Recent content by shimo

  1. shimo

    Ahhhh I sold my video tutorial to a HoH and it doesn't have subtitles

    Hi alldeaf, long time no post! I was at a pop-culture convention this weekend, and I haven't got around to putting subs on my videos, but this weekend I sold a photoshop tutorial video to a hard-of-hearing person. ><; I didn't realize he was hard of hearing until he was already leaving. I...
  2. shimo

    How important is processor speed?

    I don't know if someone has already mentioned this, but on laptops, sometimes the GPU relies on the CPU and onboard RAM to provide some or all of the graphical processing power. If you want nice fluid videos, a nice webcam (be prepared to drop around $100 for a really nice HD one) is...
  3. shimo

    Deaf selling ASL cards?

    This describes exactly why I was bothered by this interaction.
  4. shimo

    Deaf selling ASL cards?

    I saw a man going around to different stores on my street trying to sell ASL cards. They were green, and I guess each one had a different sign on it or something, but is this legitimate? He acted deaf, but it struck me as odd that an actual Deaf person would go around trying to sell ASL cards...
  5. shimo

    Wondering if I can run triple screen on this PC?

    Wow, it boots pretty fast! But you might have to buy an ultra micro mini video card to expand the number of monitor plug ins.
  6. shimo

    "What kind of Asian are you?"

    haha, I saw this video. Absolutely hilarious... and painfully accurate ;_;
  7. shimo

    Does a person's eating habits matter when you date someone who avoids junk food ?

    But there's people who eat only junk food who are grossly anorexic. that isn't OK either -- they could get so skinny that their body starts to eat the muscles that make up the heart .. then what?
  8. shimo

    Hello from Western NY

    Wow, what an accomplished life so far. You are really a hero.
  9. shimo

    jodi arias: who is the admitted AZ killer

    I was wondering the same thing. Who is she and why is she a big deal and why should I care about her? The news sure loves to report on her.
  10. shimo

    It's ok to add friends now....

    Friends and acquaintances are more likely to rob you than total strangers, so it's normal to be cautious about that. I usually wait a few days after I've gone to something to post about it online for the same reasons: I don't need people who know where I live to know I won't be home. I don't...
  11. shimo

    I left the garbage disposal on for 45 minutes

    This sounds like a very good idea, since the garbage disposal is usually only used for a few seconds at a time. It should be operated with a hold-down-the-button switch or a timer switch. Glad to hear no one got hurt.
  12. shimo

    How do you sign...

    How do you sign "That's lucky" or "good luck"? Lifeprint says you sign "good" spell l-u-c-k. Signsavvy is showing a video with same video as "favorite" but for fortunate, the sign they are showing is a combination of "favorite" and then the hand falls down like in the sign "bad".
  13. shimo

    Fellow Students: Do You Get "Stuck" In ASL?

    I think it may have to do with a strong distinction between what is "native language" and what is a "foreign language". Another example of this phenomenon is when students who are trying to pick up a third language keep thinking of their second language instead, such as: an English speaker...
  14. shimo

    Coworker competency issues

    When I am stuck in a situation where I think other people will not do any work, I will plan to do all of the work by myself from the getgo. If I cannot do the work by myself then I will consult the boss or drop the project.
  15. shimo

    New York City aims to ban cigarette sales to under 21s

    New York City is a nasty dirty city to be in, but I'm not sure I want it to become spotlessly clean like Singapore. Something tells me that teenagers smoking is merely a symptom of something much greater, such as poverty.