
  1. H

    HoH Seeking Friends and Community

    Hello all, I am new to I recently relocated to the Fort Collins area and I'm brand new to learning ASL. I am HoH and I feel the every day stress, anxiety and isolation of trying to keep up in a hearing world. I'm interested in learning more and getting involved with the Deaf and HoH...
  2. S

    Las vegas? Is there Deaf community?

    Is there Deaf community in las vegas? I want to know there is. I would like to visting social event sometime.
  3. P

    Questions/ A Discussion on Being Part of the Deaf Community

    Hi! I'm an Anthropology Student studying the Deaf community. I wanted to start an open discussion to widen my knowledge of Deaf culture. Here are some questions I came up with after looking through the forums here: -What are things others do that are considered inappropriate, annoying, or rude...
  4. P

    Anthropology Culture Project on the Deaf Community

    Hello! I'm currently in an Anthropology class where we're learning about various cultures. I have a project where we've been tasked with researching a community of our choice. I was hoping to engage with the deaf community, as ASL is a course I've taken in the past where learning about the deaf...
  5. DeafGrrrl

    Just A Brief Intro

    Hi, I'm a Deaf non-binary trans woman. Pronouns are she/they, and I live in Vermont. I'm also joining this platform to connect with others during a very difficult time in this pandemic, and to discuss several issues that's been brought to my attention when the time is right. In the meantime, I...
  6. L

    Hey everyone! I want to work close with you on a project.

    Some time ago i stumbled across a video which showed a project in which an avatar on your smartphone translates words to sign language. . I thought this was amazing and decided to work on something similiar. After some time, i had a prototype which converts mouth movements into words, which...
  7. H

    ASL Fluent Hearing Student Looking for Art

    Hello! My name is Haley and I am a hearing senior at Arizona State University. I am a Human Communication Major and I have been working with the deaf community for the past 3 years and I am doing my capstone research project on relationships within the deaf community. Now, I did read the thread...
  8. Skyy2ys

    Does anyone actually have interest in being apart of a MUSIC documentary? I, Skyy, wanna hear what you have to say. I am doing hella research and it's nothing like a true testimony. I am hosting an event where hearing musicians collaborate with the hearing impaired to make a dope track and have deaf dancers dance and sign the...
  9. Ebby_lynn

    Multicultural counseling assignment-- any help is appreciated

    Hi everyone my name is Ebony. I am currently in grad school and we have an assignment to speak to a member or group of individuals who are of a different culture. I chose the deaf community because I've always been interested in knowing more about it and furthering my knowledge of ASL. If...
  10. D

    Central ohio women: full-contact football womens team tryouts

    Females in central Ohio (and those outside of the area) who want to be involved in a full contact womens football team (season in spring to summer 2017) should plan to come to one of the upcoming mini-camp and tryout dates. The team is Columbus Comets ( Tryouts are on...
  11. Ken Thomas

    Please Help Us Help Mi Asl Interpreters And Deaf Community

    Good afternoon. My name is Ken Thomas. I am writing you today to ask for advice, help, and support on behalf of the Deaf and Sign Language Community in Michigan. New legislature has affected around 1.2 million in the state. Many Interpreters who have been doing so for decades can no longer do...
  12. S

    I Need Help Writing A Deaf Character

    I'm new here, so I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Simmy, short for Simran, and I am hearing. As you can tell from my title here, I'm a writer and I need some guidance. My friend and I are writing a webcomic. We've decided to make our main character HOH his mother is completely...