A New Book On Hitler, The Normal Guy

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Nah, it does not... but what it is saying is if you want to go to theories cool... but I will not lead that dance :p

Without Hitler the third riche would not have had much hope.... his ideas were the same as much of the war torn nation who was seeking a rope, any rope, to cling to.... his triall gave him his stage and his chrisma and oratory skills did the rest. Yet, it must be noted.... Hitler did not kill all of the dead.... in fact, in comparison, personally killed very few... a rot in society just needs a seed...

Hmm what good did he do... I did mention some ...
Yet let us throw some less known things out... the monster that he was... was also a pooch loving vegetarian animal and enviromental activist.... interesting as it is... but a lasting thing he did do was established hunting laws and seasons... a concept that has been adopted in many nations. It is interesting that while he did not maintain the personal belief of killing Jewish people.... and it was not only Jewish people in the camps... for of you kick a dog ... well in ya go... he was also a fan of music and created schools for it. Today many aspects in the improment of our science, social, economic, and environmental are all related to Hitler and the Nazi party.
Nah, it does not... but what it is saying is if you want to go to theories cool... but I will not lead that dance :p

Without Hitler the third riche would not have had much hope.... his ideas were the same as much of the war torn nation who was seeking a rope, any rope, to cling to.... his triall gave him his stage and his chrisma and oratory skills did the rest. Yet, it must be noted.... Hitler did not kill all of the dead.... in fact, in comparison, personally killed very few... a rot in society just needs a seed...

Hmm what good did he do... I did mention some ...
Yet let us throw some less known things out... the monster that he was... was also a pooch loving vegetarian animal and enviromental activist.... interesting as it is... but a lasting thing he did do was established hunting laws and seasons... a concept that has been adopted in many nations. It is interesting that while he did not maintain the personal belief of killing Jewish people.... and it was not only Jewish people in the camps... for of you kick a dog ... well in ya go... he was also a fan of music and created schools for it. Today many aspects in the improment of our science, social, economic, and environmental are all related to Hitler and the Nazi party.

What theories?
Am I discussing?

I'm not sure I follow.
So he was a vegetarian, loved pooches and loved music, and painted too..he smiles and danced. And could read and write, he stretched his toes and wore weird cloths...


That doesn't really state much

He also went to the washroom, had sex, walked and farted, laughed and got angry and banged his fist and wrote manifestos, and worked hard...

Im not sure why that says much either.

Yes he did not kill all of the dead,I guess strictly he didn't actually kill anyone. Besides himself. And his wife, If the story of his demise is to be believed.

But his orders did,and his leadership of his nation did.and his ideas and not just his but his leading of those ideas In others led to allot of killing.

Indeed he was the leader that was able to lead the riech no others had his charisma. To do so, or the will, or a combination of them.

He certainly was not the sharpest knife in the drawer though, and his generals laments when they asked for troops to stem the red onslaught and instead he sent wine can still be rather sympathized with, or opening up a multiple front war picking a fight with every power he could at the same time, on every front, against his generals best advice well.....

Maybe he should of done a little more strategic thinking or played some more chess or who knows...

Lucky us he didn't.

That must of sucked to be them.

Indeed Jews weren't the only ones in the camps. He didn't even start with them. He started with us Deaf. The camps were full of all kinds, cons, Jews, gypsies, Catholics, anyone who really opposed or where thought to be opposed to his dreams of racial purity what ever a racial pure German could possibly even be

And so on the lunacy went
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Truth... but as I stated I will not lead the dance in discussing his theories, ideals, or the like... it is too easy to bash everything... point and shrug for it does not negate what harm he has done...
It is easy to belittle a thought. ... grab your dancing shoes... the man is supposed to lead... sitting back and mocking will only kill a discussing not help it grow... the line of theories and ideas is for you to choose... it is your threday to hijack :)
"strong and prosperous" at what cost? don't forget these horrible Nazi German concentration camps throughout Europe
but mostly in Poland - Auschwitz, Treblinka, Dachau, Bergen- Belsen, Sachsenchausen (may grandfather was there)
and many other that people area unaware of:

that still give people nightmares.
Jews, Poles, Gypsies, homosexuals, and others were gassed by millions to build "strong and prosperous Germany".
In occupied countries, citizens were caught daily by thousands in the streets to be taken to Germany as free labour.
Blond, blue eyed children were ripped from their own families and given to Germans to be germanized - brought up as "proper Germans" - many never to see their parents and sibling ever again.
Normal man? NOPE.
Don't forget that. EVER.

Again I am not debating all of that... it is too easy to bend his actions for the sole purpose of gaining power. Nor am I arguing that his actions are the result of where Germany was after WWII....
What I am stating is that he did do some good. I am not saying they make up for all his wrong doings. Just accepting that they do exisit. It is too easy to bash him and call him a monster.
As for them being worse off then after WWI if it was not for allies... that is debatable. But would hijack this thread.

At the least how about stating what good he did! In the end you had over 50 million people dead and a country in total ruins. I find it hard to find anything he did as being good.
At the least how about stating what good he did! In the end you had over 50 million people dead and a country in total ruins. I find it hard to find anything he did as being good.
Again I already have... for the immediate good and the long lasting "positive" affects he had... reread my post...
There is nothing "positive" about Hitler or this thread.
I don't understand the fascination of Hitler and certainly no one wants a repeat of not only what he did to Germany but to the world.
I can sort of see the interest-- tracing his life from birth to death and see what he has done. Unfortunately his atrocities cast a much bigger shadow over any good he may have done. Can't help but think ego got in the way- for both good and bad.

There isn't anything wrong with this thread that I can see... it's an interesting discussion and nobody has been uncivil... yet.
I don't understand the fascination of Hitler and certainly on one wants a repeat of not only what he did to Germany but to the world.

That is something that gets me as well.... I am not sure if any group wants a repeat of what he did... even the neo-natzi group would not seek it...
I believe one of the biggest draws for historians is the shear accomplishments and the hideous crimes against humanity. While other nations have done similar or worse... he did it in such a "short" span of time.
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"strong and prosperous" at what cost? don't forget these horrible Nazi German concentration camps throughout Europe
but mostly in Poland - Auschwitz, Treblinka, Dachau, Bergen- Belsen, Sachsenchausen (may grandfather was there)
and many other that people area unaware of:

that still give people nightmares.
Jews, Poles, Gypsies, homosexuals, and others were gassed by millions to build "strong and prosperous Germany".
In occupied countries, citizens were caught daily by thousands in the streets to be taken to Germany as free labour.
Blond, blue eyed children were ripped from their own families and given to Germans to be germanized - brought up as "proper Germans" - many never to see their parents and sibling ever again.
Normal man? NOPE.
Don't forget that. EVER.


No one is saying he was a good person nor has anyone forgotten the fallen and the cost. But by only concentrating on the horrors that were done... people tend to forget that this horrible person was in fact just a man.
I see nothing "normal" about Hitler or anything "good" about his works. Anything he did was simply a means to an end--a wicked end.

As the eye witnesses and victims of World War II and the Holocaust die off, I'm afraid there's going to continue to be more revision of history.

It's not too many steps from a "normal" Hitler, to this:


The book mentioned in the OP may be of use to scholars who want to understand how a person like Hitler develops, and how he was able to wield so much influence over so many people.

Instead of trying to "normalize" Hitler we should be concerned with how so many "normal" people in the Third Reich not only supported Hitler but thrived in his twisted universe. Hitler was their guiding light but he couldn't have done all the damage he did without the cooperation of his many followers.
Truth... but as I stated I will not lead the dance in discussing his theories, ideals, or the like... it is too easy to bash everything... point and shrug for it does not negate what harm he has done...
It is easy to belittle a thought. ... grab your dancing shoes... the man is supposed to lead... sitting back and mocking will only kill a discussing not help it grow... the line of theories and ideas is for you to choose... it is your threday to hijack :)

In other words, you ten engage in a critically thought out discussion, and instead will just accuse me of hijackings thread I started.
Again I already have... for the immediate good and the long lasting "positive" affects he had... reread my post...

I don't t to dogpile here, so pls don't take it as that.
Now you state what YOU think was a good think,
Makinggermany string, so in so forth
What I trying to show is that good thing, really wasn't today all. Certainly not for us Deaf, and OT for gypsies (I have gypsie blood on my mans side) or othe rminorities,Jess,or undiseribles, so on.
So forth

The strength he created was good for the rich for a whirlwind good for a certain class for a while but they too ended up feeling the brunt of total war.

It's almost like discussing addiction with a addict.
It's a good thing that scrub makes you feel good,even though the actual comesfar out does any good feeling it may cause....

Evening he good days of the third reich it was never good to be Deaf, or someone w it's contrary polo cal views to national socialism or the state..

What imtryigto state is

The good, the stronger militarized Germany united under a racial ideology of expansion and recharge may have been.
For people like us and the nations around her it wS a BAD thing.

It prob would of been better if Germany wasn't united under his regime or his ideas.it may havebeenfar better to be a broken up nation of small states,
Rayne rthenth emitter it soon became.
That's what im trying To argue...
For what it's worth
I see nothing "normal" about Hitler or anything "good" about his works. Anything he did was simply a means to an end--a wicked end.

As the eye witnesses and victims of World War II and the Holocaust die off, I'm afraid there's going to continue to be more revision of history.

It's not too many steps from a "normal" Hitler, to this:


The book mentioned in the OP may be of use to scholars who want to understand how a person like Hitler develops, and how he was able to wield so much influence over so many people.

Instead of trying to "normalize" Hitler we should be concerned with how so many "normal" people in the Third Reich not only supported Hitler but thrived in his twisted universe. Hitler was their guiding light but he couldn't have done all the damage he did without the cooperation of his many followers.

Of course their was normal things about him,
He after all was a human
He used a language, he was understood, he could see,he could walk he slept,he dreamt, so on so forth, he could charm, he could win a crowd...

He wasn't from another planet, nor another dimension. He was actually a rather Benal guy

He wasn't the devil or whatever
He was a man
He was a monster
But he was a human.

I don't think that's revision
I think that's being
Preety square with it.

It could also be said of Stalin,
Who now it's admitted actually killed more people.


Hitler did allot of damage. Sure
And allot of his followers or bank rollers where foreigners.
So the ideology of national socialism it's racial bent wasn't a strictly unique German thing.

At that time
Racialism was an ascendant ideology.
In the 20s in America the KKK had million man marches down pensyvania ave.
More the one sitting president was a member.
It maybe easy for us to hit z Germans up for what they did,but the apple doesn't fall to much for the tree.

Considering America was founded on conquered stolen land, the nazi actually admired America for that..
It also begs the question why the america waited so long to come into the fight.

The rest of the free world was slugging it out with the bastard for three years as America sate on the side lines...

Allot less people in those camps or anyplace else would of been killed if america came in earlier. But it didn't. It watched..

Gettingbackto hitler
I think it's better to view him as a human with all the failings as a human rather then an entity from the beyond or beyond the pale.

His ideas he did not create,and his ideas did not leave this world with him
They are on the rise
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There is nothing "positive" about Hitler or this thread.

I think the thread is very positive
Mature adults having a discussion in a reasonable way
Is always a positive
One of the most fascinating things about hitler was nostlradamus actually foretold his rise....

And even got the name as close to one letter away from his

He saw hister (not a typo)
We got hitler

Close to 500 years before it
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In other words, you ten engage in a critically thought out discussion, and instead will just accuse me of hijackings thread I started.
Er... no not accuse you of hijacking your own thread... just not interested in taking pot shots into the dark...
One of the most fascinating things about hitler was nostlradamus actually foretold his rise....

And even got the name as close to one letter away from his

He saw hister (not a typo)
We got hitler

Close to 500 years before it

Nostrodomas has been linked to several things through out history. ... it is quite interesting how many things he got and the future he predicts even for us.
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