A 14 years old rape victim was caned to death after being raped by a cousin.

The reports said Hena was raped by her 40-year-old relative Mahbub on Sunday. Next day, a fatwa was announced at a village arbitration that she must be given 100 lashes. She fell unconscious after nearly 80 lashes.

Fatally injured Hena was rushed to Naria health complex where she succumbed to her injuries.

WTF???...These people are barbarians...Things like this and of this nature makes my blood boil!...I would have cut off his gentials and smashed his nuts!...Then proceed to cane him to death!...These people are evil.
This is dispicable! :mad:

The poor girl! Victimized twice. :(
They never said that any punishment was levied against the rapist.

The poor child, she was punished - murdered - for being brutalized.

Nothing done to her evil relative. He effectively killed her. He alone is responsible for her murder by his act of brutality. There were others, the arbitrators, who made the decision that this child was to be punished, but he knew what the consequences would be for his actions against her. She would be beaten mercilessly and he would be blameless.

This must be a very effective deterrent against women reporting rape. What woman would report a rape knowing that she could be beaten, stoned or killed?
They never said that any punishment was levied against the rapist.

That's just it, they don't. This isn't the first time I have heard of this. I'd like to hear the rationale they use to stone/lash, etc the victim and not the perp.
The rational is all too common all over the world.

The woman enticed him. It was her own fault. She wore the wrong thing, was in the wrong place, said the wrong thing, was alone, she looked at him, he knew she wanted it, or other mentality. Even though it is not voiced aloud very often here in the US, it is still thought. The woman must justify her "goodness and innocence".

Thank goodness that we are progressing. I hope that it will not be long before we all (all the world) will progress.

I find it degrading to men as well as women. How? That portrayal seems to make men animalistic with no control over their sexual feelings or actions. This just is not true. (IMHO)
It's hard to read about this and stick to the principle of cultural relativism.

Wait a second... it's not.

This is barbarianism, and using religion to justify it is tyranny. Disgusting.
That's just it, they don't. This isn't the first time I have heard of this. I'd like to hear the rationale they use to stone/lash, etc the victim and not the perp.
Sad, but true.
Sad, but true.

Yeah, I just skimmed over the article again. It seems that a higher court outlawed fatwas about a year ago but this incident is the second since then to order a fatwa and the higher court is demanding an answer from the lower court as to why they ordered this last fatwa......:dunno:
Yeah, I just skimmed over the article again. It seems that a higher court outlawed fatwas about a year ago but this incident is the second since then to order a fatwa and the higher court is demanding an answer from the lower court as to why they ordered this last fatwa......:dunno:
It's probably because the general population of that area still supports fatwas.
How horrifying!

It's their culture, but there needs to be a global standard for human rights that everyone adheres to.
why are ya'all mad? They are taking action against people involved in fatwa. It was outlawed 8 months ago. i guess it takes time for it to seep into society's head.
why are ya'all mad? They are taking action against people involved in fatwa. It was outlawed 8 months ago. i guess it takes time for it to seep into society's head.
We're mad at the rapist and those who carried out the fatwa.
We're mad at the rapist and those who carried out the fatwa.

I was getting a gist in here that the society, culture, country, and the government carried it out.

just wanted to make sure that the fatwa is outlawed. the government is investigating in this matter and will hold people accountable.
That's just it, they don't. This isn't the first time I have heard of this. I'd like to hear the rationale they use to stone/lash, etc the victim and not the perp.

Unfortunately, in order to get into it, we'd veer into a religious discussion; which isn't permissable here. However, I can say that in a lot of countries, it's deeply rooted in Islamic law.

The cultural part of it is nothing more than women being viewed as second class citizens.and SHE is often viewed as the one who is to blame when a sex crime takes place. Almost never is the perpetrator to blame; and even if he is, his punishment is often far less than hers.
Muslims have for centuries blamed the victims for everything gone wrong and the victim gets killed while the perp walks.

There's been many cases where women get accused of adultery knowing full well they'll get stoned to death just to get out of a marriage.
I was getting a gist in here that the society, culture, country, and the government carried it out.

just wanted to make sure that the fatwa is outlawed. the government is investigating in this matter and will hold people accountable.

Don't count on it.
Unfortunately, in order to get into it, we'd veer into a religious discussion; which isn't permissable here. However, I can say that in a lot of countries, it's deeply rooted in Islamic law.

The cultural part of it is nothing more than women being viewed as second class citizens.and SHE is often viewed as the one who is to blame when a sex crime takes place. Almost never is the perpetrator to blame; and even if he is, his punishment is often far less than hers.

While I understand that, but we have to understand that some religion isn't really a religion at all. All one has to do is to look at the behavior of a group to make that determination. Beliefs is one thing, but the action says something else entirely. People use "religion" as a crutch to control people.

True religion employs neither of these things as described in the news article.
While I understand that, but we have to understand that some religion isn't really a religion at all. All one has to do is to look at the behavior of a group to make that determination. Beliefs is one thing, but the action says something else entirely. People use "religion" as a crutch to control people.

True religion employs neither of these things as described in the news article.

I don't get your whole point here. "Religion isn't religion at all"?

In this case, that's not true. But, anyway, I do agree with you that often religion is used to control people. That's true in these Islamic countries. It's sad.