Recent content by cider

  1. cider

    If you ever took a cross-country car trip.....

    Oh my, where do I begin? So many great places to go! National parks, Pacific Northwest, Route 66, Montana, southeast coast. If you include Canada, Maritime provinces, Quebec, Yukon highway that takes you to Alaska. Ok, now I need a vacation! Lol
  2. cider

    Which do you prefer for US travel? Airplane, bus, or Amtrak?

    In the US, I prefer driving. You can go anywhere you like and not stick to to any strict schedules. Highways are for the most part well maintained and serviced. Unless you go somewhere extremely remote, you don't have to worry about gas or food. I would love to travel in a class B RV one...
  3. cider

    How many of you had parents who refused to accept deafness?

    Luckily my family is very supportive. There is a lot of hearing loss in my mother side of the family. In fact every single one of my grandmother's offspring has some degree of hearing loss. So we are all in it together. We fight about a lot of other things like all families do, lol. But...
  4. cider

    Did you notice?

    I know most of them mean well and genuinely believe it when they say it. But I have to admit I find it slightly patronizing and borderline creepy that some of them would come here and say how much they love ASL and how they want to learn about the culture, and then they disappear after a week.
  5. cider

    Before you became an adult, what did you want to be?

    Where I grew up, everyone wanted to be a scientist. I did too, until I found out I wasn't made for it. Lol
  6. cider

    Sex before marriage?

    To me it's not important either way as long as it is between two consenting adults. If you believe it's wrong, then by all means don't do it against your will. If you don't hold such belief and both parties would like to try, then by all means go for it.
  7. cider

    9 year old Aided main stream child so many questions

    I read a few of your threads and I am also leaning toward that your son might have reasons other than his mild hearing loss. I have mild loss since first diagnosed at age 8. Right now left side is still mild and right side has progressed to moderate. And if my mother side family history is...
  8. cider

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    Just asked my husband to repeat something and he got visibly irritable said never mind. It rarely happens but when it does it's doubly annoying. It would only take him 2 seconds!
  9. cider

    has Anybody experienced discrimination in employment

    I do. It's subtle but it's there. I am always passed over for promotions and I never get opportunities to go to conferences. And, this may not be discrimination per se, but it is a disadvantage that I don't know how to overcome. I find after hour social scenes difficult, because I...
  10. cider

    Deaf People & Jobs

    I work in global market research for a large company and I love it. The pay is excellent and the work is extremely interesting. Most of the communication is done through emails and the Internet. There is some oral communication involved. I don't always get 100% of what is said but I can...
  11. cider

    Childfree is Now More Acceptable

    If the child has a handicap, they can have another child. That's one of the main exceptions. My mother's coworker had a baby girl after their first born boy because the boy had congenital heart disease. Lucky for them, the boy now is an young adult and healthy. And their daughter is now in...
  12. cider

    Childfree is Now More Acceptable

    I am Chinese and an only child. A girl. My parents happily complied with the policy. In China, when an only child marries another only child, they can have two children. Or more precisely, two pregnancies. If the second one results in twins, they will obviously have three. Most of us...
  13. cider

    I need advice please

    If him being able to speak is important to you, I would suggest you go for the CI. While there is no guarantee, it will give him a better chance at developing speech. At least there wouldn't be any "what if"s. But in the meantime, continue with ASL. CI is not 100% and with his autism...
  14. cider

    for late deafened people only

    My grandmother has had moderate to severe hearing loss since she turned 80 and that was 20 years ago. In her case, a sign language would not help because the people she wants to communicate with (the rest of the family) do not know any sign languages. We contemplated giving her a CI when it...