artist turns beloved dead cat into helicopter

Because society is being taught that animals are just disposable objects that do not matter. But, when it comes to humans, it's a heavy frown.

:roll: That's pretty sick and unjust.

How would this differ if the cat was stuffed and placed on some floor or fire place mantle instead? It was the artist way of memorializing his cat into something unique. I dont see him seeing the cat as something that was "disposable." HE seemed very fond of his cat until the cat was tragically killed.
How would this differ if the cat was stuffed and placed on some floor or fire place mantle instead? It was the artist way of memorializing his cat into something unique. I dont see him seeing the cat as something that was "disposable." HE seemed very fond of his cat until the cat was tragically killed.

I suppose that you're not okay with decreased humans turned in something so artistic, don't you?
I suppose that you're not okay with decreased humans turned in something so artistic, don't you?

Deceased humans are not in the same league as deceased pets/cats. SEcondly, many people have last requests on what to do with their bodies whether it's for body farms, donate their bodies to science, or how they wished to be displayed or buried in an artistic fashion.

It's really nice advantage when pets have no consent because they can't. So, you can modify them into what you want them to be. They can abandon them at animal shelters if they're boring or not cute anymore. You can get ruin of their 'unwanted' body parts for your own comfy.

If pets are just mere animals, I suppose that it's okay to take dead pets into offensive objects for whatever reasons are...
Deceased humans are not in the same league as deceased pets/cats. SEcondly, many people have last requests on what to do with their bodies whether it's for body farms, donate their bodies to science, or how they wished to be displayed or buried in an artistic fashion.

You can a lot about person from the way they treat their pet alive or dead.
This artist had no respect for his cat.

It's really nice advantage when pets have no consent because they can't. So, you can modify them into what you want them to be. They can abandon them at animal shelters if they're boring or not cute anymore. You can get ruin of their 'unwanted' body parts for your own comfy.

If pets are just mere animals, I suppose that it's okay to take dead pets into offensive objects for whatever reasons are...

It may be offensive to you but not to others. People have different ways of showing their grieving process and memorializing their loved ones.
You can a lot about person from the way they treat their pet alive or dead.
This artist had no respect for his cat.

No respect? How do you know? Are you for dictating to people on how they should treat their dead pets?
Some people choose a vegan lifestyle out of the belief that all sentient life is precious. Some people won't kill insects. Others eat pigs/cows/chicken/fish/etc but their pets are very dear to them, like family members. (Well, it depends on the family. For some, that would be a demotion. But anyway.) For this last group of people, it seems as though the value of the life of the animal is not about the animal itself (because then why is a chicken or a pig less precious than a cat?) but about the feelings the person has for the animal. And if it's the person's feelings that determine whether it's ok to kill an animal or not, surely what happens to the body (much less significant than the decision about life or death itself) would also be a personal matter.

To be honest, the sight of it freaked me out too. But it wasn't my cat, so I don't think that how I feel about it is important. Any rights I have to speak about it, since I have no attachment to that cat, would have to be about animals in general. And I'd be more likely to spend my concern on animals we kill than a weird project someone did with a dead body.
Some people choose a vegan lifestyle out of the belief that all sentient life is precious. Some people won't kill insects. Others eat pigs/cows/chicken/fish/etc but their pets are very dear to them, like family members. (Well, it depends on the family. For some, that would be a demotion. But anyway.) For this last group of people, it seems as though the value of the life of the animal is not about the animal itself (because then why is a chicken or a pig less precious than a cat?) but about the feelings the person has for the animal. And if it's the person's feelings that determine whether it's ok to kill an animal or not, surely what happens to the body (much less significant than the decision about life or death itself) would also be a personal matter.

To be honest, the sight of it freaked me out too. But it wasn't my cat, so I don't think that how I feel about it is important. Any rights I have to speak about it, since I have no attachment to that cat, would have to be about animals in general. And I'd be more likely to spend my concern on animals we kill than a weird project someone did with a dead body.

It;s a matter of what becomes acceptable and desensitization .
Deceased humans are not in the same league as deceased pets/cats. SEcondly, many people have last requests on what to do with their bodies whether it's for body farms, donate their bodies to science, or how they wished to be displayed or buried in an artistic fashion.

Who are you to decide deceased humans are not in the same league as deceased pets? I think that is better left to the owner or individual where they're placed. Maybe there's an old woman or someone out there who has no family left and her pets are all she has. Wouldn't those pets BE her family? I know I have lots of family but my pets are still family to me, and I'd still cry and be absolutely torn to pieces if one died. That is your opinion, not fact. So there are people out there who will see this as morbid. ( It's definitely morbid in my opinion )

The cat can not request something be done with its body. If someone said Mew, would you prefer to be buried or turned into a helicopter, I think I'd choose to not be turned into an object that's displayed like this. Also, I'm pretty sure no human can choose to be turned into displayable art. The government already has issues with "green burials" which are better for the environment, you think they'd be okay with bodies being turned into helicopters or works of art? I think not. Gee, Grandma died, I really miss that woman! Let's turn her into a helicopter so everyone can still see her and she's memorialized! That's not crazy or anything.... nooOoOoooo never.... :doh:

This person seriously needs to seek some mental help..... That's not a natural way to grieve the loss of anything you once "loved."
Who are you to decide deceased humans are not in the same league as deceased pets? I think that is better left to the owner or individual where they're placed. Maybe there's an old woman or someone out there who has no family left and her pets are all she has. Wouldn't those pets BE her family? I know I have lots of family but my pets are still family to me, and I'd still cry and be absolutely torn to pieces if one died. That is your opinion, not fact. So there are people out there who will see this as morbid. ( It's definitely morbid in my opinion )

The cat can not request something be done with its body. If someone said Mew, would you prefer to be buried or turned into a helicopter, I think I'd choose to not be turned into an object that's displayed like this. Also, I'm pretty sure no human can choose to be turned into displayable art. The government already has issues with "green burials" which are better for the environment, you think they'd be okay with bodies being turned into helicopters or works of art? I think not. Gee, Grandma died, I really miss that woman! Let's turn her into a helicopter so everyone can still see her and she's memorialized! That's not crazy or anything.... nooOoOoooo never.... :doh:

This person seriously needs to seek some mental help..... That's not a natural way to grieve the loss of anything you once "loved."

When I said "not in the same league" it was about having more artistic license to do with deceased pets than humans.

Humans can and do choose on becoming a "displayable art" by authorizing it once they die.

Dr. Hagens' Body Worlds: When Dead Bodies Become Art

As for the old woman scenario, sure. She could also have them stuffed after they have died or even buried. Her choice and preference.
Probably so but then again we are dealing with stuffed cats, dogs or squirrel pets. A different story.

HUH? Frisky said something about turning humans into helicopters after they die and I said that would be illegal.
HUH? Frisky said something about turning humans into helicopters after they die and I said that would be illegal.

That's what I said too..... :doh: couldn't do that to a human.... man, that'd be creepy as hell.... :shock:
That's what I said too..... :doh: couldn't do that to a human.... man, that'd be creepy as hell.... :shock:

I don't know why Kokonut had to tell me that it is a different story with animals. Yea...I know.