Recent content by Rickyrab

  1. R

    Engineering car adapter for Nucleus 5, 6

    It would also be nice to find a way to construct a USB charger for Nucleus 5 and 6 batteries.
  2. R

    Engineering car adapter for Nucleus 5, 6

    I'm investigating the feasibility of engineering a do-it-yourself car (or solar, for that matter) charger for the Cochlear Nucleus 5 and/or 6. It is my understanding that the Cochlear company came out with a car charger for the Freedom but not the 5 or 6. I know that Cochlear Nucleus 5...
  3. R

    Cochlear implants are nice, but accessory prices suck

    Okay, so maybe we should look at what technologies cochlear implants and hearing aids might be able to share with cell phones, computers, and other electric/ electronic devices. Fact: cochlear processors require electrical power. So do computers, cell phones, digital cameras, etc. Fact...
  4. R

    Cochlear implants are nice, but accessory prices suck

    It's easy to say "we can't do this" or "we can't do that", because then one can just wave it off as an "act of nature" without looking for reasons and doing anything that might be possible about it, no matter how improbable. It is a bit harder to investigate the reasons behind the problem...
  5. R

    Cochlear implants are nice, but accessory prices suck

    I think the issues here have only partly to do with technology and at least as much to do with intellectual property and intellectual property abuse. There have been movements in the Internet community to lower the costs involved in computer software by reverse-engineering and creating generic...
  6. R

    Cochlear implants are nice, but accessory prices suck

    Okay, since folks around here seem to feel that I've been a bit too careless, I'd like to know where to get the money to resolve the results of this problem. I've been looking for paying jobs without much success for more than half a year by now, and I felt that the implants would help (and they...
  7. R

    Sound fading in and out and a steady hum in the background...

    That's funny. Back in my hearing aid days, my batteries tended to wear out more quickly, or act underpowered or weak, when the air was cold, but I don't recall having as many problems in that area with my current cochlear implants.
  8. R

    Cochlear implants are nice, but accessory prices suck

    I am bilaterally implanted with Cochlear Nucleus/Freedom (?) type implants, one of my implants being a couple of years older than the other one. The devices work fine, but there has been a couple of issues. The first issue is hardly a problem: when the processors fall off, earhooks sometimes...
  9. R

    California woman sues google maps for $100,000 US

    Interestingly enough, Google Maps seems to know how to get across the Pacific Ocean but not the Atlantic. Why?
  10. R

    California woman sues google maps for $100,000 US

    Tort law in the USA is some of the dumbest tort law anywhere. Where else in the world can you get thousands of dollars for being an idiot? LOL
  11. R

    Audism examples

    ....Taxi companies, which generally require phone use... (note: I was going to add Canadian hookers to this, because it's an outcall industry, but you're looking for stuff youth might identify with, which I take to mean teenagers, so I won't bother with that. :lol:)
  12. R

    Did you wear body aid while young?

    Ayup. YouTube - My late grandpa and the crowd, 1987 :hmm:
  13. R

    born with second head

    And what do you guys think of the Hensel twins? Abigail and Brittany Hensel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  14. R

    87% Say English Should Be U.S. Official Language

    Me? I'm a deaf guy who's looking for info on cochlear implants. I'm also a New Jerseyan. And, yeah, I've spent too much time on the Internet due to deafness. :lol: :wave:
  15. R

    States Line Up Against Funeral Hecklers in Supreme Court Brief

    LOL Westboro Baptist Churchers. I counterprotested them when they came to New Jersey. Lots of fun, too. They'd stand across the street saying God hated everyone and that everyone's going to hell, and we'd stand with a lot of signs and silly clothing and other stuff saying they were being foolish...