? about cc


New Member
Feb 2, 2006
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isnt there a device u can hook up to ur tv for cc on all channels. this so sucks that i dont get cc on all of my channels me and my friends are puttin together a letter to all the channels that dont have it in asl club. this better be solved. i was told theres something you can buy at like radio shack that u just hook up to ur tv? is that true... i have no idea.. i mean i use cc all the time but i never thought there would be a device.

let me know thanks

Not every show on television has CC. Getting a better CC decoder won't make more channels CC.
If the captions aren't getting to your TV there's no device that will make them appear.

Do you use an antannea or do you have cable? I don't have cable and the captions don't come in on all of my channels.
hey i have cable and io... idont get channels 2 , 4 and mtv 2 its so gay and annoys me and my friends!!!!!! iduno some1 told me you can buy something at radioshack to have cc on all shows but i didnt thnk that was true.

thanks guys!! for helping me!
Danielle85 said:
isnt there a device u can hook up to ur tv for cc on all channels. this so sucks that i dont get cc on all of my channels me and my friends are puttin together a letter to all the channels that dont have it in asl club. this better be solved. i was told theres something you can buy at like radio shack that u just hook up to ur tv? is that true... i have no idea.. i mean i use cc all the time but i never thought there would be a device.

let me know thanks

I wish there was such a device, but sadly there isn't. You may want to contact those stations and state that they may be in violation of FCC accessibility laws. I don't know for sure if they are, but you may at least want to contact them.


Good luck! ;)
VamPyroX said:
Not every show on television has CC. Getting a better CC decoder won't make more channels CC.

:werd: Not all channels or shows or movies have CC, Nothing you can do about it, I noticed Showtime doesn't appear to show CC on all the previous movies that I've saw with CC before. I even took my complaints to Showtime, They never respond back to me on that matter, So I got rid of Showtime and kept HBO. ;)