What are you thinking about? Part VI

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I'm thinking about work today and my friend, whose son just died. He was in his 30's and had multiple disabilities or medical things.

Shel, also - I wanted to say how I thought it was really cool how you got the softball scholarship for college, I didn't know that but read it when I was looking through here. That's awesome:wave:
I'm thinking about work today and my friend, whose son just died. He was in his 30's and had multiple disabilities or medical things.

Shel, also - I wanted to say how I thought it was really cool how you got the softball scholarship for college, I didn't know that but read it when I was looking through here. That's awesome:wave:

Thanks...that was 23 years ago. I worked hard in softball all of my life and had to compete with hearing peers for the scholarship. It wasn't easy but I did it. That's one of the few times when I felt good about myself growing up.
It is really hard for me to resist punching someone around me when I see a VW Beetle. Then that made me think there could be a business in driving a Beetle around for hire if someone needed an excuse to punch someone.
The first question I want to ask women is "do you remember the last time you were bitten by cats and what happened before and after that"?

I can remember what happen when I was bitten my client cat. I had to go to ER and get a tetanus shot and be late for my next client.
Think Ill go get me a fifth of JD or Jose Cuervo tomorrow I need a drink.
I am wondering how some people survive every day... Seriously... Had a call last night, went to the guys house... he tried jumping off of his roof into his neighbors pool... ( Which was not even realistically close to the house ) Using an umbrella to hover the distance between... Needless to say, the umbrella turned inside out, and he broke both of his legs... Here's the big one... he was NOT intoxicated... It was a dare... What an idiot... I didn't think it was possible, but my faith in humanity just died a little more... -_-
http://http://www.easterndeaftimberfest.org/Thinking how excited I am to have found a Deaf family with 4 kids who are around the same ages as my son and my roommate's daughter who live a few blocks from us. All of us are going to the lake today. I met them at Deaf Timberfest. [
again and again, I am thinking that it is not my worth it to disagree with HEARING people's perspective on ASL. Oh yeah it is included any hearing loss with their upbringing of being in hearing enivorment. What a silly am I thinking. :lol: I have moved on and enjoy too much of my peers in the Deaf world. :D Happy :fruit:
I am wondering how some people survive every day... Seriously... Had a call last night, went to the guys house... he tried jumping off of his roof into his neighbors pool... ( Which was not even realistically close to the house ) Using an umbrella to hover the distance between... Needless to say, the umbrella turned inside out, and he broke both of his legs... Here's the big one... he was NOT intoxicated... It was a dare... What an idiot... I didn't think it was possible, but my faith in humanity just died a little more... -_-

Yikes!!! Ya got cement divers for friends? :lol:
thinking if in the future, the technology advance will make those people to feel better and they would look like this

I am wondering how some people survive every day... Seriously... Had a call last night, went to the guys house... he tried jumping off of his roof into his neighbors pool... ( Which was not even realistically close to the house ) Using an umbrella to hover the distance between... Needless to say, the umbrella turned inside out, and he broke both of his legs... Here's the big one... he was NOT intoxicated... It was a dare... What an idiot... I didn't think it was possible, but my faith in humanity just died a little more... -_-

My gosh. Cover my eyes with my hands in disgust.
Too much, been the most god awful last month ever :/
Wirelessly posted

ambrosia said:
Too much, been the most god awful last month ever :/

:hug: I hope you will have a good weekend ahead of you.
Thinking about the car I'm buying. It's worth less than what the guy wanted originally, which is good. Except it also needs a lot of work, which is bad. Not really major problems, just expensive ones. Hopefully we can agree on a good price in the middle somewhere and at least have it in order to pass inspection. It won't be my primary ride, so I have time to fix the other things.
It is really hard for me to resist punching someone around me when I see a VW Beetle. Then that made me think there could be a business in driving a Beetle around for hire if someone needed an excuse to punch someone.

Today my daughter was in the back seat with her friend and whenever I saw a beetle, I asked her friend to punch her for me! After a couple when I called one out, they'd rush to see who could punch who first.
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking about a person I met last year on my trip , she asked me to take her pic so , I won't forget her. She passed away Sunday :( the good memories and her sweet and kindness will always be remembered .
Thinking about how our ENT is not a doctor "just for the money". For the 2nd time he's told the office staff not to bill us for a visit. Any wonder why we followed him from one practice to another? Today's visit was just for a follow-up to her ear infection. He told the staff member that the visit was too easy & quick & not to bother billing it.
Thinking about how our ENT is not a doctor "just for the money". For the 2nd time he's told the office staff not to bill us for a visit. Any wonder why we followed him from one practice to another? Today's visit was just for a follow-up to her ear infection. He told the staff member that the visit was too easy & quick & not to bother billing it.

Great!! More doctors should be like that.
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