A Friend who wants to be popular

RebelGirl said:
I don't think its all about being popular.. its all about who's been here the longest and how well the other members know them. That's where the comfort zone kicks in where they feel most comfortable with different individuals. I'm sure you have your own people that you're most comfortable with as well as ^Angel^ and Cheri is with other members. Its not about the popularities, its just about making friends and knowing how to stick with it.

So, are you sayin' that it is NOT about the popularities ? Ok, then why is this thread sayin' " A friend who wants to be popular ? " Or is it tryin' to make someone confused what this thread's subject is all about ? Some of this ADers mentioned that they don't like 2-faced friends... why is that ? So, it means it is all about bein' popular. My only point is that why someone should worry about it, if it is all about 2-faced friends or bein' popular that may steal their spotlight, just because of the group of friends are better than other group ?? I wouldn't created this thread if, it talks about " A friend who wants to be popular " because, for one --- I don't care. Number 2 ) I want to see people to be themselves. Life is too short. Just let them be.
CyberRed said:
So, are you sayin' that it is NOT about the popularities ? Ok, then why is this thread sayin' " A friend who wants to be popular ? " Or is it tryin' to make someone confused what this thread's subject is all about ? Some of this ADers mentioned that they don't like 2-faced friends... why is that ? So, it means it is all about bein' popular. My only point is that why someone should worry about it, if it is all about 2-faced friends or bein' popular that may steal their spotlight, just because of the group of friends are better than other group ?? I wouldn't created this thread if, it talks about " A friend who wants to be popular " because, for one --- I don't care. Number 2 ) I want to see people to be themselves. Life is too short. Just let them be.

You don't get what Rebelgirl tried to explain you. I understood Rebelgirl prefect and answered her post... Please read my post toward her?

Rebelgirl only answered because you think we prefer to be popular, not that what we talked about.

You said this:
would you prefer to be popular in this AD rather than someone else ?

The title of Cheri's thread "A friend who wants to be popular" which mean is Cheri's friend who want to be popular - not that "Cheri prefer to be popular".
WAR POPULAR thread here? :slap:

I would rather to be well-like person than being popular. :)
Liebling:-))) said:
You don't get what Rebelgirl tried to explain you. I understood Rebelgirl prefect and answered her post... Please read my post toward her?

Rebelgirl only answered because you think we prefer to be popular, not that what we talked about.

You said this:

The title of Cheri's thread "A friend who wants to be popular" which mean is Cheri's friend who want to be popular - not that "Cheri prefer to be popular".

I understood RebelGirl's post clearly. You said Cheri's friend, right ? It's why I asked her, if she rather to be popular than her friend, if no one likes to be popular. If, she is not seekin' to be popular then, this thread wouldn't be creaed in the first place.. which is means that bein' popular isn't that important. I hope my explanation makes it clear to understand. I know that my POV is different from everyone's POV from what they view it. That's what I mean about why complaint about if, it is not about popular.
MaxUFC said:
WAR POPULAR thread here? :slap:

I would rather to be well-like person than being popular. :)

:lol: Well, it is a good debatin'.

I re-read here over again again...

Ahhh got it..

Creator asking everyone.... Question wasn't mention herself..

speaking of "GENERAL" Get it ? Wasn't refering about AD!!!!!!
"To see everyone response answer as general outside or inside... still doesn't matter which speaking of.."

I think you misunderstand what r u jumping huge colusin and determinded to her offical popluar..

Ha Ha.. I think r u still obession about twinies lately..

I thought you're truce but turn it out NOPE!


Mind you pretty please move on... and let it be..
Don't need you keep pointing finger directly them always "popluar" Why do you care about them being popluar..? Why you say that..? sound alike despresrate(sp) feeling jealous.. I don't care what if r u not jealous but STILL *pointing finger*

Any difference?
RebelGirl said:
hm you figured that out that quick?? ;) yeah i gotcha.. you're one of the few friends I can trust!
yea i already quick figured out.. hehehe.... same here i trust u too! :hug:
GalaxyAngel said:

I re-read here over again again...

Ahhh got it..

Creator asking everyone.... Question wasn't mention herself..

speaking of "GENERAL" Get it ? Wasn't refering about AD!!!!!!
"To see everyone response answer as general outside or inside... still doesn't matter which speaking of.."

I think you misunderstand what r u jumping huge colusin and determinded to her offical popluar..

Ha Ha.. I think r u still obession about twinies lately..

I thought you're truce but turn it out NOPE!


Mind you pretty please move on... and let it be..
Don't need you keep pointing finger directly them always "popluar" Why do you care about them being popluar..? Why you say that..? sound alike despresrate(sp) feeling jealous.. I don't care what if r u not jealous but STILL *pointing finger*

Any difference?

That's NOT what I am talkin' about. Never mind !
CyberRed said:
I understood RebelGirl's post clearly. You said Cheri's friend, right ? It's why I asked her, if she rather to be popular than her friend, if no one likes to be popular. If, she is not seekin' to be popular then, this thread wouldn't be creaed in the first place.. which is means that bein' popular isn't that important. I hope my explanation makes it clear to understand. I know that my POV is different from everyone's POV from what they view it. That's what I mean about why complaint about if, it is not about popular.

I only try to explain you the example. "Cheri's friend who wants to be popular". Cheri didn't create a thread for herself but in general way. I only tried to explain you the difference example about "A friend who wants to be popular" = Cheri's, CyberRed's, Rebelgirl's, Liebling's or whatever's friend who wants to be popular.

I feel you doesn't get what Cheri tried to explain.

We do not consider ourselves but feeling for our friends.
CyberRed, what have you other suggestion if you disagree with Cheri's title?
Liebling:-))) said:
CyberRed, what have you other suggestion if you disagree with Cheri's title?

Lieblin' ... let's just forget it. Okay ? Maybe, someday I will explain with better words what I see in my point of view. I am not always 100% good at explainin', because every person's point of view is different.

I don't mean to point at Cheri or anyone else, I am just tryin' to explain with my feelin' to ask about why worry ? That's all. If, it's about friend who wants to be a popular... just let her/him be. So what ? It don't even bother me at all. Every person would like to be popular once in awhile. Not me, of course. I believe in " sharin' " -- like for example : I am impressed with some ADers who can draw and I would like for them to make others some banners. I don't want it to be me all the time, ya know ? I like to see their creative banners. They are very pretty !
CyberRed said:
Lieblin' ... let's just forget it. Okay ? Maybe, someday I will explain with better words what I see in my point of view. I am not always 100% good at explainin', because every person's point of view is different.

I don't mean to point at Cheri or anyone else, I am just tryin' to explain with my feelin' to ask about why worry ? That's all. If, it's about friend who wants to be a popular... just let her/him be. So what ? It don't even bother me at all. Every person would like to be popular once in awhile. Not me, of course. I believe in " sharin' " -- like for example : I am impressed with some ADers who can draw and I would like for them to make others some banners. I don't want it to be me all the time, ya know ? I like to see their creative banners. They are very pretty !
:gpost: :grouphug: :thumb: I agree..instead of "hogging the spotlight" we can all share it?! Right? I mean, no one person HAS to be the "Center of Attention" all the time :) ..I agree with ya Cyber! We can take turns, giving others a chance to get in the "front seat" sort of speak....only if they want it :angel: !
CyberRed said:
Well, Cheri -- would you prefer to be popular in this AD rather than someone else ? I've seen you and Angel bein' popular the whole time... so, what's the deal ? Why worry if, it's someone else who's bein' popular than you ? Who cares ? I ain't worry about someone else who wants to be popular.

FYI, bein' popular DON'T last ! It's a short-lived..........

Eh? It's not about me being popluar or do I care who's popluar, I'm speaking a friend who pretend to be friends to gain popluartion, which means a friend who isn't really a friend. I was asking all a general question if they ever had a friend like that, and if so would u rather to have a friend that just pretend to be a friend to you, or a true friend that remains trustworthy to you. Please stop with the personal attacks, I'm getting real tired of you pointing fingers at Angel and I too often, Please take your crap out of AD, If you have an issue with either Angel and I. This is not a place for it.
CyberRed said:
So, are you sayin' that it is NOT about the popularities ? Ok, then why is this thread sayin' " A friend who wants to be popular ? " Or is it tryin' to make someone confused what this thread's subject is all about ? Some of this ADers mentioned that they don't like 2-faced friends... why is that ? So, it means it is all about bein' popular. My only point is that why someone should worry about it, if it is all about 2-faced friends or bein' popular that may steal their spotlight, just because of the group of friends are better than other group ?? I wouldn't created this thread if, it talks about " A friend who wants to be popular " because, for one --- I don't care. Number 2 ) I want to see people to be themselves. Life is too short. Just let them be.

:confused: Boy you don't even understand my point of my thread. It's not about ME! It's about a true friends vs fake friends Some members get my drift. Thanks to those who got my point. :grouphug:
GalaxyAngel said:
I thought you're truce but turn it out NOPE!

:werd: Now you can see the differences between true friends vs fake friends? That's my point. ;)
Cheri said:
Eh? It's not about me being popluar or do I care who's popluar, I'm speaking a friend who pretend to be friends to gain popluartion, which means a friend who isn't really a friend. I was asking all a general question if they ever had a friend like that, and if so would u rather to have a friend that just pretend to be a friend to you, or a true friend that remains trustworthy to you. Please stop with the personal attacks, I'm getting real tired of you pointing fingers at Angel and I too often, Please take your crap out of AD, If you have an issue with either Angel and I. This is not a place for it.

It is WHY I asked you in the first place, if you rather to be popular than someone else. It is just a QUESTION to ask. If, you said no, then, that's fine ! You don't need to be sooo offensive by that. I am makin' a conversation to share my input. It's TRUE, that you both sisters were popular in this AD and, it doesn't mean that I am pointin' a finger at you or your sister. Every one can see that both of you were popular. So ?? If, a fake friend feels like wantin' to be a popular - so what ? Let her or him be ! I don't care, Cheri. They are just people like you and me and others. They are just human beings. No body is perfect.

IF, a friend of mine actin' a fake friend who wantin' to be a popular - so ? I would just let her or him be until somethin' hit her or him to learn somethin' lesson later on in life... that's her or him lesson to learn by nature. I believe in nature. Know that famous word " karma " ? Hmm ? Then, just let it take over and take care of it. Good or bad consequence always follow.
WAR POPULAR thread to be continue.... :)

Good debating but off the point from first thread into each other over the popular. Gimme us break here and let :grouphug:?
CyberRed said:
It is WHY I asked you in the first place, if you rather to be popular than someone else. It is just a QUESTION to ask. If, you said no, then, that's fine ! You don't need to be sooo offensive by that. I am makin' a conversation to share my input. It's TRUE, that you both sisters were popular in this AD and, it doesn't mean that I am pointin' a finger at you or your sister. Every one can see that both of you were popular. So ?? If, a fake friend feels like wantin' to be a popular - so what ? Let her or him be ! I don't care, Cheri. They are just people like you and me and others. They are just human beings. No body is perfect.

IF, a friend of mine actin' a fake friend who wantin' to be a popular - so ? I would just let her or him be until somethin' hit her or him to learn somethin' lesson later on in life... that's her or him lesson to learn by nature. I believe in nature. Know that famous word " karma " ? Hmm ? Then, just let it take over and take care of it. Good or bad consequence always follow.


Hopefully you meant that... "Good or bad consequence always follow."

I'll keep in my mind...
*written on my head* Ain't going forget that.
CyberRed said:
It is WHY I asked you in the first place, if you rather to be popular than someone else. It is just a QUESTION to ask.

No, It was not a poliet question asked, You more of assuming that I wanted to be popluar.

. It's TRUE, that you both sisters were popular in this AD and, it doesn't mean that I am pointin' a finger at you or your sister. Every one can see that both of you were popular. So ??

That's what you think, I've been a member here since 2003 and look how many posts I've made since 2003 to 2006. There's your answer, Members know me because I post so much. It's not about being popluar. It's how well a member is known. It's like the tv show "Cheer" Where everyone knows your name, because the same people go to the same bar all the time, It's the same it is here. :)

If, a fake friend feels like wantin' to be a popular - so what ? Let her or him be ! I don't care, Cheri. They are just people like you and me and others. They are just human beings. No body is perfect.

Well, I do care because, it does hurt a great deal to have a friend who pretend to be a friend to me to be part of a group or being popluar. I rather to have a friend who is true to me with all heart and soul. I guess you and I are different. I'm true to all my friends and I expect the same treatment back.