Recent content by Grumbler

  1. Grumbler

    sick motorcycle accidents **graphic trigger alert**

    Noticed a dramatic difference in close calls while riding my motorcycle after relocating from San Jose, CA to Boise, ID thanks to the much smaller population base. Can't be lulled into a false sense of complacency regardless of where you live. That said, I certainly do feel a lot safer...
  2. Grumbler

    Deaf-Hearing Marriage

    Am a profoundly deaf male, and have been married for 25-years to my hearie wife. She has a deaf brother. We've two hearie teenage daughters. However, I grew-up in a hearie world other than 3-years at a deaf school from 8th through 11th grade (skipped 10th grade), and 2-years at Gally. I will...
  3. Grumbler

    why people extend stay at Gally?

    Can't speak for them or anyone else for that matter as it'd be, shall we say, baseless speculation. :) Was an erstwhile Gally student, and entered as a Freshman although I had to take one prep class in Algebra. Didn't return after my Sophomore year. In retrospect, Gally was geared more...
  4. Grumbler

    License plates starting with "HI"

    Have been thinking that ordinary license plates starting with "HI" to as to denote "Hearing Impaired" followed by numbers would be well worth considering by the deaf community, and state/province DMVs. Most of us cannot hear ambulance/fire/police sirens, and there have been incidents where...
  5. Grumbler

    High gas prices boost motorcycle sales

    Everyone has their own personal comfort zone, and when it gets to the point where you feel as if you're endangering your life on a motorcycle then it's definately time to get out of it. OTOH, I've been riding motorcycles for decades, and that includes lane-splitting through the San Francisco...