Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part V

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I might need to think about getting a hearing dog. I was shopping at Wal-Mart yesterday and my cell phone rang three different times and three different people had to tell me my phone was ringing.:dunno:
I might need to think about getting a hearing dog. I was shopping at Wal-Mart yesterday and my cell phone rang three different times and three different people had to tell me my phone was ringing.:dunno:

Is your phone on silent and on vibration?
My son is thrilled that no school today! UGH! Oh well! At least he's staying home with other 3 boys to play with.
i got hurt my back this morning, so i cooked breakfast pancakes and sausages for my hubby and me.. so he went work today til later he pgr me, that he dont feel good and feel weak so i told him to tell boss so he came home, he has fever and has flu tummy.. so he sleep since 645pm.. yike.. so i put vicki rub chest, gave him vicki liquid cold/ flu so see if he better tmw morning.. i will wake him up at 12pm for other med.. smiles..

How are you and your husband doing? I hope you both feel better soon.
i wash clothes, clean apt, spend with my hubby grin.. he is off today..
I woke up yesterday morning with ear aches in my left ear and the cold air blowing in.. it hurts! i figured it is infected.. then yesterday afternoon on the left of my throat it just got swollen for no reason? i went to bed last night as i didnt feel good.. but didnt sleep well due to pains in my left throat.. and woke up this morning with ear aches in my right ear now.. still swollen on my left side... my left feet, both of my knees, and everywhere its achy... i am sick again...i suspected its from cat scratch disease or that i have ear infections or infection in the blood? i dont know.... this really sucks.. lol.... this month havent been good for me.. jeez.... and im expecting company this week.. oh boy! hahaha! heh.. i will not be online few days as we will go stay at Petit Jean Mountains... gotta be fun! :D
FC - Our rain gauge said we got around 2.5 inches of rain here in D-ville. I went down to the hayfield which is straight across from our driveway - the whole back side was flooded and I saw DUCKS!! oh to have been out there would have been glorious but alas I had DD with me. Oh well I would have rather spent time with her than standing in two feet of freezing water hoping to land a mallard or two. :lol:

Jake -
About that girl - the way I would approach would be this - just ask her if she would like to go buy a coke with you, start it off as a friendship, then just chat about different things together when your out in a group. Dont worry she'll pick up on it that you do have an interest in her as gf possibly, but your'e also willing to get to know her as a friend as well. This way if there's every any rejection, no one is left looking stupid.

then wait a couple of weeks then when you are out in a group again offer to buy her dinner, then later on ask her if she wants to go out on a date just you and her. A dinner, a movie, and some drinks afterward. I dont think she could resist a good movie and a nice dinner at least!
You know what??? I have noticed that an annoyed and weird person did not making any posts here for past a week or so!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY and keep that way! :fingersx: :giggle: And you all know WHO this annoyed and weird person does that anyway!!! :giggle:
I've noticed that too!! I saw that the certain person was banned. Sure made it alot better in here. Don't ya think?
Yesss .. some of old members are banned. Also the new spammers hasn't hit here (from what I know of) since I made a thread, complained about MODS need to prevent spams entering here two days ago. Very interesting. Perhaps there is MODS aware of this situation?


You know what??? I have noticed that an annoyed and weird person did not making any posts here for past a week or so!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY and keep that way! :fingersx: :giggle: And you all know this annoyed and weird person does that anyway!!! :giggle:
i have go and meet my friends at pffice and pick our late wedding gifts.. :D
You know.....

I was excited when I moved to the Ocean. Only 600 footsteps to the beach!!

Now I wish I knew about the winter wind storms! Awesome but getting old real fast! :lol: I hope the electricity stay on this time!
Jake -
About that girl - the way I would approach would be this - just ask her if she would like to go buy a coke with you, start it off as a friendship, then just chat about different things together when your out in a group. Dont worry she'll pick up on it that you do have an interest in her as gf possibly, but your'e also willing to get to know her as a friend as well. This way if there's every any rejection, no one is left looking stupid.

then wait a couple of weeks then when you are out in a group again offer to buy her dinner, then later on ask her if she wants to go out on a date just you and her. A dinner, a movie, and some drinks afterward. I dont think she could resist a good movie and a nice dinner at least!

Thanks Dixie for these excellent advice, but unfortunately, the table has just turned upside down for some reason. She has spoken to me this morning, out of the blue, yes but I didn't say anything to her all. She has perferred to be friends and I have to be honest here, I agree with her. There is too many girls around me at the moment. But she said this "Friendship is important to me" and it effected to me as well.. and I have to agree with it and at the least, we still can go out and social and have fun. She also asked me to be her tutor in behalf for her new job, she got a new job as teacher of the deaf. :)
I walked 2 miles today with my two dogs pulling me and knee braces on and the weather being at around 50degrees. I sure did have fun!
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