NFL Playoffs / Superbowl XLll 2008

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Just a small hunch...looks like it could very well be the Giants vs. the Pats. in the SuperBowl. :cool:

It could be very interesting because Bill Parcells will probably be there commenting about both of these teams he used to coach.
RR, Oceanblue, restless, Farewell, and Max think the Cowboys would be lose to the Giants. :| That's not funny. :D Wait until the 13th of January at 4:30 PM ET. :deal:

:deal: That's right we will wait and see.

Yeah, who doesn't love the Mondays? lol

Oh, I recently got the Cowboys' Jason Witten's replica jersey! I'm going to wear it on Sunday to show the support for Jason Witten!

No one loves Mondays...hahaha...beware that jersey might brings you bad luck....J/K!!!!!!!


:giggle: Now that picture got me wondering. Did you see where Jessica's hand is? Did she get caught? And I could image Romo asking her what the hell have she been doing behind his back, lol. She will break his heart and Romo will blew up the playoff.

:laugh2: this thread Awesome! :lol: yes Jessica is very beautiful!

What you planning to make foods? In addition, where you will be going during games this weekend?

Yep I am!!! Taco dish with chips (I use Philda cream/sour cream and taco seasoning to make a dip then varies of vege on top, including onion and black olives. If u want the receipe, just hollor...And more spanish dip....

I will have small party here.. buffalo wing chickens, vegetable with dip, homemade onion dip with chip and ice cream cake! :D

GO Patriots beat jacksonville jaguars!!! :fingersx::fingersx:

Yes!!!!! GO PATROITS!!!!!! Whoo hoo!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!
Hello playoff fans, lets hope for a good playoff weekend!! My predictions are:

Green Bay over Seattle (31-20) Farve still hitting the record books.

Indianapolis over Chargers (38-17) Peyton Manning still shows off.

New England over Jacksonville (41-16) Brady and Moss did well in ice storm.

N.Y Giants over Dallas (27-10) Jessica wore XXL shirt with a "9 jr." on it at the game.
is it obviously that we are manic football fans! :hmm::lol:;):)
Best to be on guard for foaming members in here for this weekend.. heheh.. if they still are foaming after the weekend, suggest ya head for the hills and hide till hell freezes over.. haha sorry folks...
Best to be on guard for foaming members in here for this weekend.. heheh.. if they still are foaming after the weekend, suggest ya head for the hills and hide till hell freezes over.. haha sorry folks...

<<<<<NS :laugh2:

I am counting the days so far 2 more days yippie!!!
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New England Patroits verus with Jets (New York) this coming Saturday ?

This Saturday NE Patriots vs. Jacksonville Jaguars at 8pm eastern time. I believe that's right :)

Sunday, Dallas Cowboys vs. NY Giants time ?
This Saturday NE Patriots vs. Jacksonville Jaguars at 8pm eastern time. I believe that's right :)

Sunday, Dallas Cowboys vs. NY Giants time ?

Eastern time:

For Saturday FOOTBALL!!!! Whoo hoo!!!!

Seahawk vs. Green Bay at 4:30 P.m.

NE Patroits vs. Jacks 8 p.m.

Sunday (more) FOOTBALL!!!!

SD vs. Colts 1 p.m.

New York Gaints vs. Dallas 4:30 pm

46 more hours till we see some more FOOTBALL!!!! Should have that countdown clock in here hee hee.....
Best to be on guard for foaming members in here for this weekend.. heheh.. if they still are foaming after the weekend, suggest ya head for the hills and hide till hell freezes over.. haha sorry folks...

haha yeah, we will see about that because you afraid we will win haha...or bawl??? MMMMM.....:giggle:

The Jack will put Pats in the box....

The Cowboys will whip the Giant's butt... ouchieeee

This Saturday NE Patriots vs. Jacksonville Jaguars at 8pm eastern time. I believe that's right :)

Sunday, Dallas Cowboys vs. NY Giants time ?
The Jack will put Pats in the box....

The Cowboys will whip the Giant's butt... ouchieeee

Jedi , we will see on Saturday hehehehe

one more thing, don't forget the blonde wig :laugh2:
The Jack will put Pats in the box....

The Cowboys will whip the Giant's butt... ouchieeee

hummmm....I think Jacks do belong in Jack-In-The-Box. I will take the key with me. Don't foget to wear the wigs. Have the New York Gaints give back their whip so Romo can use it for Jessica. Did you know Romo took a whole week vacation? He will be wore out because Jessica won't leave him alone, so he definily need a whip....And T.O., do you think he will make it through the game....:giggle:
hummmm....I think Jacks do belong in Jack-In-The-Box. I will take the key with me. Don't foget to wear the wigs. Have the New York Gaints give back their whip so Romo can use it for Jessica. Did you know Romo took a whole week vacation? He will be wore out because Jessica won't leave him alone, so he definily need a whip....And T.O., do you think he will make it through the game....:giggle:

:D on Jack In The Box.

How is taste of Jack In The Box, anyone? I haven't try since no Jack In The Box resturant in northeast coast.
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