14-year-old girl sues friend over missing iPod

Anyway, back on topic, I've seen plenty of people in here judge this teen who gave someone her i-pod to borrow, Since when any of you never made that mistake? I'm almost positive sure there are things you've done stupid in your life and regret it. This teen made a mistake, she put her trust into a friend thinking her friend would take care of her i-pod, but this friend who made an irresponsible error cost Sue her i-pod being lost. When you lend someone something, You should return it back just the way it was given to you. So, pretty much I'll say this friend did the dumbiest thing by leaving it on the desk, you think a desk would held on to it?


Yes I made mistakes and have done stupid in my life and regret it... Nobody is prefect... Oh well!

Yes teen made her mistake for trust her friend with expensive item... Now she learn her lesson and improve her mistake next time.
Cheri, I agree with you about the friend. She showed a lack of respect for other people's things. The iPod girl also should have made sure her friend knew the terms of borrowing her expensive stuff, too. But they're still kids, and it is not surprising these mistakes were made.. don't yall remember all the stupid mistakes we made at that age?? LOL oh what an expensive mistake for all involved in that Ipod fiasco, though! Where are the adults? What are they teaching those kids to deal with this?
That's funny, it don't say nothing about the parents in this legal battle. Because a 14 year old minor can't do that in court without the legal parent or guardian. The minor can't sue the other minor. The minor's parents would have to sue the other minor's parents. Unless one or the other is married then makes it a more different story LoL:lol: