has Anybody experienced discrimination in employment

Yes, but when you put it on the app they instantly target you, unless you are creative with wording it that they overlook it as I do, and it has saved my ass in the past, The situation I mentioned above arose after Ive been working there 5 years, they backed off once they seen it was on my app.

A sort of damned if you do or don't situation. :hmm: If you're honest they screw you, if you're not they screw you. :lol:
I bet you're like this

I am, only its done with a pencil.
all the colleges I've attended had no experience with deafies especially for a specific accommodation that I requested for - C.A.R.T. service. they did their best and they did a good job. I hope Morehead State University does same. Contact their Office of Disability (or whatever it's called) and see where it goes from there.

it makes a difference if you plan on being a full-time student or not. part of FAFSA's requirement is that a student be full-time. it does cover part-time but there's a minimum credit needed to be met.

so if you plan on taking a course or two per semester.... you're not gonna get FAFSA.
True, the Polysomnography course I was going to take was a 2 year program, day in and day out till finished.
all the colleges I've attended had no experience with deafies especially for a specific accommodation that I requested for - C.A.R.T. service. they did their best and they did a good job. I hope Morehead State University does same. Contact their Office of Disability (or whatever it's called) and see where it goes from there.

it makes a difference if you plan on being a full-time student or not. part of FAFSA's requirement is that a student be full-time. it does cover part-time but there's a minimum credit needed to be met.

so if you plan on taking a course or two per semester.... you're not gonna get FAFSA.

See no point in being a part-time student...I want to find something I can do for the rest of my life as I have no plans to ever retire. LOL I have to stay busy...drives me nuts to be bored. Not to mention I think people live longer when they have a reason to keep going. :D
See no point in being a part-time student...I want to find something I can do for the rest of my life as I have no plans to ever retire. LOL I have to stay busy...drives me nuts to be bored. Not to mention I think people live longer when they have a reason to keep going. :D

you may be able to receive financial aid as a part-time student but it's best to contact your college's Financial Office (or whatever it's called) and ask.
How can you not know about fafsa if you have children? Didn't you send them to college?

Well, both my boys took care of all that themselves. Both of them were in their early 20s before they decided where, or if, they wanted to go to college or vo-tech school. They'd both been out on their own and working from about the ages of 19 and 18.

They took care of getting the financial aid all by themselves. I was never involved in the process. :)
Well, both my boys took care of all that themselves. Both of them were in their early 20s before they decided where, or if, they wanted to go to college or vo-tech school. They'd both been out on their own and working from about the ages of 19 and 18.

They took care of getting the financial aid all by themselves. I was never involved in the process. :)

Interesting, because parents have to file it and give their income, etc until the child is 26, whether or not they live at home.
Interesting, because parents have to file it and give their income, etc until the child is 26, whether or not they live at home.

Huh, I never knew that. Maybe because I had been a stay at home mom and housewife for about all my adult life the info wasn't needed? Their "sperm donor" (boys are from my first marriage) sure as hell wasn't around to fill out any papers.

Oh well, I am learning now. LOL
Absolutely have experienced discrimination, I apply for a job, they send really excited and positive right until the interview they find out I have severe hearing loss and hearing aids then its they can't get me out the door quick enough most I never hear back or I get told not enough experience or just no reason only to see the same job advertised the next week. Once I was even asked to turn around so I couldn't see the person's lips then asked to repeat whatever she said, I wish I could of been quicker and outspoken and told her off for such blatant discrimination. Worse yet I was at a disability employment network place discussing possible options to go down, a enquiried about massage therapist , only for him to turn around say how are you ever going to do that or hear what the person is saying etc. I was under the impression massage therapy wouldn't require much if any listening or conversation in it.
Interesting, because parents have to file it and give their income, etc until the child is 26, whether or not they live at home.
True in part, I believe it applies to divorced parents and custody...
If parents are divorced the other parent is responsible as well as long as the child is in school the other parent is still responsible for child support til the child is 26.. But a single parent...depending on their situation I don't believe that applies?
Huh, I never knew that. Maybe because I had been a stay at home mom and housewife for about all my adult life the info wasn't needed? Their "sperm donor" (boys are from my first marriage) sure as hell wasn't around to fill out any papers.

Oh well, I am learning now. LOL
Always court to make the Ex cough up half, if you had to pay anything.
There's discrimination even before you get the interview. When they call you via relay, it's over before you even have a chance.

I had that happen once. I happened to 'catch' the call via relay. The interviewer after realizing what it was said, "do you still want to come in for an interview?".

At the time I didn't think anything of it and went. I thought the interview went VERY well. The communication went smoothly. I had 4 years of experience on it.

She called a week later to tell me that someone else got the job.

Looking back I realize that the question she asked, she already had decided I wasn't going to get the job.
I feel ya. Worked for a package delivery company for 5 years and wanted to become driver. After a year of trying and watching lower seniority employees get driving jobs. I kept all my notes of the correspondence btwn me and mgrs. Asked other employee for them to be witness. Then contacted DRA. They filed with eeoc. And the case became class action with 1200 deaf involved. After over 10 years the company lost. And I've been a driver since. So make sure ur ready to fight. Don't give up. I used to work 3 jobs but now just one so it was worth it for me.
I know I get that, "You need to file for Disability." schtick all the time. I hate the pity looks and that whole damned 'labled diabled' by everyone but the effing government. It surely does seem to be a damned if you do or don't issue. The proverbial "rock and a hard place'. I have to say though, sometimes I'm glad a lot of people DON'T know ASL...because it sure makes it easier to cuss them out and get away with it. LOL

In any case, I am a stubborn and tenacious person when it comes to something I want. I can be quite relentless. *big fat wicked grin*
I haven't ran into any issues yet, but I'm not deaf, just HoH. I wear ear buds and an amplifier in class and professors always forget to put it on when I hand it to them. In a music class this past week, the professor outright refused to wear the mic for the amplifier, despite having a paper from the school saying they have to. She walked all over the large music classroom and then tried speaking over a piano, videos and music she put on. I missed everything that class. I reported her to the ADA person and we'll see if that did anything. Otherwise, I'm just going to drop the class, so I don't have to deal with that crap.

I hope I don't run into any serious discrimination, but my supervisor for my work-study job is so far understanding and she knows I can't hear on the phone, but it's still listed as a job description. I do see issues in the future. I hope you guys running into discrimination problems can get some justice, but there appears to be little to none in this world.
My previous employer (county government.. they should know better) refused to accommodate. By accommodate, I mean move me so that 100 feet of people talking, phones ringing, printers printing, fans blowing, etc etc etc weren't facing my good ear. It would have required simply moving desks and moving my monitor so that my good ear faced the customer instead of away. My cousin who is a department supervisor and a lot pushier than me (who actually only has one ear and a closed hole on the other side) went to bat with the tax assessor collector for me and still nothing. Instead it was a constant exercise in frustration on my part and my customers parts with them complaining about me not paying attention to them.

Also, looking for a job now. As soon as they see the hearing aids... "I umm... don't know if you'll be able to do the job. I mean, there's a lot of phone answering and you have to speak to your coworkers and umm........ we'll call you back"

First, am I not talking to you?? Second, I wear wear hearing aid so I to facilitate ease of communication. Third, I have one semi-ok ear and have no issues with talking on the phone. Fourth, you can't do that.
I do. It's subtle but it's there.

I am always passed over for promotions and I never get opportunities to go to conferences.

And, this may not be discrimination per se, but it is a disadvantage that I don't know how to overcome. I find after hour social scenes difficult, because I have trouble understanding others in loud and noisy surroundings. I usually don't go to Friday happy hours in bars. But we all know how important those things are.