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  1. D


    Nothing too spectacular here. A wedding and a couple of graduation parties, going through my house and getting rid of the clutter, taking an online English course, working outside in the yard, teaching a pod-casting class over the next three weeks for a summer enrichment program, and hopefully...
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    Board games

    Scrabble, Clue, and Cranium are my all time favorites. I think that is one of the things I miss about my kids being grown-up. No more family game night. :(
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    Question about a message

    That's what I thought it probably was. It was just such a bizarre message, it couldn't be anything else.
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    Question about a message

    Hey folks! I have a question if someone can help me. It's been a while since I've been on AD, you know how it is when you get busy. Anyway, I got on tonight to catch up on things here and saw that I had a message from someone. It was from a Sherrie Kaat and it was a strange message. Kind of...
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    Boulder Man Watching TV, Didn't Know Bear Was Inside

    That's interesting that a bear can smell food up to 3 - 5 miles away. I had never heard of that before. I don't know if my dog's nose is that good and he is part hound.
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    Cat hater murdering cats

    Anyone with a cruel streak like this could be possibly unbalanced. Murdering cats is bad enough, but what if this is a jumping off place for someone who is planning on moving on to people. I hope they catch this person quickly.
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    Can Someone Explain This?

    As a newbie to ASL, trying to fingerspell that sentence absolutely scares the heck out of me.:laugh2:
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    I'm Back!

    Welcome Back! Glad to hear that you were able to see Tigger and that she is doing well at your sister's. That must be such a relief to you. What about the new dog? What is the status there? More personal question...and tell me to mind my own business, but I am just asking for my own...
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    Byrdie Situation UPDATE!

    Been busy lately and haven't been real diligent about keeping up with the happenings here at AD, so am not sure what exactly going on with this Byrdie situation. However, I think I understand enough of what happened to tell all of you how sorry I am to hear about what Byrdie has done in a way of...
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    Mother's Day Wishes!

    Happy Mother's Day to all mom's on AD. Hope you have a wonderful day with your families.
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    Hi everyone!!!

    That would have been funny too Shel. It's really amusing sometimes the things that middle schoolers will try to pull to get away with something.
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    Dogmom, Hope things turn the corner for you and your family soon and keep the faith.
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    Birth weights

    My son - 6 pounds 9 ounces (1 month early, so probably would have been a good sized baby is full- term and my twin daughters - 2 pounds 12 ounces each (born 10 1/2 weeks early).
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    Hi everyone!!!

    Just popped into see what was new and to say hi. I have been swamped with work and the end of the semester for college and haven't been in AD for a week or so. I have missed all of you and will hopefully find more free time after this next week. I do have a funny story. Working in a middle...
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    I need an idea guys

    I love the sand and names idea! Then maybe seagulls in each corner in the inside with a ribbon draped between them and down the sides as a type of border.
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    help with a sign

    Bottesini, Thank you, I had checked all the resources I have and didn't find it. You are always very helpful. Dorothy
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    help with a sign

    I am trying to find out if there is a sign for casket or coffin. Can anyone help me? Thanks, Dorothy
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    What Kind Of Animal Would You Be?

    I would probably be a cat based on my somewhat quirky, unpredictable nature. Well at least I am predictable to myself. I think I would like to be a parrot. They have bright plumage, live forever, and can get away with saying pretty much anything.
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    Easter Miracle?

    Robin, What a wonderful Easter this was for you and your family. I got goosebumps as I read your post. Just as it has been a long while since you've seen your daughter, her rehab. will also take a long time. Your daughter is so lucky to have a mom who is willing to help her to be strong and...
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    Boyfriend's family

    Moon-child, As a hearing person, new to the Deaf Community, and just learning ASL I have actually had the tables turned when attending a local Deaf Event. It was a very humbling experience for me to sit in a room with a group of people who were communicating, laughing, having a good time and I...