A Major Rant..

That's My BABABABABABYYYYY!!! How can you just not love someone like that? :Owned:

FelixKat930 said:
I was watching the movie "Not like Everyone Else"..

Why can't people be different and stop blaming the gothics? If they are a wiccian.. so what?

I HATE extreme christians bringing the GOSH DAMN religion in school. They know they shouldn't bring it into school but they did it anyways.

NOthing's wrong with gothlics and nothing's wrong with the religion wicca.

AND DON'T PREACH THIS TO US. Not everyone believes in God period and some of the people does not know very much about wicca.

Just go after the real problems not the damn gothics!
i agree too.. i mean, im a Christian and a Goth, but im not gonna be shoving bibles in everyones faces. i believe you can be what you want and shouldnt be critisized or punished because of it! im so sick of people i know that gives me hate stares just because im all the time wearing black with silver chains! its just re-damn-diculous
Xalem said:
i agree too.. i mean, im a Christian and a Goth, but im not gonna be shoving bibles in everyones faces. i believe you can be what you want and shouldnt be critisized or punished because of it! im so sick of people i know that gives me hate stares just because im all the time wearing black with silver chains! its just re-damn-diculous
:gpost: Nice post Sam! I am glad you are one of my best friends--you're so cool. :hug:

I have to admit I used to stare at goth girls somewhat before I met Kim (deaflinuxgeek) because I thought they were VERY pretty. :Oops: She's a late-blooming goth anyway, so I stare at her or pictures of her now. :D

But I am pretty sure that's not what you meant. Goths shouldn't be singled out for being different. I think you goth girls are some of the nicest and most intelligent people on the planet, and don't ever forget that. :hug:
I also agree with Felix on this. I believe in tolerance towards all faiths. I happen to not believe solely in Christianity, either. While I have roots, and still hold to some basic Christian principles, I also believe in reincarnation. I believe in an energy force that lives in us all, and we don't have to "invite him in". I also believe in a Heaven and a Hell, but don't believe that one is automatically doomed to Hell, if they don't believe in a certain edict. Concersely, I don't believe that a person is given an "automatic pass" into Heaven if they just believe that God is their savior. Contrary to Christianity, I believe that who you are as a person determines your place in either Heaven or Hell.

In short, I don't think Paganism is wrong in and of itself. I think PEOPLE are the ones who determines if something is bad or not. For instance, if you have a person who wants to do good, then they will bring about "good madgick" (to go towards the Pagan belief). If you have a person who has an evil intent in their heart, then yes, the magick that they do, will be harmful. It's not the faith that is wrong here, it's the person who intends to cause harm.

Christians, I must ask you not to bash me for these beliefs. You have a right to disagree with me if you wish, but you will NOT change my mind about this. So, lets just agree to disagree, and move on.

Thank you.
Why should I care anyone who religions belifts.. ?

Let it be.. their decision.. Where they are happy with their own belifts...

Not my business... Least everyone are just human beings...
GalaxyAngel said:
Why should I care anyone who religions belifts.. ?

Let it be.. their decision.. Where they are happy with their own belifts...

Not my business... Least everyone are just human beings...

I agree with you, GA. Unfortunately, alot of people make it their business. I disagree with this strongly.
For the most part, I don't think the true (as exemplified and defined by Reba elsewhere) Christian bashes; rather, he/she defines her/his position and leaves it at that. It's not fair to ask a true Christian what the basis of their belief is and when it's explained, it's somehow called bashing.

Otherwise, yeah, I go along with the sentiments above.
:roll: at this thread. We truly do live in a culture of victimization.
guido said:
:roll: at this thread. We truly do live in a culture of victimization.

Oh, and don't forget to add BOREDOM, guido. LOL!
In reality.. no bashings needed for all kinds of beliefs.. just respect them !! Even tho it might be strange... but it is their own lives and beliefs.. just RESPECT THEM

guido said:
:roll: at this thread. We truly do live in a culture of victimization.
Since when is it bad to dress in black and be different? May I remind you that most goths are Christian or Jewish?

Since it's not wrong, why are these kind people being singled out by school administrations and society? They don't deserve it.
SxyPorkie said:
In reality.. no bashings needed for all kinds of beliefs.. just respect them !! Even tho it might be strange... but it is their own lives and beliefs.. just RESPECT THEM

Thank you! I totally agree with you.

Hey, fellow Christians, did Jesus not say "Judge not, lest ye be judged"?
gnulinuxman said:
Since when is it bad to dress in black and be different? May I remind you that most goths are Christian or Jewish?

Since it's not wrong, why are these kind people being singled out by school administrations and society? They don't deserve it.

I never said its bad. I just thinks its stupid to sit around and pout about it because someone doesn't like your lifestyle.
Tousi said:
For the most part, I don't think the true (as exemplified and defined by Reba elsewhere) Christian bashes; rather, he/she defines her/his position and leaves it at that. It's not fair to ask a true Christian what the basis of their belief is and when it's explained, it's somehow called bashing.

Otherwise, yeah, I go along with the sentiments above.
Then explain the Holocaust, why Catholics are considered "hellbound" by most so-called Christians, why Islamic people are viewed as dirty sinners, ....

As a Catholic, I was raised to accept people the way they are, even if they have no religion. However, when I read about Protestant Christianity, most branches of that believe it is their place to judge others, and a shocking number of them hate Jewish people for what happened almost 2,000 years ago. Come on, people, this is the 21st century. Why are you still defending people who think the Bible is 100% factually true? (I don't believe it is 100% factually accurate, but I still claim to be Christian.) Why are you judging people and saying they're hellbound if they don't agree with you? Jesus said to let God handle the judgement.

But I digress. Obviously you missed the point--the movie wasn't about Brandi's religious beliefs (she was only looking at a book about Wiccanism--she wasn't converting). It was about the fact that she was misunderstood because of her dark clothing, dark hair, and her stories.
guido said:
I never said its bad. I just thinks its stupid to sit around and pout about it because someone doesn't like your lifestyle.
Watch the movie. She got suspended and was threatened with expulsion because of things she never actually did. She was accused because of her gothic lifestyle, which actually had nothing to do with Wiccanism or witchcraft.

I hardly think she was just upset because nobody liked her. She was harassed by the people who were supposed to be protecting the students because of accusations of threats.
gnulinuxman said:
Since when is it bad to dress in black and be different? May I remind you that most goths are Christian or Jewish?
I'm curious--where do you get those statistics?
gnulinuxman said:
Heh, the funniest thing is when you think about how most goths are actually Catholic or Jewish or even Protestant. Not all goths are wiccans.
What exactly are Goth spiritual beliefs? Is there one set of beliefs for all Goths, or are spiritual belifs irrelevant to "Gothism"?

...Goths are very nice people who tend to be very loving despite their dark clothing, music, artwork, stories, etc.
Why do Goths wear dark clothing and makeup? Why do they wear heavy clothing and boots even in hot weather?

I never labeled myself a goth...
I thought Goths don't like being labeled?

...but I've been a lot like one...
How so?

...my gothic friends... actually tell me I should try officially going goth....
What does that mean? What is "official" Goth?

I'm very curious. I don't personally know any Goths, although I have seen some on campus. In my youth I experienced the beatniks and hippies (been there, done that), so I'm wondering if this too, is just another counter-culture phase of youth.

I read the article but it didn't really explain the Goth philosophy.