Question about the word "audism"


Crime fighter
Premium Member
Dec 28, 2004
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Audism means discriminating against or oppressing deaf people, either by hearing or deaf people, right?

So what is the term used for discriminating against or oppressing hearing people, either by hearing or deaf people? Would it not also be audism? Or is this term used only when the deaf person is the victim?

I'm just curious, because I was talking with a friend about a Deaf person who teaches very negative things about hearing people and I was wondering what you might call that, since if it was a hearing person teaching similar things about Deaf people it would ABSOLUTELY be called audism.

The way the word is constructed implies that it should mean either one (just as "racism" doesn't ONLY mean white people who discriminate against black people), but I don't think I've seen it used both ways.

By the way, I really don't mean to stir up an argument with this question. I don't want to get into a discussion about who is more audist, or anything. I really must want to know if the term only goes one way, because I don't want to use it incorrectly. So apologies in advance if this thread goes awry.
I've never heard that word used around here. Are you actually referring to "autism" or is it really "audism"? I've heard of "autism" and never with deaf people... only those "special" kids who are disassociated with reality.
Nope, Vampy, she means AUDISM, a word coined about 20 years ago by an author? Can't remmy who. Harlan Lane?
Well, like I said... I've never heard that word used in my life. I don't even know what it means. :dunno:

It doesn't even exist in the dictionary.
No, it was Tom Humpries who coined that term. Audism is a form of ablisim. Audism strictly speaking is thinking that the hearing world is the best in the world, and there's no value in the deaf world. Like an expert who really pushes speech, speech(b/c it's OH SO HEALTHY and "normal") and thinks that the only value in the deaf world is for kids who are so low functioning that they can't speak at all.....
I think the reverse of audism would be deafism.
It doesn't even exist in the dictionary.[/QUOTE]

Yet 'Bootylicious' does....
Now that we got that settled, the originator of this topic wants to know if there's an opposite equivalent of this word? Or should we try making one up?
Tousi said:
Now that we got that settled, the originator of this topic wants to know if there's an opposite equivalent of this word? Or should we try making one up?

Deafdyke suggested "deafism," which makes sense if you know what audism is and realize that this is the opposite. However, it sounds like what that the definition of audism is: discrimination against the deaf.

If "audism" really does mean ONLY discrimination against the deaf, and not "discrimination on the basis of whether one is hearing or deaf," then there has to be an opposite word. My suspicion is that it means the latter, but I've never seen or heard it in an anti-hearing context.

Also, slightly off the subject, does anyone know the sign for this term?

I do know some Deaf activist types who might have the answers to these questions but I won't see them until next week; if I find out from them I'll post back here.
Interpretrator said:
Also, slightly off the subject, does anyone know the sign for this term?

Try using the same sign as oppression to deaf person (B-hand pushing down on other toward self or other deaf) or looks-down-on deaf (2 V-hands looking down toward deaf person). Both with similar holier-than-thou facial expression.

I think "deafism" already is and has long been used within the culture but it doesn't signify something negative about hearing people so the suggestion wouldn't fly, imho.
DeafLibrarian, I didn't say hearism wouldn't fly; I made my "deafism wouldn't be apt" post before even seeing yours. Hearism is alright, considering there's been no other suggestions. Its a lil too obvious, tho but its fine. Any other suggestions? I can't think of any at the mo.....
deaflibrarian said:

So what does it mean when a Deaf/deaf/hard of hearing person does the same regarding hearing people

Thank you for that link, that pretty much proves my suspicions that "audism," although a word etymologically capable of handling both sides of the argument, really is ONLY used to mean oppression of the deaf.

Your question is mine as well. "Hearism" seems to be the obvious choice, but it's not a word I would ever use in a professional context! Guess I'd have to treat it like I do when I come up against a complicated English concept for which there is no one sign: explain, give examples, etc. :)
I'm just curious, because I was talking with a friend about a Deaf person who teaches very negative things about hearing people and I was wondering what you might call that, since if it was a hearing person teaching similar things about Deaf people it would ABSOLUTELY be called audism. .

Often hearing people are not aware of being an audist.
audism does not goes both ways, the reverse is deafism and this also attacks innocent deaf people !

The way the word is constructed implies that it should mean either one (just as "racism" doesn't ONLY mean white people who discriminate against black people), but I don't think I've seen it used both ways.

racism is done the other ways too of course! dont be naive, look at rap music videos are obvious examples. Even 'job oppurtunities' are 'won' becuase they accused by penetrators who abuses the the racism notions...... that's been apparently getting around..

also, often there are black's scholarships or sports teams but it would be be deemed racist if whites does the same......

so no, im not apologetic, racisms does goes both ways, white people need not to be scared anymore, as does men need not to get scared of mind-gaming power-hungrey ambitious women.....

knowing how to be fair is one thing, but knowing how to get what you want by exploiting other people's fear of lawsuits is quite another thing
Audism doesn't actually have to result in any kind of outward discrimination. It is more of a belief that causes one to determine the value or usefullness to society of another based on hearing status. To an audist, an person with deafness that falls into the moderate range and is able to achieve some spoken language is superior to the person with deafness that falls into the poround ranges and relies on signed language. They see some hearing, no matter how distorted, as superior to no hearing. The attitude has its foundation in the fact that audist make judgements regarding deafness from the hearing perspective, rather than the deaf perspective. It can be equated to the belief that a light skinned African American is prettier and better able to assimilate than a dark skinned African American.
audism does not goes both ways, the reverse is deafism and this also attacks innocent deaf people !

Okay, so, audism is against deaf people and deafism is against deaf people but there's no term to describe it when Deaf people say or teach horrible things about hearing people?

racism is done the other ways too of course! dont be naive...

Don't be rude.
Okay, so, audism is against deaf people and deafism is against deaf people but there's no term to describe it when Deaf people say or teach horrible things about hearing people?

Don't be rude.

Yeah, there's another word.......simple prejudice, if it is based on hearing status and not behavior.