A Father's Love For His Disabled Son [VID]


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Very touching video of this father, a Rick Hoyt (great man, by the way), showing his love for his disabled son. They were both involved in many marathons and triathlons together. :aw:

A Fathers Love For His Son - BREAK.com
yeah, Ive read this before. It was inspired to me what his father has done for him.
That was soo good. His son is so lucky that he have a wonderful father.
OH yea I saw that on TagDeaf...wow I was soo amazed at the father was soo wonderful to his son! :) It gave me goosebumps when I watched it.
wow it inspires me and make me tears... God bless the father taking care of son.. impressed me... amen...
My son's father died when he was 6 years old and I've always regretted that my son missedout on so much of the father son relationship. This brought tears to my eyes.
I have seen them in person. I saw them in the race at Falmouth Road Race in Falmouth, Mass. It was very touching race. I love to see them in the race.
This video is so inspire me. TOUCHING AND CRYING! I guess I have soft heart.. I love to see Father and son are strong bond eachothers.. Like my fondest son and I are strong bond eachothers.. I always be there for son, no matter what he done in his own life.. My love give to son that what he need..
WOW PRETTY TOUCHING MOVIE! made my eyes fill up with water lol. id like meet them it would be cool!
:aw: I cried watching this video, to see there were no limits or boundaries to this dad's love for his son!!! The gratefulness in his son's eyes for having such a beautiful dad. This is what parental love is all about! Never giving in, never giving up. Just loving his child beyond the limits!!!! That was a great video!!!!
I have already seen this elsewhere. Its gave me teary eyes and a sniffle nose. It is a lovely movie about a father and son, heartwarming too.
They live near Boston area. I saw the young guy at the event a few years ago. Awesome. Can't stand his Dad's toupee thou. lol Rick Jr. must be very blessed that he has a loving family. Often many People who have severely CP or confided to wheelchair or even bedridden are ended up in the institution.

A Proudly Bostonian, Dino
Yes, I have seen this video at Jolie´s thread few weeks ago. It touch my heart..It´s very touchy video and make me teary... He is a best father in the world...