Recent content by AurorasLight

  1. AurorasLight

    I want a Big Mac

    I'm addicted to those things! I could seriously go for one right about now.
  2. AurorasLight


    I'm not mad about this yet, I'm still confused as to why you thought that it was a good idea to post this for all of us to read. I don't see a problem with signing for practice and even doing it while you speak in public or around others but pretending to be deaf to just see how others respond...
  3. AurorasLight

    Confession Time 2!

    My Confessions: 1. I suffer from depression. 2. In one month I lost my son, my best friend, my hearing, my fiance kicked me out, and I had to move back in with my parents. So when other people say they're devistated and need to talk to me about their guy problems I have to fight the urge to...
  4. AurorasLight

    Not sure if this is where this goes but...

    I'm in desperate need of new friends. Especially ones that can sign. I would love it if you added me on skype. Name is itsuhsporkobession. My signing is poor but I'm still working on it. Thanks to all that add me in advance :)
  5. AurorasLight

    That's it! I'm done!

    That if I'm a bit spacey it's not because I'm mentally challenged or rude. I'm just deaf. I know I'm probably getting too defensive about it but I don't feel the need for them to explain to others. If people I don't know are uncomfortable around me they have every right to move, I'd even move if...
  6. AurorasLight

    Dating after deafness... Is it possible?!

    Who is he to tell you that you shouldn't watch a movie because you can't hear it?! What is wrong with people?! This seriously lights my fire! Why is it so weird? What's the big deal? You can't catch it, if someone saw us on the street and didn't try to approach us they'd have no idea. Maybe he...
  7. AurorasLight

    That's it! I'm done!

    Well here's to being single. I never noticed this before I lost my hearing but hearing guys my age are jerks! It used to be you had the good guys and you had the bad guys, that was it. Now it's good guys, bad guys, guys who feel the need to explain what's "wrong" with you to avoid being...
  8. AurorasLight

    I'm not even sure if this is where this post belongs but....

    Thanks to everyone for the kind words and support. I don't think I really care that my mother doesn't believe me. I know the truth, I know what's going on, her opinion really doesn't matter anymore.
  9. AurorasLight

    I'm not even sure if this is where this post belongs but....

    Saying that was my mothers way of saying that I'm faking my hearing issues. I do have a doctor that can speak to her about it but she's always too "busy" to listen. She's picked up a few signs but it's only because I use them a lot.
  10. AurorasLight

    I'm not even sure if this is where this post belongs but....

    I had to tell people that might understand. Today I got a text from my mother. It said "OMG! She is killing me with this "Deaf" thing! I hope she's not on her way to an Academy Award..." All I could think to do was reply with "Gee, thanks Mom!" She came running into the room flipping the light...
  11. AurorasLight

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    It's hard seeing my friends getting more and more distant but I know that if they can't handle me now that it's harder to communicate with me they don't deserve my time or friendship. My wonderful boyfriend is trying so hard to learn. He's also trying to help me embrace it. Poor thing bought...
  12. AurorasLight

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    Man, I have GOT to start wearing earrings! That made my day. Soooooo funny!
  13. AurorasLight

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Is it okay if I don't want to use it at all? I have it so everyone else thinks I should speak to them, I'm no so sure if I want to. Is that acceptable?
  14. AurorasLight

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    Here are the ones I've gotten so far: Q.Can you like...Still talk? A.Um yeah, but I'd rather not for fear of yelling something that was meant to be whispered.... Q.Do you want me to carry around a dry erase board so I can tell you what's going on? A.Ummmm....No. You have hands. Use them...
  15. AurorasLight

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Thank you so much for starting such a wonderful post! This is just what I was looking for. I used to be able to hear a pin drop from across the room but after I was in a car accident I lost the majority of my hearing. I'm completely deaf in my right ear and I can only hear low mumbles and a...