A Cancer surviving story

another update

Sept 5th at 9:49 pm

Auntie and Uncle went to visit Charlie tonight after work. He seems to be in pretty good spirits. He was so happy to see us. He took Uncle for a walk to his play room at the end of the hall to show Uncle all the toys for the kids. It is so great that people are so generous so that the sick kids can have someting to do. Charlie made Auntie a helicopter at Camp yesterday. He looks so tired. His platelets are dropping as was expected so the doctors will have to look at that. His MIBG results are in and the scan does show Neuroblastoma in his body. I am not sure how much as I did not see that scan. My Charlie is a strong boy and I know he is fighting so hard.

Please continue to keep Charlie in your Prayers.
There was an update Sept 4th at 9:28 pm

Charlie is doing pretty good today. Auntie and Uncle are going to see him tomorrow. He had lots of visitors today. Grandma , Aunt and Grandpa went to visit him today. His Mommy has been staying with him. As Charlie was so looking forward to school he has been going to school at the hospital. Yesterday he learned numbers and shapes. Today he attended Camp. I have to say that most of the staff work so well with the kids.

He had his 3rd treatment of Chemo today. They are giving him two new drugs. He had his MIBG today and we should no results Monday. We know that all tests that have been done show that the tumors are back in his brain, spine, lymph nodes and bone marrow. Charlie is in pretty good spirits. His port was put back in Tuesday or Wednesday. The days have been running together. He knows the bad guy is back in his head and he told Auntie he was going to knock that bad guy out of his head. He is my Baby. I love him so much. God please continue to carry my Charlie through this time in his life. Do your will and please do not let him suffer. I know you have a special plan for Charlie.

Thank you so much for all your continued love and prayers for Charlie. The power of Prayer and our Precious Lord has brought Charlie this far. I know he will continue to take care of Charlie.

Please continue to keep Charlie in your Prayers.
Sept 9th there was another update at 9:46 pm

Just a short update tonight. Auntie and Charlie's Mommy took Charlie back to the hospital today. He has been having trouble keeping food and his medicines down. His counts were low so they gave him platelets and were giving him blood when he broke out in hives bad. They stopped the blood and decided to continue blood in the morning after checking with the blood bank. He is being put on a new pain medicine as Charlie says the monster in his head hurts real bad. Thank you so much for your continued Prayers for our Charlie. God is carrying Charlie once again through this rough time and I know that he had a plan for Charlie. My Charlie is the light of my life. He is not dumb. He says to me Auntie why are your eyes wet. I cannot fool my boy. He knows the bad guy is back and we are going to fight this monster with everything we have. Lots of love and prayers to all our family and CB friends. Auntie has not forgotten any of you but at this time Auntie cannot get her mind off of Charlie and what I can do for him. This little boy is my heart and my life.

Please continue to pray for Charlie as we look to the Lord for answers and to guide us through the coming days ahead.
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Update on Sept 15th at 8:55 am

Charlie came back to the hospital on Saturday night after the Make A Wish Picnic. He came to the hospital for Platelets and then went home but his fever went over 100 so his Mommy brought him back up here to the emergency room. He continues to feel icky. He slept in till 9:00 this morning. Auntie spent the night with him yesterday. As Charlie continues to fight this terrible monster we pray for all our little buddies that are also fighting their monsters.

Charlie is a sick little boy and we pray that God will wrap his arms around him and heal his little body. Thank you so much for your continued love and prayers for my Charlie. He sure does need them. I just reach out to God and pray that he will walk with my Charlie and keep him free of pain.

Please continue to keep Charlie in your Prayers. Lots of Love!
Charlie is a friend of mine.... his mother is as well! Long story on how that happened to come about. I wanted to share his updates with people cause its worth sharing!

there was an update as well

the update was Sept 17 at 9:16 pm

Auntie and Uncle just got back from visiting Charlie today at the hospital. Charlie was not doing so well today. His counts have been really low and he is just not feeling good. He had platelets again today as they were low. My poor baby has been having nose bleeds all day. They said it was because his platelets are low. Hopefully the platelets will help. Grandma Barbara stayed with him last night. He has been having some leg pain so that is another problem they have been watching.
Any update as of today? Just wondering that's all... Here's our prayers for this Charlie's cancer....

And also pray for me too as i have bone cancer since last year and i am not out of woods yet!
next update Thursday, September 24, 2009 10:08 PM, CDT

Last week was quite a busy week for Charlie. He spent 11 days in the hospital. He came home after receiving his first round of chemo but went back to the hospital on September 12, 2009. He spent 11 days in the hospital. His superhero Spiderman came to visit him on Tuesday of last week. Charlie was very excited. His counts were low so they kept him until Tuesday Sept. 22 to make sure everything was okay.

Charlie's wish came true on Wednesday this past week as he attended his first day of kindergarten. Auntie and Mommy went with. Charlie was very excited. The school and his classmates welcomed him with open arms. Auntie was very pleased to see Charlie get to go to school and to be able to spend his first day with him. He was so excited about gym that his class got to have gym that day. Charlie received a gold star that day for showing the class how to do pushups. Yes my Charlie got down and did pushups for the class. We got to have lunch together too. All in all it was a very good day. I was very happy that Charlie did get to attend his first day of school. He was going to school in the hospital but it was not the same. Auntie was very surprised that Charlie had learned to write his name.

Charlie had bloodwork today then went to school. He has to go for platelets tomorrow. Next week he will have more chemo and then scans to determine if any of this terrible monster is gone or what protocols might be available for Charlie.

Thank you for continued prayers for Charlie.
My Charlie came home from the hospital today after getting his second round of chemo. Charlie has had a rough week this past week. He is on a steroid which helps the inflamation in his brain. This medicine causes Charlie to become very agitated easily. Plus the steroids have cause him to be a very hungry little boy. It is so hard to see Charlie suffering so. He is fighting this so hard. They are scheduling his scans now which should happen in the next two weeks. Charlie's doctor seems to be encouraged at how strong Charlie is and how his counts seem to be okay. By Friday they believe he should need blood and or platelets. If he is okay he is going to go back to school tomorrow. He enjoys school so much. Even if he only goes for a couple of hours a day he is so happy just to be there. He tires easily.

Auntie stopped by tonight when he got home and brought brother Brendan home. I brought him his McDonald French Fries which seem to be a favorite of Charlie's right now. It was so good to see him smiling. It seems like the effects of the steroid do not last all the time. Thank goodness.

Thank you again for constant Prayers and love for CHARLIE!
Sorry this took so long to update.... been so busy!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 12:01 AM, CDT
Charlie was admitted back to Children's Hospital on Saturday. He was having nose bleeds so they continued to believe his platelets were low. He came in through the emergency room Saturday afternoon. He spiked a fever to almost 105 degrees on Saturday night. They decided to admit him around 10:00 P.M. He was given blood and platelets. They think he might have some type of infection so he is isolation. Charlie is dealing with all of this one day at a time. He is very irritable and upset. Last night he had leg pain, stomach and head pain so they gave him extra pain medicine. Please continue to keep Charlie in your prayers. Auntie is staying with him tonight so I thought I would update.
Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:38 PM, CDT

Tonight I do praise God and thank him for all he has done for Charlie. Charlie is still at Children's Hospital. He has the flu. The culture came back positive for Parainfluenza. This is a mild type of flu. Charlie had his MRI today. We are praying for good results. He has been in some pain. He says his head and legs hurt. Sometimes he does complain of his stomach hurting. He does have a good appetite which is good. Charlie completed 2 rounds of chemo and then scans. Auntie spent two days with Charlie at the hospital. We had a good time together playing games, watching TV and videos and just resting. Auntie enjoys her time with Charlie. He has been doing his letters and numbers too. Charlie learned to write his name and TeTe was very amazed at how good he did at writing his name. He really misses school. His teachers sent homework for him.

Thank you again so much for your continued love and prayers for Charlie. I know that God is watching over Charlie.
Thursday, October 22, 2009 7:36 PM, CDT

Charlie continues to love to go to school. Tuesday he got to ride the bus with his school friends to the pumpkin farm in Whitewater, WI. Charlie had a few firsts that day. He got to milk a cow and hold a chicken. He also got to ride a pony and get some pumpkins.

Our Charlie continues to fight this monster. He was in the hospital until last Friday a week ago. He came home Friday afternoon. We will have the results of the scans tomorrow afternoon. Charlie has to go back for platelets again tomorrow. You can tell that somedays this terrible monster takes it toll on Charlie. Auntie picked up the boys last night and brought them to Grandma's for supper and a visit. He looked so tired. He has been having pain in his legs. He does love school! He is so proud to tell me what letter he has learned in school. Once again Auntie was so amazed how well he prints his letters.

Our family is so thankful for our precious Lord walking with Charlie and carrying him through this rough time in his life. Thank you so much for your continued love and prayers for Charlie. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009 6:48 PM, CDT

Well the scan results are back. Good News! Charlie's tumors have shrunk almost 50 percent. This chemo must be some pretty strong stuff. Also thank you God you are awesome I knew you would carry my Charlie through this and help him to continue to fight this stinkin monster. Charlie is indeed a fighter. He has fought so hard this past 3 years and I am so proud of him. He is growing up now and understands more what is happening to him. We are so blessed to have this blessed little boy in our lives. Each day with him is a blessing!

Charlie continues to enjoy school. He just wants to be better so he can go to school. He enjoys learning his letters. He is in a brand new school this year and I am really impressed at how much his teachers really care for him. He brings his little backpack home everynight with his homework which is reading. I am amazed at how he understands the words. Not being there everyday you would think he would be behind but he is not! He is a bright little boy. He had a good weekend. He spent Saturday night with Grandpa. He had the toy catalog out and was marking what he wants from Santa for Christmas. What a list Santa! He spent Monday night with Grandma and she took him to school this morning.

Charlie will start another round of chemo on November 5, 2009. The doctors feel this has helped him and they along with our Precious Lord Jesus will continue to be with Charlie as he continues to get the treatment he needs to be healed.
Latest update that i have now ...... ugh i need to stop getting behind!

Thursday, November 5, 2009 8:41 PM, CST

Sorry everyone that I have not updated. This past couple of weeks have been busy. Charlie headed back to Children's Hospital today for his third round of chemo. Auntie just got off the webcam and he is doing great. The webcam is something we are learning because Children's Hospital has limited visitors due to the Swine Flu. So everyone in the family that has one is now able to see Charlie through the webcam and talk on the phone to him. He thinks this is great.

Charlie has been doing well. He went Trick or Treating on Saturday and he dressed as "Bumblebee" the Transformer. He had a great day. He slept at Auntie's and Uncle's on Tuesday. We had a great time together. Auntie took him for his labs on Wednesday and then took him to school. He is doing so well in school. He really looks forward to going. He does get tired but his teachers are great. I am so thankful that his 2 teachers have taken the time to help Charlie as he started school late but he is doing well. Auntie was so amazed at how well he is writing his ABC's.
Yesterday was Charlie's brother Brendan's Birthday. He turned 4. He is growing up fast. He goes to daycare and he is learning alot.

Thank you so much for your continued love and prayers for Charlie. Our God is awesome. He has answered our prayers. Charlie's scans showed 50 % shrinkage in some of his tumors.
Sunday, November 15, 2009 7:38 PM, CST

Just a short update tonight. Charlie went back to the hospital last night with a high fever. Auntie stopped over to bring him and brother supper. His Mommy was on the phone with the Hot Unit at Children's Hospital and because Charlie had a high fever and his counts are low they admitted him. He had blood and platelets again this morning. Auntie just got off the phone and webcam and he seems to be doing okay.

Please continue to keep Charlie in your Prayers as he continues to fight and hopefully he does not have the flu.
Hello all,

I know my post is late but i have to say that this sweet lil boy has died from his cancer. March 12th 2010 he passed at 7 pm (wisconsin time).

He was unable to walk and the drs said only hours be4 that he had weeks to live.... he is no longer in pain

I have had a hard month and a half... there is a foundation for him now, his aunt and me are communicating with everything....today is a day that will make me wonder what that lil boy is doing in heaven.

He was alive almost 6 years.

Charlie 6/20/2004 to 3/12/2010

His favorite song was "You are my sunshine"

this is sad enough that he suffered 4 years of his life with neuroblastoma and this time his 4th battle he didn't win, but he won eternal life instead.