We have many advantages of being deaf

I thought you meant the ily handshape? Did you mean shaped by hand?
I misinterpreted your post as referring to shaped by hand.
I did mean the ily or alphabet hand shapes.
Now, as to the walnuts & chips. Chips, yes. Walnuts, no. :P
Homemade cookies as surrogates for various ideas. Hopefully not those loaded with "nuts"!

Deaf Caroline: ostensibly people can be Unconscious "audist" apparently.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Homemade cookies as surrogates for various ideas. Hopefully not those loaded with "nuts"!

Deaf Caroline: ostensibly people can be Unconscious "audist" apparently.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

DeafCaroline, this is drphil's attempt at humour.
Deaf perk - every day I get a laugh from hearing peoples misconceptions.
Deaf perk - (sadly this is true) I teach rude hearing people innappropriate sign language. Say the very rude gay coworker teases me about my deafness daily....and...one great day he asks me how to sign pizza....hehehehe.
Needless to say there is a very flamboyant audist who now can sign " I like to eat ___" Well, the word begins with a P.... (triangle with thumbs and forefingers) Shocking huh? lol
Ok... there are alot of benefit of being deaf! Yes... its wonderful of having eternal peace of quiet... but I do like to point out one thing that I HATE the most about people being deaf. They go out and expect people to "hand out" them everything.... going around passing cards asking for money because they can't hear and don't want to get a job, expect the government agency such as OVR, Welfare, SSI, SSDI, or whatever they can get and get a discounts on everything because they don't want to work. I'm deaf and I work as a Chef. Never went to school for being a chef. I'm what people call an "Old School" Chef. I worked in places such as 5 stars restaurants around the country (I don't do McDonald's or any fast foods places). Yes, I do have an open case with OVR, only for some of the most basic needs that I NEED. Not WANT! High Five for those hard working deaf who want to make a better place for themself.
Crazy: I understand your thoughts- eternal silence is what Trappist monks hope to emulate. Whether persons can get the "same" outside of monasteries- contingent on one's social world one lives in?- I suppose.

Further ideas-Thomas Merton the Trappist author.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Ok... there are alot of benefit of being deaf! Yes... its wonderful of having eternal peace of quiet... but I do like to point out one thing that I HATE the most about people being deaf. They go out and expect people to "hand out" them everything.... going around passing cards asking for money because they can't hear and don't want to get a job, expect the government agency such as OVR, Welfare, SSI, SSDI, or whatever they can get and get a discounts on everything because they don't want to work. I'm deaf and I work as a Chef. Never went to school for being a chef. I'm what people call an "Old School" Chef. I worked in places such as 5 stars restaurants around the country (I don't do McDonald's or any fast foods places). Yes, I do have an open case with OVR, only for some of the most basic needs that I NEED. Not WANT! High Five for those hard working deaf who want to make a better place for themself.

Dude, you need to do something about that anger and bitterness before you keel over with a heart attack.
Ok... there are alot of benefit of being deaf! Yes... its wonderful of having eternal peace of quiet... but I do like to point out one thing that I HATE the most about people being deaf. They go out and expect people to "hand out" them everything.... going around passing cards asking for money because they can't hear and don't want to get a job, expect the government agency such as OVR, Welfare, SSI, SSDI, or whatever they can get and get a discounts on everything because they don't want to work. I'm deaf and I work as a Chef. Never went to school for being a chef. I'm what people call an "Old School" Chef. I worked in places such as 5 stars restaurants around the country (I don't do McDonald's or any fast foods places). Yes, I do have an open case with OVR, only for some of the most basic needs that I NEED. Not WANT! High Five for those hard working deaf who want to make a better place for themself.

The stress of your job get to you much?
Yesterday I worked clearing a field of rocks and boulders and started the day with a hearing aid. A few hours later I realized that sweat had rendered it inoperable, but at first I didn't know. Everything sounded the way they should, so how was I to know? Awesome! :P
Ok... there are alot of benefit of being deaf! Yes... its wonderful of having eternal peace of quiet... but I do like to point out one thing that I HATE the most about people being deaf. They go out and expect people to "hand out" them everything.... going around passing cards asking for money because they can't hear and don't want to get a job, expect the government agency such as OVR, Welfare, SSI, SSDI, or whatever they can get and get a discounts on everything because they don't want to work. I'm deaf and I work as a Chef. Never went to school for being a chef. I'm what people call an "Old School" Chef. I worked in places such as 5 stars restaurants around the country (I don't do McDonald's or any fast foods places). Yes, I do have an open case with OVR, only for some of the most basic needs that I NEED. Not WANT! High Five for those hard working deaf who want to make a better place for themself.

There's 2 of you newbies saying about the same sort of stuff .... :hmm:

I can't think of the last time I encountered a deaf person passing around cards asking for money. (I do realize it happens, but not MUCH !!!) Not all of us do.

Many of us work, or stay home as moms or dads with children, or are self-employed, and so on. Even if we're not, it's not your place to judge who gets federal/state help. Some have other disabilities as well that you are not aware of. I have been working as a graphic designer for the past 20 years, yet not once have I ever judged another deaf person for what they need to do.

Pay attention to your own life, stop worrying about others.
Deaf perk - I can ignore captions of the tv show my husband is watching without the "blah blah blah" and blather.

Seriously honey.... gee.... (glances at him while rolling eyes...Stallone???) lol
If it is surmised that there is a supposed "deaf perk" - ignore closed captioning -why would one watch a TV programme in the first place-to practice speechreading?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
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Two people share one tv in one room, my husband and me. We have only one tv. The captions stay on constantly, that is to say that we do not turn them off at all. So since I am deaf I can ignore the program that my husband chooses to watch. A hearing person would not have this perk. A hearing person would have to hear the chatter, gunfire, or whatever else was being broadcast. I can sit here being happily deaf with only the warm, flickering colors radiating from the tv screen. No bang - bang. Does that explain it simply?

Did anyone else have trouble getting the perk? Should I have reworded?
Two people share one tv in one room, my husband and me. We have only one tv. The captions stay on constantly, that is to say that we do not turn them off at all. So since I am deaf I can ignore the program that my husband chooses to watch. A hearing person would not have this perk. A hearing person would have to hear the chatter, gunfire, or whatever else was being broadcast. I can sit here being happily deaf with only the warm, flickering colors radiating from the tv screen. No bang - bang. Does that explain it simply?

Did anyone else have trouble getting the perk? Should I have reworded?

I'm sure everyone, including myself got the perk, LDNanna, it's drphil who is clueless. :giggle:
Really? Why does one watch a TV programme if one isn't interested? Who is "clueless"?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Two people share one tv in one room, my husband and me. We have only one tv. The captions stay on constantly, that is to say that we do not turn them off at all. So since I am deaf I can ignore the program that my husband chooses to watch. A hearing person would not have this perk. A hearing person would have to hear the chatter, gunfire, or whatever else was being broadcast. I can sit here being happily deaf with only the warm, flickering colors radiating from the tv screen. No bang - bang. Does that explain it simply?

Did anyone else have trouble getting the perk? Should I have reworded?

Can you draw a picture? :giggle: