Evolution vs. Creationism

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Pacman, look at this way, You believe "Encyclopedia" and I believe "The Bible" as evidences of fact of life. so therefore it doesn't make yours any correct than what I believe. So just leave it alone.

What? You want to end of discussion then stop quote my post.
God is Spirit. He has NO beginnin' and NO endin'. God has ALWAYS existed and WILL always continue to exist. He is NOT material or physical as we are.

You CAN create " things " out of materials, but you CAN'T create things out of spirit that are not materials.

Soo... it doesn't make sense if, you are askin' me WHO created God. He is spirit. How can there be another " god " to create God ? A man with physical body CAN'T create God, either.
~via BB~ WHOA, calm down, please!!!!!

You actually mislead people thur your misinterpter from scriptures.Oh shame!

Yes God is the spirit [of man]. Blood is the life, HELLO!

Yes God has physical and matertial too.. Didn't you read the highest scripture of 1 jhn4:1-3 and 1 timothy 3:16. You act like Roman 1:18-21...

What are you purpose to come here in USA? You just came here for better life, blah, blah, blah! The reason you want to live here, you saw the USA actually evolved out of wilderness from North america within our working MAGIC/ MIRACLES since you hated your country was natural creation cause your family poor and nothing special miracle nor magic like my magical country which did evolve out of wilderness. Because this mightly city and land which is not belong to you since white and black created this glorious kingdom in the world
Before illegal mexicans came..

Anyway Are you trying to hijack this pacman's thread????!!!!
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~via BB~ WHOA, calm down, please!!!!!

Did I yell with this exclamation ---> !!!! ? No. I am perfectly calm and debate. :)

You actually mislead people thur your misinterpter from scriptures.Oh shame!

Oh, me ashamed ? Naw. I am fine. I don't mislead people. I follow what the bible says as IS.

Yes God is the spirit [of man]. Blood is the life, HELLO!

Oh, yes I know that.

Yes God has physical and matertial too.. Didn't you read the highest scripture of 1 jhn4:1-3 and 1 timothy 3:16. You act like Roman 1:18-21...

God was in the physical when He was born, yes.... but, NOT now...not anymore. God is Spirit in Heaven right now.

What are you purpose to come here in USA? You just came here for better life, blah, blah, blah! Because this mightly city and land which is not belong to you since white and black created this glorious kingdom in the world
Before illegal mexicans came..

FYI, I am not mexican. Okay ? I was born in USA, not IN Mexico.

Anyway Are you trying to hijack this pacman's thread????!!!!

Huh ? I am debatin' Creationism here. What's wrong with that ? This thread is about " Evolution vs Creationism. "
This media is BS!!!

Earth isn't created by God, though.

Yes, this earth was created by God. Can you tell me HOW this earth was created by with what ? But, first there was a " void " before this earth was made. How do you MAKE this earth when there was a " void " in universe ? How did the " life " start and what " life " come out of ? You tell me if, you know the answers.........
Well, it's an insult for scientists to tell people that it is million or billion years old. That's not accurate age. They insulted people's intelligence for believin' them to make people stupid for not knowin' the facts behind it. No body is tellin' the truth. I mean, no one, except God Himself. I feel an insult from them when they tell me it was a million or billion years old. I think that's ridiculous and mockery.
I think my previous posts somehow turned invisible or something. You're showing a lack of understanding of how scientists come to their conclusions when making claims.

Can you tell the audience what a theory in scientific context means? Please do tell us. I await your answer.
What are you purpose to come here in USA? You just came here for better life, blah, blah, blah! The reason you want to live here, you saw the USA actually evolved out of wilderness from North america within our working MAGIC/ MIRACLES since you hated your country was natural creation cause your family poor and nothing special miracle nor magic like my magical country which did evolve out of wilderness. Because this mightly city and land which is not belong to you since white and black created this glorious kingdom in the world
Before illegal mexicans came..

what the hell?
It's Coming

Creation Seminar on video by Dr. Kent Hovind
His 7-tape video set supports these points in extensive detail and challenges Christians to get this information out to counter Satan's lies about evolution and dinosaurs which create such confusion for school children.

God created the earth about 6 thousand years ago; 4400 years ago there was a world-wide flood; dinosaurs are not millions of years old but even exist today.

Big Daddy?

In The Beginning...Soup? - by Thomas F. Heinze

Evolution's 'Proofs' Rapidly Vanishing

:wtflol: Oh those silly chick tracts! Always good for hearty laugh once in a while. So much distortions, misinformation, dishonesties and outright lies.
Yes, this earth was created by God. Can you tell me HOW this earth was created by with what ? But, first there was a " void " before this earth was made. How do you MAKE this earth when there was a " void " in universe ? How did the " life " start and what " life " come out of ? You tell me if, you know the answers.........

Void? What void?


Every one of them is a... galaxy. Not stars. Galaxies. There are probably more than one hundred billion (10 to the 11th power) galaxies in the universe.
Yep, people often don't realize how incomprehensible the universe is.
Void? What void?


Every one of them is a... galaxy. Not stars. Galaxies. There are probably more than one hundred billion (10 to the 11th power) galaxies in the universe.
"Void" as in NO galaxies, NO stars, NO planets, NO atmosphere, NO gravity, NO material substance, NO black holes--NOTHING. There was nothing until God created it.
:wtflol: Oh those silly chick tracts! Always good for hearty laugh once in a while. So much distortions, misinformation, dishonesties and outright lies.
So you say. Mockery is an easy out.
"Void" as in NO galaxies, NO stars, NO planets, NO atmosphere, NO gravity, NO material substance, NO black holes--NOTHING. There was nothing until God created it.

The famous creatio ex nihilo argument christians love to use to this day. It means "creation out of nothing". You see, the problem with this is you're claiming that the universe was once void aka "nothingness". It's fruitless and scientifically impossible to make that kind of a claim given what we now know today.

Let you refer you back to the Big Bang Theory. Creationism propaganda likes to tell innocent people that this theory claims it creates a bang out of nothingness, which is further from the truth. They asserts the idea that there is nothingness before the Big Bang.

Because the universe has a finite age we can only see a finite distance out into space: ~13.7 billion light years. This is our so-called horizon. The Big Bang Model does not attempt to describe that region of space significantly beyond our horizon for space-time could well be quite different out there. Re-read that last sentence again.
I think universe is infinite and never ends....keeps on going and going....there is no end in sight. Universe is probably infinite years old, too. There's no end in age, either. Of course, stars have their life from birth to death. Same goes with planets, too.
So you say. Mockery is an easy out.

People should recognize that stating their belief in god/bible/church should be treated equivalently to the atheist stating his belief that it is ridiculous to believe in god/bible/church.
I think universe is infinite and never ends....keeps on going and going....there is no end in sight. Universe is probably infinite years old, too. There's no end in age, either. Of course, stars have their life from birth to death. Same goes with planets, too.

Just a little correction, our universe does have a finite age. Refer to this page how that information came to be:
NASA Cosmology 101: Age of the Universe

Of course it doesn't mean everything that we know only have been in existent for only x-billion amount of years. Using developments in superstring theory, some has suggested that the Big Bang of our universe is a bridge to a pre-existing universe, and that creation undergoes an eternal succession of universes, with possibly trillions of years of evolution in each.
What are you purpose to come here in USA? You just came here for better life, blah, blah, blah! The reason you want to live here, you saw the USA actually evolved out of wilderness from North america within our working MAGIC/ MIRACLES since you hated your country was natural creation cause your family poor and nothing special miracle nor magic like my magical country which did evolve out of wilderness. Because this mightly city and land which is not belong to you since white and black created this glorious kingdom in the world
Before illegal mexicans came..

You don't make no sense at all, None of your posts does anyway.
~via BB~ WHOA, calm down, please!!!!!

You actually mislead people thur your misinterpter from scriptures.Oh shame!

Yes God is the spirit [of man]. Blood is the life, HELLO!

Yes God has physical and matertial too.. Didn't you read the highest scripture of 1 jhn4:1-3 and 1 timothy 3:16. You act like Roman 1:18-21...

What are you purpose to come here in USA? You just came here for better life, blah, blah, blah! The reason you want to live here, you saw the USA actually evolved out of wilderness from North america within our working MAGIC/ MIRACLES since you hated your country was natural creation cause your family poor and nothing special miracle nor magic like my magical country which did evolve out of wilderness. Because this mightly city and land which is not belong to you since white and black created this glorious kingdom in the world
Before illegal mexicans came..

Anyway Are you trying to hijack this pacman's thread????!!!!

OMG! You need to lay off the crack and video games! :ugh3:
Yes, this earth was created by God. Can you tell me HOW this earth was created by with what ? But, first there was a " void " before this earth was made. How do you MAKE this earth when there was a " void " in universe ? How did the " life " start and what " life " come out of ? You tell me if, you know the answers.........

Hell no, that's not fact from person.

If it does approved by bible is part of views then it doesn't make any fact.

I have admit that wikipedia is true about formed the earth that what I believe. ;)

Your post is incorrct, though.
xentar, PuyoPiyo, Reba: I read your posts are actual pointless, unreasonables and threadless..

PuyoPiyo: Eastern people wanted to go mix with western civilzation which is white hemisphere more than eastern hemisphere. you knew eastern hemisphere people can't get white babies genes from them.. can Both eastern Indian parent create their own white babies genes with blonde, blue eyes on and on?? can both asian parent create their own white babies genes with blonde, blue eyes on and on?? tell me how did they got white skin on themselves??

XBGMER, I was just guessing. And my opinion, your post is pointless and are off-topic too.
Hell no, that's not fact from person.

If it does approved by bible is part of views then it doesn't make any fact.

I have admit that wikipedia is true about formed the earth that what I believe. ;)

Your post is incorrct, though.

Pacman, It does not make her post incorrect. What made you God's gift to the world who thinks You're always correct? You believe in one thing, she believe in another, Why don't you leave it alone instead of making it difficult?
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