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  1. Kitsune

    "Nicknames" given by your partner

    me_punctured: Awww!!!! :) That's the first thing that's made me smile all this evening! :) (no, not anything wrong, just been stuck in a computer lab for five hours :p)
  2. Kitsune

    Do you like mathematics ?

    Endymion, YOU BASTARD! The only interpreter I know over here who has an engineering degree is my ex-boyfriend (I helped him study for his interpreting exam) :-P
  3. Kitsune

    What school would u go?

    I'm not in America, so this might not be the case for you, but here the options you have of educational systems not only provides different qualifications, but also variations in the ways you learn. For instance, universities tend towards the academical and thereotical, whereas other...
  4. Kitsune

    What advice for college?

    Make friends! They'll keep you sane, provide encouragement and be around for support :)
  5. Kitsune

    Dating Older/Younger Women

    In the past I've tended to gravitate towards people who are older than me, my last boyfriend was 10 years older than me and the person before that was 16 years older. I'd like to start dating people more closer to my age although...
  6. Kitsune

    When expecting a child, would you want it to be deaf?

    It's been interesting reading this thread as a new comer (to AD). Cloggy - This is the main sentiment I would echo rather than make a judgement about whether I preferred that my child be deaf or hearing. It's important to bring up a child in a way appropriate to his/her environment. If...
  7. Kitsune

    Anyone want to play?

    Aww, thanks for the welcome!! :) Coming from a zoo keeper, I can understand how you feel, but don't worry, even if I'm not domesticated, I'm a respectable animal. In most regards, anyway :D Oooh!! So much love! *trying valiantly to purr*
  8. Kitsune

    How do you feel about Immigrants?

    I don't find crime funny, but neither do I find prejudice or racism funny.
  9. Kitsune

    Anyone want to play?

    Hello!! I've came to have a poke around and see who, and what, I can find to play with! :)