The Death Penalty

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i support death pently.. i had this presention in college about this for my business presention class. i choose to support the death pentaly.. and i research alot of information..

boult.. to your case about texas.. think about the people in texas how they act.. its not the population relationship. and its how those people are.. the rasicm, how family treat them, etc.

here in minnesota.. we don't have a law related to death pentaly however they did give death pentaly to few people who done terriable crime.. but its not on record.. except one guy who raped a girl and murder her.. and run to north dakota.. since its public.. because its a federal crime so we have to follow the federal law.. so we had to excute that guy.. can't remmy name.

right now minnesota is deciding to set up a death pentaly back to its law.. since the homidie rate is going higher and higher every year.

i remember while doing research.. utah allows shot to death pently. where they line up and police shoot them. they still do that if the prisioner choose to. there's still hanging in some states too. but mostly through lethal inj.

i strongly support death pently.. give us the tax dollars less money..
also some murders are set free to go cuz they're good.. and what happens is.. they murder someone again. same with sex offender and many other crimes.. what happen to us? we're giving those crimials easy life?

cheri was right about those people... also would like to add one more. prisioners get FREE education for college class.. who pays? us!. why let them be happy in prison getting what they want when they having stress life here with budget problem, even homeless.. so they take the advantage.. and watch t.v. make some calls, playing outside, taking free classes for major, going out to make some extra cash and save up to be stress-free income once they get out of jail.

this is something we need to be changed.. we need to be strict.. we can't give freedom to those prisioners.. i never understand why we should do that.. i uddy that cruel punishment like they can't do that and that and that is against the law.. but they need to do that they can't let them do what they want. they even have choice what they want to eat, what they want to do on their free time. they read books, sleep, etc.. FREE

my brother has been to prison before.. and he went to school while he's in prison.. and now he's happy out of prision with education. and he even told me that he had good time in jail.. police are nice to them, roommates are nice. no problems there. but he doesn't want to go back in prision. but he admited that its easier there than out.
I do but you must have alot of Evidence .Its cost a lot of taxpayers money to keep these low life's in prison for the rest of their lives.The money could be spent else where e.g. It seams you guys in America can not get the medical care you need if you don’t have a job
An execution is a state-sanctioned murder. No matter how you try to put it, it is an act of murder. The "An Eye for An Eye" mentality is unhealthy and a danger to the society. Human beings are fallible by nature and make mistakes. Death penalty goes against the the teachings and principles of Christianity.

In the ol' days, African-Americans were lynched on many occasions over accusations and many of these were untrue to start with. Quite a number of them were lynched for having an intimate relationship with a Caucasian.

I just don't believe it's our duty to kill people. It's a fallible concept and shouldn't be practiced at all. It's outlawed in the country of Canada and the homicide rate aren't something to worry about these days.

In 2004, 1,364 homicides were reported in Texas in comparison to a nationwide statistic of 622 homicides in Canada. Canada has a population of 32,000,000 while the state of Texas has a population of 22,000,000. Texas is the one with the most executions and we don't even execute ours, yet our national homicide is remarkably lower in comparison to a single state. Try comparing that! Clearly, America have a problem. No, just because you have 10 times the population doesn't make it more acceptable. It is problem when people are being murderered and they should take measures to prevent more from happening. Actually, 2004 was the year where we had a 12% spike in homicides, and the year before... it was at a 36-year low. The homicide rate in Canada had been declining since 1992. It's still relatively low now.

In the 1990s, the homicide rate in USA was triple the rate in Canada.

Texas Crime Rates 1960 - 2005
The Daily, Thursday, July 20, 2006. Crime statistics

Before the death penalty was abolished in Canada, the homicide rates were somewhere higher. Death penalty in America isn't doing anything to prevent more acts of murder from being committed. It's just a mentality created as a result of misguided emotions.

I don't feel sorry for the murderers, but I don't wish to have them killed because that would make me a murderer too.


I consider the law punish crimes to death is also murder, too.

Revenge to satisfy doesn't solve anything.
Is it okay to put teens to death for their crime behavior?

Is it okay to treat kids and teens as fully adult where they commit crimes?
I think the death penality should be reserved for expectionally brutal and/or serial murders. As far I'm concerned Ted Bundy, Jeff Dahmer, and John W. Gacy all deserved the death penality.
i support death pently.. i had this presention in college about this for my business presention class. i choose to support the death pentaly.. and i research alot of information..

boult.. to your case about texas.. think about the people in texas how they act.. its not the population relationship. and its how those people are.. the rasicm, how family treat them, etc.

here in minnesota.. we don't have a law related to death pentaly however they did give death pentaly to few people who done terriable crime.. but its not on record.. except one guy who raped a girl and murder her.. and run to north dakota.. since its public.. because its a federal crime so we have to follow the federal law.. so we had to excute that guy.. can't remmy name.

right now minnesota is deciding to set up a death pentaly back to its law.. since the homidie rate is going higher and higher every year.

i remember while doing research.. utah allows shot to death pently. where they line up and police shoot them. they still do that if the prisioner choose to. there's still hanging in some states too. but mostly through lethal inj.

i strongly support death pently.. give us the tax dollars less money..
also some murders are set free to go cuz they're good.. and what happens is.. they murder someone again. same with sex offender and many other crimes.. what happen to us? we're giving those crimials easy life?

cheri was right about those people... also would like to add one more. prisioners get FREE education for college class.. who pays? us!. why let them be happy in prison getting what they want when they having stress life here with budget problem, even homeless.. so they take the advantage.. and watch t.v. make some calls, playing outside, taking free classes for major, going out to make some extra cash and save up to be stress-free income once they get out of jail.

this is something we need to be changed.. we need to be strict.. we can't give freedom to those prisioners.. i never understand why we should do that.. i uddy that cruel punishment like they can't do that and that and that is against the law.. but they need to do that they can't let them do what they want. they even have choice what they want to eat, what they want to do on their free time. they read books, sleep, etc.. FREE

my brother has been to prison before.. and he went to school while he's in prison.. and now he's happy out of prision with education. and he even told me that he had good time in jail.. police are nice to them, roommates are nice. no problems there. but he doesn't want to go back in prision. but he admited that its easier there than out.

I consider the law punish crimes to death is also murder, too.

Revenge to satisfy doesn't solve anything.

It's not about taking their life for a satisfaction. It's all about justice being serve to those who've lost their lives. :(

Question to you, Liebling. Supposedly for example, your son get killed from a viciously violent crime, Would you want this violent criminal spend a life in prison with luxuries, or spend 23 years in prison then on his good terms behavior he is out on parole, or death penalty? You choose and explain your reasons too. ;)

Also, I wanted to add in general that let's not forget about what had happen and could happen when a violent criminals breaks out of prison, which meaning escaped from prison when those violent criminals were sentenced to life in prison. It's like walking on egg shells, Everyone would be frighten, wondering where these criminals are heading to, who they're going to kill next? Is that the way we should live our life being afraid and having to watch our backs?

DeafSCUBA98, :gpost:
I support the death penalty as it was written in the bible. Not exact words, but scripted - [Ex 21:12, 14; Lev 24:17] "...But if he struck him down with an iron object, so that he died, he is a murderer; the murderer shall surely be put to death."

Another problem with "life" sentences is that very often the killers, rapists, and pedophiles don't really stay in prison for the rest of their lives. They get out and commit more horrible crimes.

Also, the families of the victims are forced to relive their pain at parole hearings, and live in fear that the criminal will be freed and come after them. Why should the innocent victims be forced to continue suffering and fearing? That is NOT justice!
A higher minimum wage would be much more beneficial... and probably cheaper..
I support the death penalty as it was written in the bible. Not exact words, but scripted - [Ex 21:12, 14; Lev 24:17] "...But if he struck him down with an iron object, so that he died, he is a murderer; the murderer shall surely be put to death."


So that superseeds the 10 commandments??
So that superseeds the 10 commandments??
The Biblical commandment is against murder, not lawful execution, not self-defense, and not warfare. There is no conflict.
Another problem with "life" sentences is that very often the killers, rapists, and pedophiles don't really stay in prison for the rest of their lives. They get out and commit more horrible crimes.

Also, the families of the victims are forced to relive their pain at parole hearings, and live in fear that the criminal will be freed and come after them. Why should the innocent victims be forced to continue suffering and fearing? That is NOT justice!

I agree with you, so consider this a devil's advocate post. I really have mixed feelings about the death penalty. I generally support it, but the ones that are on death row, and are innocent (proven when DNA exonerates them), bothers the heck out of me. I can't ignore that. There are people sitting on death row who didn't do the crime. How does one deal with that?

Also, what about families who must wait YEARS to see the killer executed? That's also excruciating... Wouldn't it be better to send the killer to prison with life, no parole???? In most murder cases

Ah, the whole system needs to be revamped....

As I said, I don't disagree with you at all. But, there's serious flaws in our system, and they need to be fixed. Such as making sure the accused ACTUALLY did the crime and I also think the appeal's process needs to be tweaked. It shouldn't take 20 yrs to execute someone.
I got an idea...all murderers, rapists and paedophiles should be shipped to somewhere like Alcatraz and left to their own devices...let em sort each other a minimal food drop once a week and shoot any of the buggers who tries to escape! No-one deserves to live a comfortable life after despicable crimes...if they aren't executed then they spend the rest of their days in comfort...THAT JUST AIN'T RIGHT!!

zips x

Not a bad idea at that. I'm sure somebody will have a problem with it. ;)
You telling me Jillio....she seemed to be more the brains behind a lot of it...makes you wonder whether Brady would ever have gone as far as he did without her?? She did not deserve to live her life out the way she did...maybe the death penalty would have been more apt!

If anyone ever touched my son there would be no need for the death penalty...I'd do the buggers myself, slowly!

zips x

Agreed. She seemed to be the one in control of the situation. Yeah, when you apply it to your own child, it does make a difference in your perspective. And the evidence in that case was so strong that there was absolutely no doubt of guilt.
An execution is a state-sanctioned murder. No matter how you try to put it, it is an act of murder. The "An Eye for An Eye" mentality is unhealthy and a danger to the society. Human beings are fallible by nature and make mistakes. Death penalty goes against the the teachings and principles of Christianity.

In the ol' days, African-Americans were lynched on many occasions over accusations and many of these were untrue to start with. Quite a number of them were lynched for having an intimate relationship with a Caucasian.

I just don't believe it's our duty to kill people. It's a fallible concept and shouldn't be practiced at all. It's outlawed in the country of Canada and the homicide rate aren't something to worry about these days.

In 2004, 1,364 homicides were reported in Texas in comparison to a nationwide statistic of 622 homicides in Canada. Canada has a population of 32,000,000 while the state of Texas has a population of 22,000,000. Texas is the one with the most executions and we don't even execute ours, yet our national homicide is remarkably lower in comparison to a single state. Try comparing that! Clearly, America have a problem. No, just because you have 10 times the population doesn't make it more acceptable. It is problem when people are being murderered and they should take measures to prevent more from happening. Actually, 2004 was the year where we had a 12% spike in homicides, and the year before... it was at a 36-year low. The homicide rate in Canada had been declining since 1992. It's still relatively low now.

In the 1990s, the homicide rate in USA was triple the rate in Canada.

Texas Crime Rates 1960 - 2005
The Daily, Thursday, July 20, 2006. Crime statistics

Before the death penalty was abolished in Canada, the homicide rates were somewhere higher. Death penalty in America isn't doing anything to prevent more acts of murder from being committed. It's just a mentality created as a result of misguided emotions.

I don't feel sorry for the murderers, but I don't wish to have them killed because that would make me a murderer too.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said it best: If we subscribe to the eye for an eye rule, we all end up blind.
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