Hi everyone!!!


New Member
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
Just popped into see what was new and to say hi. I have been swamped with work and the end of the semester for college and haven't been in AD for a week or so. I have missed all of you and will hopefully find more free time after this next week.

I do have a funny story. Working in a middle school, I am constantly coming across teenagers who are trying to get away with something. So...one day in the hall I see a student with his iPod earplug in and asked him to put his iPod away. He tried to tell me that he had recently found out he was going deaf and it was his new hearing aide. I let him go on and on burying himself before letting him know that 1)I am currently taking ASL, 2) I happen to socialize with actual Deaf people, 3) I know what both HA's and CI's look like, and 4) that was neither. The look on his face was priceless, he just said, "dang, thought I could fool you."

Well, you all take care, and hopefully I'll be back sooner than later.
U could have started signing to him and see the reaction on his face! :laugh2:
That would have been funny too Shel. It's really amusing sometimes the things that middle schoolers will try to pull to get away with something.