Why do people become atheists?

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Reba said:
Are you a vegetarian?
Reba said:
No but I do not eat baby meats like lamb, veal, baby pig, etc. Don´t you know it´s bad health if you eat meat alot...?

The hunters and butcher kill the animals for meat, not sacrifice animal to God. I know Islam country still do that... I would not do that... *goose bumps*

Because the "fruit" did not obey God's command that only a blood sacrifice could satisfy the penalty of sin. The true blood sacrifice was Jesus Christ. The animal blood sacrifices were following the "type" that God established to represent Jesus' sacrifice. "Fruit" disobeys that "type."

Fruit disobey? :shock: It´s healther what Cain did is grows grains, fruits & vegetables. He is good farmer. Abel is good sheep keeper. They both bring gift to God. Cain brought some foods he has grown and Abel brought good sheep he has. God is pleased with Abel and his gift, not Cain and his gift... Huh? It look like that Abel´s gift is better than Cain´s? No wonder why Cain murder his brother Abel out of jealous because God like Abel better. Should I follow what the bible says and treat my children different? Nooooooo! I TREAT my children fair, no matter what. No wonder most children killed each other out of jealously.

When God establishes a type, humans can't decide to change them. That is disobedience. Cain and Abel both knew the sacrifice requirement. One obeyed, one disobeyed.

It look like God expect too much from Abel and Cain? I would not do that. That´s why I don´t follow what the bible says... I accept and read bible as "history" where we come from.... not do what the bible says.
You are right, many blame on God or Satan, but did Reba and I do? No, remember Adam and Eve, God told the, to eat any tree except one, so when the serpent ask Eve, doe not God said u can eat any tree? Eve answered, yes, except one. Does He not say that u will die if u eat that forbidden fruit? Look how good it taste, Eve knows it looks good, but knows it wrong, but she took it anyway then on to Adam. And the story goes on, then u notice what happen when God came in their midst and looking for them? Bec they were hiding bec of nakedness of shame? Notice the key answer the problem,God ask Adam did u eat what I told u not to, and he said, yes, but that's Eve's fault, bec she gave it to me, then God asked Eve, yes, but its serpent fault, he told me. So, that's call a blame game which is still today, blaming oh God and Satan of this and that. Never changes. Its a person's choice to make. Yes, we came from different background and everything in the bible shown me exactly what and how things are happening and even its like my mirror as I am looking at myself. Like recent post even evolutuon/science teacher claiming the point of "proof", which my daughter questioned which teacher couldnt answer. Bec the teacher told me how remarkable she is which the teacher pointing human theory as my daughter point to God, which tacher couldn't answer and my daughter has a good point. That's why its based on your background and sometime like Reba and me, u could be grateful, not in exalt position, but God's leading u into this situation. Sometimes we lack of things not finding the answers, but has to be daily basis on the Word and discipline and along with other strong belivers, not religions and negativity type or felling oppress by them, that's not what God call me to do, and I know Reba agrees with me. We are called to minister others, not what we know, but what we have seen and experience and the foundation build on the Rock, who is Jesus Christ. Many missing the point of the bible. Bible is not just history, its more than that. Its a life applications. I don't based on man and also, I m very careful who the person teaching and must be founded full in the bible will whole context, not verses pluckers which lead others astray or confuse and misunderstand bec contradict the other parts and the full context of the Bible. I have seen how some teaches which conflict and make it seem the bible has contradictions. The way I see Reba believes very similar I believes. Our point is Jesus, not our intellectuals. We are like everyone else, but the only thing different is that Reba and some others and myself have put our place our faith in Christ Jesus in our lives is making the difference, but each of us have different calling (gifts) from God, but same Lord, in different parts of the Body. Smile
Liebling, u missing the whole point of the message. I just mentioned few thread ago, our sins must be covered and forgiven thru innocence blood of animals and healthy to, if blemish won't do any good, that's end and not need any more sacrifices, bec its already done only one time and final, that's Jesus Christ, His shed blood so we can be forgiven. Fruit and veg won't do anything. And about Cain jealousy against Abel and killed him does not influence anyone to be like that, even its not written in the Bible, it still be killings and jealousy, why? We born sins that's passed down from Adam. That's the idea, why many get the wrong idea about that. Animals is Gods purpose for our needs, like dogs for protecting and also to enjoy, and cat too, cows, for us something to eat and even wear clothes and etc it goes. Yes, there are some unhealthy food, its based on how much u eat and the balance. There are christian teaching about healthy food and dieting. Even bible said overeating is detestable against the Lord. That's why so many getting the wrong idea of the scriptures.
Liebling:-))) said:
No, you can't make people want to try God themselves because they should not being force to try or beleive anything but trust their own heart. Its about FOCUS the truth. It look like they had been tried until they found the truth. You focus the truth thru your Bible and beleive in your heart that your Bible is the true word of God which others not. Remember, everyone are different.

Did I say to MAKE people want to try God ? The answer is no. I just said that they DON'T want to try God when they don't believe in Him. Of course, that's THEIR choice, if they don't want to.

FYI, there's only ONE Truth out there and His Name is Jesus Christ... nothin' more. Nada. Everythin' is pointin' to Him. :)
Reba said:
Here's your answer:

One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

According to the dictionary and your statement, then you are not an atheist.
Exactly! thats what im trying to say...
Reba said:
It is a puzzlement to me how someone can say, "I believe God and Jesus" but not believe God's Word. How can we know God and Jesus if we don't read the messages that They send us? If we don't believe what God tells us in His Bible, then we call God and Jesus liars. If They are liars, then how can anyone believe Them? It doesn't make sense.

I think an atheist who says, "I don't believe the Bible, AND I don't believe in God or Jesus" actually makes more sense than someone who says he/she believes God BUT he/she doesn't believe His Book. At least the atheist is consistant.
Amen! you can say it better than i can...like i said, im not good with words, lol! How can an atheist say he/she believe in God/Jesus but dont believe in the Bible?? that is very confusing to me....after all God spoke his words in the Bible! heh!
Defee, I already explained and also answered Reba´s post why I beleive God and Jesus, not bible... I already told Reba that I know her answer because I know it´s not sense when I said I beleive only God and Jesus, not Bible.
Liebling:-))) said:
Defee, I already explained and also answered Reba´s post why I beleive God and Jesus, not bible... I already told Reba that I know her answer because I know it´s not sense when I said I beleive only God and Jesus, not Bible.
Yes, Liebling, you have told us already but you are missing the whole point.
If you will just look up the Bible and see for yourself that words printed in red that Jesus has spoken and all..so if you believe in God and Jesus, THEY are in the Bible..i dont understand why you have a problem with the Bible, please help me understand..... :dunno:
Liebling:-))) said:
Defee, I already explained and also answered Reba´s post why I beleive God and Jesus, not bible... I already told Reba that I know her answer because I know it´s not sense when I said I beleive only God and Jesus, not Bible.

Then, how do you know that Jesus Christ died on the Cross, if you don't believe in the Bible ?
Am I an Atheists because I beleive in God and Jesus, not Bible and any religions? Please answer?

If you believe in God and/or Jesus then you are AGNOSTIC.

Atheist is, like it was said before, someone who does not believe there is any God, any deity of any kind. there is no after life, nothing after we die.


BTW why would killing an innocent animal be required by "all loving God" I would never understand. This whole idea of penis mutilating, blood offerings is closer to Satan liking than to God IMO.
MorriganTait said:
Lots of practicing Christians don't try God with all their hearts either. It is hard to live life exactly by what you say you believe. I don't worry too much about what other people "believe" in terms of a specific god. God can work through believers and non-believers alike. My concern is living up to what I claim to believe myself.

I totally agree with you, I've noticed some Christians saying they follow God 100% even say they read the bible everyday, yet they still have some bittness in their heart of the things that may have happened in their past or etc but it doesn't mean they believe God with all their heart, and I thought God don't want those of us who hold onto the past but to learn to forgive and forget those we hurt us...

What confused me the most is when someone says they believe God's Word but yet they don't follow them :dunno:

Instead of judging those unbelievers out there, they should take a good look at themselves first before making such a judgements...
I didn't think u read the whole post with every word of it. Reread what I explained very carefully and get the whole message, not part of it. Both about circumcision and sacrifice.
Audiofuzzy said:
BTW why would killing an innocent animal be required by "all loving God" I would never understand. This whole idea of penis mutilating, blood offerings is closer to Satan liking than to God IMO.

Are you serious? I thought God made animals so that we have food to eat and about whole idea of p*nis , I'm lost on that one...
Defee said:
THEY are in the Bible..i dont understand why you have a problem with the Bible, please help me understand..... :dunno:

There will be some people that will have difficult understanding the words in the Bible, and I happen to be one of them, that why Roadrunner got me the New Living Translation and it much more easier to understand than the others...

It takes time to understand what God really meant to say in the Bible....
hottiedeafboi said:
I didn't think u read the whole post with every word of it. Reread what I explained very carefully and get the whole message, not part of it. Both about circumcision and sacrifice.

Were you talking to me or someone else?.. :dunno:
Liebling said:
No but I do not eat baby meats like lamb, veal, baby pig, etc. Don´t you know it´s bad health if you eat meat alot...?
I didn't say anything about the quantity of meat eating. I just wanted to know if you eat meat, any meat. If you are a vegitarian or vegan, then I can understand your resistance to animal sacrifice. But if you eat meat, I don't understand why that is OK, but it is not OK to sacrifice animals.

Anyway, praise God, since the sacrifice of Jesus, we no longer need to sacrifice animals. "It is finished!"

BTW, did you know that the Jews sacrificed their animals in a way much more humane than the way your beef cow was slaughtered? Just a side note.

The hunters and butcher kill the animals for meat, not sacrifice animal to God. I know Islam country still do that... I would not do that... *goose bumps*
You should be happy to know that there is no need for you to sacrifice animals now. :) Jesus was our final sacrifice.

Fruit disobey? It´s healther what Cain did is grows grains, fruits & vegetables.
God didn't require a sacrifice for health reasons. "Health" has nothing to do with the sacrifice that pays the penalty of sin. Only blood can pay the penalty of sin. Plants are not worthy for blood sacrifice.

He is good farmer. Abel is good sheep keeper. They both bring gift to God. Cain brought some foods he has grown and Abel brought good sheep he has. God is pleased with Abel and his gift, not Cain and his gift... Huh? It look like that Abel´s gift is better than Cain´s?
Genesis 4
3 And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. 4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: 5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.

Hebrews 9
15 And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. 16 For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. 17 For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth. 18 Whereupon neither the first testament was dedicated without blood. 19 For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and of goats, with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book, and all the people, 20 Saying, This is the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined unto you. 21 Moreover he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle, and all the vessels of the ministry. 22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.

No wonder why Cain murder his brother Abel out of jealous because God like Abel better. Should I follow what the bible says and treat my children different? Nooooooo! I TREAT my children fair, no matter what. No wonder most children killed each other out of jealously.
Wow, you almost sound like it was acceptable for Cain to murder Abel!

God gave Cain the opportunity to do the right thing. Cain chose to disobey. Should God allow disobedience? No.

Genesis 4
6 And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? 7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.

There was no reason for Cain to be jealous. He disobeyed God, so it was his own fault. There was no excuse for Cain to be jealous of Abel, or for him to murder his brother.

It look like God expect too much from Abel and Cain?
Too much? What was too much?

I would not do that.
That's why you are not God.

Isaiah 55:8
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
Why do Christians always take the "positive verses" when there are plenty of verses that clearly indicates the Bible ignorance which Christians should be ashamed of?

Take this verse for an example:

"If any man takes a wife, and goes in on her, and detests her, and charges her with shameful conduct, and brings a bad name on her, and says, 'I took this woman, and when I came to her I found she was not a virgin..." (Deuteronomy 22:13,14)

"But if ... evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones..." (Deuteronomy 22:20,21)

Wow, how do they know the women aren't virgins? Well, in those ignorant days, men believed if women bleed on their first sex, they're virgins. If they don't bleed, they're not virgins therefore they should be stoned to death! Medical science shows that the hymen in many girls are already broken before they had their first sexual experience. So, imagine how many INNOCENT women were stoned for something they did not commit. :(


Slavery is a a grave offense against humankind yet the Bible NEVER condemned slavery. It even gave instructions on slavery and tells slaves to submit! That is morally detestable and one of the best reasons why the Bible should not be relied as an absolute truth.
Audiofuzzy said:
If you believe in God and/or Jesus then you are AGNOSTIC.
I am sorry, but you are incorrect. A person who believes in a definite god would not be, categorically, described as an "agnostic". A person who professes belief or faith in Jesus, though not faith specifically in the Bible, would still best be described as a Christian. How narrowly or broadly you define "Christian" seems to depend on the specific sect you are most partial to. I define it simply as a specific belief in Christ - but there are many shades of depth to be found there.

a·the·ist ( P ) Pronunciation Key (th-st)

One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods.

ag·nos·tic ( P ) Pronunciation Key (g-nstk)

One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God. (By this definition, many people who believe in God, still may be considered agnostic in that they also believe the existence of God can't be proven.)
One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.

ag·nosti·cal·ly adv.
Word History: An agnostic does not deny the existence of God and heaven but holds that one cannot know for certain whether or not they exist. The term agnostic was fittingly coined by the 19th-century British scientist Thomas H. Huxley, who believed that only material phenomena were objects of exact knowledge. He made up the word from the prefix a-, meaning “without, not,” as in amoral, and the noun Gnostic. Gnostic is related to the Greek word gnsis, “knowledge,” which was used by early Christian writers to mean “higher, esoteric knowledge of spiritual things” hence, Gnostic referred to those with such knowledge. In coining the term agnostic, Huxley was considering as “Gnostics” a group of his fellow intellectuals“ists,” as he called themwho had eagerly embraced various doctrines or theories that explained the world to their satisfaction. Because he was a “man without a rag of a label to cover himself with,” Huxley coined the term agnostic for himself, its first published use being in 1870.
Mentioned about stoning to death been written in the law, as Jesus been tested by the pharisees about divorce and how the law established in some of those things, as Jesus said that God did not intend to, its the stubborness of men. Remember, God does not free them of their accountabilties. Now when Jesus came here on earth, as u see what Jesus has done with the woman who has severe menstrual problem, a woman been caught in adultery, a woman at the well who has 5 husbands. Bec Jesus spoke sharply against the pharisees as thru the old testament what God has done to them, bec men stubborness. Remember God allowing people to have their king like every other country, that will cost their accoutability. But God did say that King suppose to have one wife, but instead they have many wives, and u may ask why God bless King David even he has many wives, well, have u noticed King David suffer consequences. That is major family problems, one son raped son's half sister, absalom (davids other son) killed his(david) son for raping her and on woth all different problems. Then may ask why God still uses King David, his devotion and worship and include confessing as u see many times in book of Psalms and thru his history in 1 samuel thru 1 Kings. God knows every heart of man than u know and even yourself. God knows if u are honest or not. U can't fool God. God doesn't want to see people lives destroyed, but there stubborness. Not only that, sin is like cancer and many time we don't understand why particular people or group who sins or one person in the family sin will cause all family to stoned as in the time of Joshua. Bec whatever God says, we must obey, but since Jesus came to this world die die for our sins, Jesus knows how you feels and all our struggles and frustration and pain, He been there and died for u and me and all the world. Remember Jesus suffered more than anybody on this earth. Sad part is, still people spit, hit, beat him, mocked and all other cruel stuff to Him and would of call thousand thousands of angel to destroy these people, but He refuse, bec His Love for all of us. The problem today? They don't care and try to find any way to lead people away from the truth with all claiming "proff", Jesus is broken, and His word on the cross saying, " Father, forgive them, bec they do not know what they are doing". His love is beyond measure, that we could nt grasp. The Lord is very loving. Remember all the law against you is nailed on the cross and our sin debt we owe been paid off. Its that what we should be thankful for. Many would rather have billion dollars to be rich, but when u die, you won't have it, but with Jesus paid our sin debt in full, its much much better than billion dollars which is last short time compare with Jeus is much richer than this world and last forever.
Liebling:-))) said:
To me, it's cruel to sacrifice innoncent lamb because lamb is baby... I can't image that God would be please with it.

I believe that sacrificed animals were eaten...could somebody correct me if I'm wrong on that?

I have always believed, about killing livestock animals, that any animal killed MUST be eaten because to do otherwise would be wasteful. And if one kills that animal and it is to be eaten, I do not see that in the same way as I would killing to be cruel. Reba is correct, too, to mention that the method used by the Jews is MUCH more humane than the "modern" way.
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