What are you doing right now?

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Sitting in school lunchroom waiting to watch my son take top for third year in row :D

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Top what?
For the past six weeks I was growing veggies in small pots because I felt that just before Mother's Day was the best time to put seedlings into the ground, since it is around that time the danger of frost passes. I spent the entire day in creating pure art in garden form, something too pretty for the birds and rabbits to eat etcetera.
I wish I knew the forecast for that evening, though, I really do. A gigantic storm bounced in like a naked whore and the hailstones almost the size of ping pong balls wreaked havoc on the garden, wiping out my entire strawberry stock and most of the rest. Arghh.
I visited Mom the next day, and relearned the meaning of beauty and art. Yesterday I salvaged what was left of the seedlings and mustered them up in orderly rows this time and bid the troops a hearty "Good luck!" :)
Packing up stuff for another camping trip this weekend.
Watching "How to" videos on how to install the back speakers in my car.... Oh... my.... dear.... god.... I'm going to die.... this is the most complicated thing I've ever seen.... :shock:
Still watching my iguana sleepwalk. Didnt know iguanas slept walked.

Fish n reptile girl? You'll LOVE FL! I saw a salamander this morning, breathing like crazy. I don't know what you see in them, but it's nothing wrong, just me. :laugh2: I used to trap lighting bugs in a jar to illuminate my room when I was younger. :P
Watching "How to" videos on how to install the back speakers in my car.... Oh... my.... dear.... god.... I'm going to die.... this is the most complicated thing I've ever seen.... :shock:

As if cieling fans aren't enough as it is? lol :shock: How is that going so far?
Fish n reptile girl? You'll LOVE FL! I saw a salamander this morning, breathing like crazy. I don't know what you see in them, but it's nothing wrong, just me. :laugh2: I used to trap lighting bugs in a jar to illuminate my room when I was younger. :P

Yeah. Mostly fish but i have had all kinds of pets.
ah......piano felts, get it from OLD night club's blown subwoofers.....
As if cieling fans aren't enough as it is? lol :shock: How is that going so far?

You have to take out the entire back seat of my car... just to take off the entire side panel of the car... just to reach the f-ing speakers... :shock: Have to disconnect the battery... because there's freaking airbags in the side panels... :squint: I do not like the idea of this one bit... I think I'm going to be paying best buy to do this one.... :D
Fish n reptile girl? You'll LOVE FL! I saw a salamander this morning, breathing like crazy. I don't know what you see in them, but it's nothing wrong, just me. :laugh2: I used to trap lighting bugs in a jar to illuminate my room when I was younger. :P

My aunt took a cruise last year one of the places they went to was Cozumel, Mexico. She called it paradise so I ask her if she had a cheeseburger while in paradise ... she said no but she tried iguana and it tasted like BBQ!!! :eek3:
My aunt took a cruise last year one of the places they went to was Cozumel, Mexico. She called it paradise so I ask her if she had a cheeseburger while in paradise ... she said no but she tried iguana and it tasted like BBQ!!! :eek3:

First poor iguana... But yeah in cozumel iguanas walk around everywhere as do cocodriles. I remember the guy there was like. "You can swim there. Dont worry they just eat dogs!"
Getting ready for work despite my plans to leave for camping this afternoon. I am in vacation mode and this is not making it easy for me to get my butt off the chair and get dressed for work.
Just got off the phone and paid my frigging insurance that I forgot to pay....
Browsing online and getting good info from another forum (not a deaf related forum).
I just got my pizza wish... I ate too much... now I feel like crap... stupid pizza.... :mad: Why must you betray me!?!?!
:barf: Pizza.... :barf: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.... I don't want to see it for a good while! Uuuuuuuuuuuugh.... *face desk*
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