Activation appt cancelled. . .

im sorry to hear that they postponed the activation.. :( be patient and time will fly by so fast... :)

I'm sorry to hear that your appointment was canceled.

Perhaps you can find something to do the keep yourself busy to pass the time by until the 21st.

Let us know how it turns out when the hook up takes place! :)
Tinnitus isn't bad. I get it alot, infact it's going off right now and I didn't even notice. Learn to treat it as a background noise. When your CI is on you'll be getting a lot of background noise. ^.^
Tinnitus isn't bad. I get it alot, infact it's going off right now and I didn't even notice. Learn to treat it as a background noise. When your CI is on you'll be getting a lot of background noise. ^.^

I wish I could have done that when I experienced tinnitus following my first CI surgery, but it was way too LOUD for me to ignore. What also made this difficult was the fact that the sounds I was hearing kept changing. For instance, some of the sounds I heard included a car engine turning over repeatedly to a freight train to ocean/whooshing sounds to high pitched beep tones to high/medium/low tones to people talking to 70s/80s music. After my second CI surgery, my tinnitus wasn't as severe, but it was still difficult to ignore -- even when both of my CIs were activated. However, I'm now happy to report that my bilateral tinnitus has gone down significantly, is limited to one of 3 different sounds (ocean/whooshing sounds, high pitched beep tones or high/medium/low tones) and is something I can ignore 95% of the time.
Like Hear-Again, mine is way to loud to ignore!!! Plus the type of Tinnitus keeps changing at times. And both ears has different type of Tinnitus. It really sucks! I can ignore the minor one as long as it's not super loud. But if I'm kept busy or am focused on something I can pretty much try to let it bother me. But at times it's just too loud and doesn't let me forget I am suffering even for a minute. :/ Like today when I was out shopping for my daughter's swimsuit. It kept getting so loud, I had to stop what I was doing and stand still so I wouldn't get dizzy- I hadn't ate dinner and was soooo hungry too so that didn't help. lol.
Waiting an additional week should give the implant more time to heal. It might also let the nerves calm down in your implanted ear and the tinnitus just may get quieter as well. The first week of activation at least for me was still hard. Everything was just to quiet while I was learning how to listen to the implant. Things were clear but my tollerance of noise was just not there since I had not heard in such a very long time.

I totally understand your frustration with the delays though. When the activation day finally comes, it will probably be one of the most memorable days in your life. Don't rush it and don't let the Audiologist rush you. Take it step by step during programming. By doing this, it should make your T and C levels as close to right as possible and this will give you the best outcome from the programming. If you don't think things are right, make sure you let the Audi know. Keep in mind that everything will most likely sound higher pitch than you may be use to so your Husband and Child may sound somewhat like the chipmunks instead of what they sound like with a HA. This frequency shift should come in time to bring their voices back to "normal". For me, it was about 3 weeks before the lower frequencies started coming in consistantly. They also shut off some of the high pitch electrodes to see if they could help this out and speed up the transition/training.

Hope you and your family had a nice time at your daughters K graduation. Wasn't the weekend weather nice here? I actually had a hard time believing I was still in Michigan. No clouds or rain unless you consider sprinklers rain and great temperatures. Looks like the weather will be great all week so more to look forward to.

Take care,
Steve: Another Audiologist, who I have never met will be doing my activation on the 21st. When I was talking to friend of mine, who has CI & also has the same Audiologist & had the same surgeon as I did has suggested that I maybe postpone my activation until my Audiologist is back. I'm not sure what to do. :/
I am a bit torn, I want badly for my Audiologist to be the one activating me but I'd really hate having to wait even longer. Blah! I figure though, that knowing her, she will be checking her emails probably by the end of the week & will let me know what's up. I remember her telling me she wasn't planning on staying away from work long after she's had her baby. So. . . I don't know what to do!

I hope I deal with all the 'new strange' noises okay & that the Tinnitus wouldn't affect me worse or start acting up in a different way. As I have the kind that is also brought on by certain noises too so that worries me a bit but I am sure that eventually it'll all die down soon or at least I am determined to make it that way! lol!

Quick question for you- didn't you go to the same hospital as I? I wanted to see if you had the same surgeon. heh.

Michigan weather has been wonderful lately, altho slightly hot yesterday! blah! Funny how we can't wait for summer to come but just a few days of summer, we're already bitching about how hot it is, eh!

As for my daughter's K graduation - thanks. I figure since my Husband will sadly be missing her graduation, we'll just do something after he gets home, like go out to eat or something. :] I also need to remember to stop in the store and find one of the Junie B. Jones series book- "Graduation Girl" as it's the perfect timing! ;)

Take care, Steve and keep in touch!

Providence Hospital is where I went. Surgeon was my Dr. at MEI. Great Dr. and wonderful Surgeon. I guess I can say that since everything went well. Nurses at Providence were wonderful also. They knew I was deaf and were in the room within 10-15 seconds after I pressed the button on several occasions. Sometimes, they would come see what was wrong when I would just get up to go to the bathroom.

Couple more days for you. Trying to remember how they had my programs set up when they first turned me on. I know I did not have volume control and don't think during the first 1 week or two I had sensitivity control either. I am pretty sure they had my speed set at 1200 Hz with 4 volume settings with program 1 being the softest, 2, 3 and 4 being progressively louder. I remember selecting program 4 by the end of the second day and knowing it wasn't loud enough. The second week, I think I had sensitivity control but volume was fixed and a lot louder. I also think the second week, I got a couple different speeds with new C and T levels, 1200 and 1800 Hz. I know for sure on the 3rd week program, I had to make sure I could use the telephone with T-coil setting since I was getting a temporary assignment of starting up a new 800 number for work and had to use the phone a lot.

You may want to check to see when your regular Audi will be back in the office so you are not without her services for all 3 initial visits. They did tell me that if I needed to see her for 4 weeks straight initially, they could accommodate that need. Last Monday, I saw the office for a reprogram which was after 5 months. They initially wanted to see me after 3 months but I was doing well at the 3 month mark so I pushed it back until I felt like I needed it. She was OK with this. I'm going to see if I can make it 6 months this time but if I run into problems, I'll go in sooner.

I guess the main point is to give yourself a place to go both louder and softer incase you run into challenges or if the noise is just to much for you. Also, run different speeds after your first visit since you have to reset your T and C levels for the different speeds. T and C levels if wrong will cause the biggest improvement or challenge in hearing. With different speeds, you have two chances to get it right or as close to right as possible. I go through the softest and loudest setting then we go back and make sure the loudest is the same loud volume across all frequencies. This is where I have to start having the Audi mess with the frequency volume, normally turn down some since they are just to loud in comparison to the others. We then go through testing the programming and play with the equalizer for what I like and sounds right. Most of the time, low frequencies are a little loud so she turns the EQ down on the low.

Hope this helps explain what I go through. I'm sure everyone goes through very similar programming visits.

Good luck Wednesday.

Were you able to find Junie B.? We are very familiar with Junie.
We have her First tooth book for when my daughter lost her first and a LOT LOT more. My wife worked for a printing company who printed children’s books and she was able to get several of the printer proof copies when she would review them for print quality. Children's books, there everywhere in our house which is wonderful. Our oldest loves to read which is just great. I don't remember ever wanting to read as a child nearly as much as our daughter does. I remember how hard it was for me in school because I was you could say not a speedy reader. I hope my daughter does not have the same challenge with reading that I did. Maybe that is why I enjoyed Math so much more than English.

Anyway, again, good luck on Wednesday.

Thanks for explaining everything! My original Audi will not be back to work til early Sept, so another Audi will be doing everything for me til then but of course if I run into problems, my audi said to email her and we will work something out together so I'm assuming she will somehow see me if need her. :)

I did manage to find Junie B.'s "Graduation girl" - last copy at Target so I grabbed it and my daughter started reading it right at the store. lol. That child loves to read, just like me. We have tons and tons of books for them. Probably even more than what most people has in their house. lol. My husband & I don't care 'cause we knew it'd be good for them in the long run and we've now got a bookworm who just loves to read. My other daughter is only 4, so she can't yet read but has been starting to fingerspell words or ask me to sign this & that.

It truly is a neat experience being a parent. I love every minute of it! =)
Dontcha? lol. How many kiddos do you have btw?
Steve: Don't you mean Thursday? If I go in tomorrow, the audi won't be there for me. :P

Oh, some cool news- My audi named her baby girl the same name we named my youngest daughter. Isn't that cool? =) See, before she even had her baby, I remember asking her what she was planning on naming her baby girl. She told me her top choice name [which is what she did end up with & is also my younger daughter's name] and said "but I also love your oldest daughter's name! Maybe I'll use that for my next child and we can be reversed in names!" heh. A few days later, my youngest came up to me and said "Watch mama" and fingerspelled ear all by herself. So I was like hmm. . . this has got to be a sign. When I told my Audi this, she thought it was just so neat. =)

I have a step daughter 7 who is spending the summer with her dad. It's hard to have her gone but in reality, it is good that she is able to spend time with him. My second is 3 months. I am very lucky to have received my CI before she was born. I really had no idea how I would have coped with not being able to hear her cry or be able to hear the different crys to be able to tell what she needs.

I had in my head the 20th. Today. The 21st is of course tomorrow. Well, I'll say it again, good luck on um-a Thursday right.

Oh my. . . they just called & said another Audi will do my activation on June 21st at 2pm. 15 more freaking days. That means by then I'd had waited 5 wks for activation. Ugh.

However, they're trying to see if they can somehow squeeze me in, or if anyone cancels they will call us first.

I can't help but cry sooooooo much right now, the Tinnitus is bad & I feel like I am going insane!!! [sigh]

I'm so sorry about the tinnitus condition you are having and yet this was one of my questions I had in earlier post. I now know I will suffer the same. My CI evaluation was for June 14th and was moved to July 23rd by office and not me. Someone did say the babies come first before the adults? I'm thinking so! Hopefully someone will cancel and move you up quickly! Hugs, Suzi
Today's the big A-Day for deafmama! Deafmama, I can't wait to read about your experience! I will be anxiously awaiting your report! :) (Impatiently drumming fingers on table...)

Yup - I am finally a CI'er whose been activated!

What a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird experience today has been!!! Wow!!!!

Everything sounds sooo freaking weird but some things are starting to sound a bit normal. I've already had a few "CI moments" & my husband has already noticed the difference! All cause I was able to pick up what people said here & there. it's rare but I when I do, I have gotten it right! It's really neat! Speech currently does not sound normal but that's okay, I know it'll come soon & besides I have my HA so I can still use that side to know what people are saying, altho as I said, my husband has already noticed the difference, he swears my CI is "helping" me understand what people are saying & what & where I'm hearing since I am hearing out of both ears again after 6 yrs & love being able to localize sounds again!

I will keep a journal, well more like a blog, since I prefer to type rather than write. heh. That wayI can look back later on my whole CI journey. It's been a hell of an interesting day!!!

My next appt is July 5th, the day before my cousin's wedding, in which I am a bridesmaid. So that'll be cool. Having 3 dates to look forward to which is right next to each other. July 4th annual party we have every year at my in laws, MAP'ing appt July 5th, and wedding July 6th.
Should be an awesome yet busy week!

I'm off to bed - heh I am kinda sad to be taking off the CI for the nite. lol.
Will check in here tomorrow. :]

Oh btw, THANK YOU to those that care about me and have been anxious to hear updates on the activation! What a nice feeling that is, to have been thought about! :]

Congratulations! :) Things will only get better from this day forward!

I can relate to your comment about some sounds being weird. Typing on my computer keyboard sounded like popcorn popping and traffic passing outside my living room window sounded like constant static. LOL!

I think writing a blog is an excellent idea! My audi suggested I write a journal and I'm so glad I took her advice because now I always have something to look back upon. I've had my first CI for 2 years now and it's exciting being able to see just how far I've come.

How exciting it will be for you to be able to hear at your cousin's wedding and annual in-laws party!

You have so much to look forward to and I can't wait to read more about your experiences! :)