaf community!

AIM Deaf is a new IM/chatroom service that provides a chatroom on AIM where all deaf are welcome to enter and chat freely with no stupid 'room owner' or 'moderator' to ban them!


First, add this screen name to your buddy list: AIM Deaf

Then, send an IM to AIM Deaf ....and AIM Deaf will reply with a room name!

To enter the deaf chatroom in AIM:

SIDEKICK USERS - press keys (MENU + J) then type in room name.

press keys (ALT + C) then type in room name.
type JOIN in your IM to get a chat invitation

NOTE - The room name CHANGES once in a while. That is the point of AIM Deaf - it's job is to prevent anyone from trying to become 'owner' of the deaf chatroom - this way everyone has FREEDOM to enter and chat!

So ALWAYS REMEMBER to send an IM to AIM Deaf to find out the updated room name!

AIM Deaf

Be warned that the chatroom is sometimes empty due to everyone being busy on Christmas and also because AIM Deaf is new.

Check back often, there are normally alot of regulars chatting there!
sorry marlon now that i have the keypoint of who's behind this.. im not going to join there RMFE!
Thanks Marlon for all your effort hard work to make this better for all of us.. and its greatest christmas gift! hehe

Java.. Tweety.. trust.. its DIFFERENT.. just almost like IP Relay.. you im'ed and get INFO.. or type anything.. it will tell you which name deaf chat room.. and go in there.. to chat deafies.. without BOTS or BOLTS.. :D

Enjoy it.. I already love it.. If others taking sh&T.. ignore.. and enjoy chat with others.

MC ya all and HY too
DoofusMama said:
Thanks Marlon for all your effort hard work to make this better for all of us.. and its greatest christmas gift! hehe

Java.. Tweety.. trust.. its DIFFERENT.. just almost like IP Relay.. you im'ed and get INFO.. or type anything.. it will tell you which name deaf chat room.. and go in there.. to chat deafies.. without BOTS or BOLTS.. :D

Enjoy it.. I already love it.. If others taking sh&T.. ignore.. and enjoy chat with others.

MC ya all and HY too
hhh thanks i will do that... smile..
mama i respect u and ur sweetness, and etc. but something does NOT sit right with me and bots are usually swarming with spywares and etc i rather my owb private room with my own friends in here and i haveIMs too that's good enuff for me...

what i don't have is respect for marlon im sorry. he went one to far this time ard and enuff is enuff.. i'm not going to fight here nor out there i love u mama and i rather u stayed out of it u got enuff on ur plate as it is

Merry x mas mama
AIM Deaf

lol... relax Desi. Let's be adults here, not children... ok? I know you & i don't get along way in the past... but still, this has nothing to do with you & I'm not going to go there with you, because it's OLD now.

If anything, you should be GLAD to learn about AIM Deaf, because it FIXES the #1 issue that causes problems (like the problem you & i had) in AIM deaf chatrooms and why many deafies avoid it - BOLT and BOTS.

Imagine ....WHAT IF - what if there were NO bolt ? NO 'room owner' ?

If there were no bolt ,then wow most of that fighting in AIM deaf chatrooms would NEVER HAPPEN in the first place... Right? I know you agree with me here.

And, AIM deaf chatrooms would have been ALOT more popular than it is now, due to AIM on the popular Sidekick.

But noo that didn't happen...thanks to the BOLT.

Most SK deafies who were new to 'deaf' aim chatrooms never came back, because of 3 greedy power hungry morons who hogged the bolt and abused it and banned pretty much everyone except their own little circle of friends.

Was that fair? No, that wasn't fair at all.

I made the AIM Deaf system to put an END to that... now all deafies are FREEEEE to enter the deaf chatroom whenever they want and have FREEDOM to chat without any immature 'bolt' drama.

It is now IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to get the 'bolt' now, thanks to AIM Deaf. =) This is the way it should have been in the first place, it'll be like AOL in the old days when everyone was free to come in whenever they want and not have to 'bow down' to some power hungry moron.

Yes desi, even YOU are free to enter without being banned too, thanks to AIM Deaf.

Praise me, don't hate me.
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:fruit: Marlon.. you got it clear!!

Desi.. Yeah .. it's true.. if you dont like someone talking.. there's always have ignore feature.. just try go there few times.. maybe right now.. few people because.. its NEW..

Give a time..

(psst, thanks for nice saying.. sweetness.. (blush) :greddy: ) hehe
hummmmmmmmm i see it on away messages as always. How can anyone go in if put on away messages

Never mind I figure it out. LOL
Ah very interestin' - it is almost the same as AOL Chat Room, but AOL Chat Room carry bolt with a "thunder" icon. :)
I'm certainly not interested in a chat room where no moderators are present. First off, I think you've got it entirely backwards -- WITHOUT MODERATORS, chaos would reign supreme. Want to spam the chatroom? Go right ahead, no one can stop you. Want to be obnoxious and an ass? Go right ahead, no one can stop you. Can you be banned and prevented from coming back and ruining the "fun" in the room? Nope, 'cause you just IM the Deaf Bot and you can go back to the room.

This will only appeal to those who LIKE messing around and being on their worst behavior, knowing that they can't be touched because there are no moderators. There's no consequences for negative actions, because no one can shut them up or kick them out.

I can't take someone who calls moderators or room owners "stupid." Sounds like someone too childish to own up to their immature actions.

No thanks.
hey marlon! :P no long see u sup? lol I heard about AIM deaf thru other friend I was like eh.. interesting but I never will have time for chat cuz I'm always out but hope u have wonderful holidays and may 2006 be great year for u ;) hehe yep it's me erica if u can figure my username out :P
Marlon said:
The new AIM Deaf chatroom info-bot is now available to the deaf community!

AIM Deaf is a new IM/chatroom service that provides a chatroom on AIM where all deaf are welcome to enter and chat freely with no stupid 'room owner' or 'moderator' to ban them!


First, add this screen name to your buddy list: AIM Deaf

Then, send an IM to AIM Deaf ....and AIM Deaf will reply with a room name!

To enter the deaf chatroom in AIM:

SIDEKICK USERS - press keys (MENU + J) then type in room name.

press keys (ALT + C) then type in room name.
type JOIN in your IM to get a chat invitation

NOTE - The room name CHANGES once in a while. That is the point of AIM Deaf - it's job is to prevent anyone from trying to become 'owner' of the deaf chatroom - this way everyone has FREEDOM to enter and chat!

So ALWAYS REMEMBER to send an IM to AIM Deaf to find out the updated room name!


Oh, I know you aka spindddizzzzyy
I'm certainly not interested in a chat room where no moderators are present. First off, I think you've got it entirely backwards -- WITHOUT MODERATORS, chaos would reign supreme. Want to spam the chatroom? Go right ahead, no one can stop you. Want to be obnoxious and an ass? Go right ahead, no one can stop you. Can you be banned and prevented from coming back and ruining the "fun" in the room? Nope, 'cause you just IM the Deaf Bot and you can go back to the room.

This will only appeal to those who LIKE messing around and being on their worst behavior, knowing that they can't be touched because there are no moderators. There's no consequences for negative actions, because no one can shut them up or kick them out.

I can't take someone who calls moderators or room owners "stupid." Sounds like someone too childish to own up to their immature actions.

Dennis. Have you actually ever BEEN in the deaf rooms on AIM in the past year? Given your reply, I highly doubt you have ever spent a DAY there. Nobody who's an deaf AIM chatroom regular would even agree with you on that.

Under most circumstances regarding chatrooms in general, I would agree with you. But sadly, AIM chatrooms are a totally DIFFERENT & unique circumstance, which means a unique solution is required to make things FAIR for all deafies who want to chat there.

Let me explain it to you...

First of all, and most importantly... as every deafie knows, AIM's popularity among deaf culture has become synonymous with the popularity of the Sidekick.

Now, naturally... if you own a Sidekick & AIM, one of the things you ask yourself is... "Does this thing have a chatroom?" And as we all know, AIM has the ONLY tolerable chatroom on SK right now. There is NO other real choice.

That's EXACTLY what happened. Many, many, MANY deafies with Sidekicks had the curiousity to type 'deaf' to see if anyone was there. AIM deaf chatrooms could have been a WONDERFUL thing for the deaf community. But unfortunately...

When they went there.. what did they find? They found a very small group of friends.. er i mean IDIOTS running things, who ban you for ANYTHING, hell, they ban you just for saying 'Hi'. If you're a newbie, you're BANNED, PERIOD... just for being a NEWBIE on a screenname they never saw before.

Now, what you have to understand is - these guys aren't 'moderators' in the same formal sense like the moderators on or on These guys are just plain REGULARS. You see - in AIM chatrooms, it's 'FINDERS KEEPERS' who become moderators. The FIRST person to enter an EMPTY chatroom becomes the moderator, and usually they would leave their computer online 24/7 for weeks to hold on to it until they lose it when their cable modem burps or AIM resets the chatroom servers.

So, can you imagine all the WARS and CHAOS that happened in that sort of situation, for the past two years now? It has basically been a war between 3 different groups of 'friends' fighting to get 'moderator' (or 'room owner' or the 'bolt' as many deafies call it) whenever somebody lost it, along with alot of seriously IMMATURE drama related with whoever was the moderator.

My AIM Deaf system puts an END to all this madness... it puts an END to the moderator wars. Now theres a FINALLY deaf chatroom on BOTH computer AND SK where EVERYONE is free to enter and say what they want, rather than a only favoritist/elitist informal moderator and his tiny groups of idiot friends.

If there were another chatroom solution for Sidekick besides AIM, trust me... most of us (alot of us being regulars who know each other since 1995 on AOL) would've GLADLY packed up and moved a long time ago. But right now, it's the only chatroom option for thats BOTH for computer AND SK.

Regarding the appeal of an unmoderated chatroom to deafies and spammers who come just to raise hell... there's always the 'ignore' button, right? Who needs a moderator, when there's 'ignore' ?

If you don't like someone, you put em on ignore. Simple as that. Ok, so SK AIM doesnt have 'ignore' in chatrooms YET... but i'm positive it will eventually - it's a trivially easy feature to add. The computer version of AIM DOES have 'ignore'.

Besides, you have to admit there's NO SUCH THING as a truly 'fair' and 'free' moderated chatroom or message board, or anywhere.. even in real life situations with leadership... that's just the way things are in the world.

Even with 'formal' moderators, it always breaks down to 'who is FRIENDS with who' in the end, and it always turns out unfair because someone is doing special favors for someone that are unfair to others...

Especially in the deaf community where you HAVE to admit, alot of deafies running things do not have very good sense or logical reasoning!

That's why I'm a strong believer of an unmoderated chatroom where the PEOPLE have the power and freedom to ignore someone THEMSELVES, rather than someone at the TOP deciding for them.

Remember my friend, power always corrupts.. ALWAYS. =)
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Hi Erica! Yeah been awhile... ha. That's good... glad you're keeping yourself busy. =)

I'll be very busy myself too soon, going back to school to major in film & animation.... wont have time for the chatroom.

Just thought I should do something nice to solve the problems for everyone who is there before I'm gone. LOL

Hope your '06 goes well too. =)