Did you have a fascination for cuss words?

I love dirty jokes without the cuss words. They are more creative.
No, I was never interested in using curse words but I'm hearing, so maybe it's a different perspective. :dunno:

My brother's girlfriend who is hearing and her hearing mom say the "F" word to each other a lot to tease each other.
I don't do much swearing except when I'm furious or did something stupid. I've heard my parents swear exactly once in my life. I remember at MSSD swearing was very in and I didn't think that was cool at all.
I don't do much swearing except when I'm furious or did something stupid. I've heard my parents swear exactly once in my life. I remember at MSSD swearing was very in and I didn't think that was cool at all.

I work with 4th and 5th graders and I have observed the students from a distance without them knowing that I am there just to see how they interact with each other. You know what I found interesting? Not once, did they use any cuss words. Just a lot of "oh...you are dating so and so..."
I work with 4th and 5th graders and I have observed the students from a distance without them knowing that I am there just to see how they interact with each other. You know what I found interesting? Not once, did they use any cuss words. Just a lot of "oh...you are dating so and so..."

I wonder if it's a different story for teens.
I wonder if it's a different story for teens.

Maybe...I dont know anyone who teaches in high school. Woudl be interesting to have them share what they have observed.
:rofl2: That's so funny, Vampyrox! I never really cussed like that my whole life, though. But one time, I was waking up from anesthesia from my knee surgery in the summer of 2000, my tongue was so loose like that. I didn't realize that I was cussing in every sentence until my mom mentioned what I was doing. I was like, "Oops. Hey nurses, sorry about all that cussing." And a nurse replied, and my mom told me, that they hear everything when people come out of anesthesia.

I think on the day of Sept. 11, 2001, I cussed more than I ever had in my life, though.

I say WTF a lot too! We where not allowed to use any cuss words as kids, but our dad was allowed to call us all kinds of dirty words! WTF! When I am really pissed off at someone I tell them to take a Fly Fuck!!! I know I am bad!! I grew up hearing cuss words all the time!
NO, not really.
In English I (unfortunately) picked up the bad habit of using some words because I worked in place where some people swore constantly :(

In sign ... weird as it is, I only know a few "bad" signs ... I was just never interested in learning them, the people I spend time with don't use any and since I don't particularly like cussing anyway, I've never had an inclination to learn any in ASL. Even now I have a (probably unusually small) knowledge of ASL cussing - which is ok with me.
Fuck yeah!!!! I also learn cuss words in another languages, including chinese, spanish, french, ASL, etc ;) So I can curse off people I don't like, or whenever I feel like being in a nasty'n joking mood. :P :P
no. it's stupid. I do cuss a handful especially during normal convo but I can easily express myself in anger without cussing. I have a disdain for those who cussed ungracefully :ugh:
I learn how to use cuss words at late age. I was totally innocent and not realize what words mean.

Heck, in my junior year at high school... "Blow Me" was one of first signal I wrote on the dirty wood board that got my terp tick off and send me to see the principle. I don't even understand what else it suppose mean. They had hard time to believe that I do not know what term mean at all. At least, they let me go with warning. Bah
no. it's stupid. I do cuss a handful especially during normal convo but I can easily express myself in anger without cussing. I have a disdain for those who cussed ungracefully :ugh:

you always beep beep beep to everybody when you see someone being front of you on road. Oh tsk...
no. it's stupid. I do cuss a handful especially during normal convo but I can easily express myself in anger without cussing. I have a disdain for those who cussed ungracefully :ugh:

Wtf? you're always cussin'. I could hear you going "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu---" all the way downhill while skiing. :D
I cuss like a sailor... locked in the brig the night the ship drops anchor in New Orleans... on Mardi Gras...
I learn how to use cuss words at late age. I was totally innocent and not realize what words mean.

Heck, in my junior year at high school... "Blow Me" was one of first signal I wrote on the dirty wood board that got my terp tick off and send me to see the principle. I don't even understand what else it suppose mean. They had hard time to believe that I do not know what term mean at all. At least, they let me go with warning. Bah

3rd grade i called 3 boys bastards and got detention for 1 week. i had no idea what it meant! i also flipped off bus driver in 1st grade didnt know what i was doing then too.
I cuss like a sailor... locked in the brig the night the ship drops anchor in New Orleans... on Mardi Gras...
Excuse me. Hubby and I really were sailors and we didn't cuss. Please refrain from that stereotype. ;)