Adoption or Biological Parents?


Love Makes the World Go Round
Premium Member
Sep 7, 2006
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So, I watched the movie, "Like Dandelion Dust" last night. It kinda hit at home with me because of my situation with my daughter. Anyways, I wanted to know what are your thoughts about the moral of the movie...

If a mother gave up her child for adoption without the father knowing about the child, and the father learns about the child 7 years later and wants the child, do they have that right? The adoptive parents and the child have already formed a bond and in the movie, all three of them were faced with the possibility of that bond severed for life. They got to the point where they were about to kidnap their own legal child so he wont get taken away from them by his biological parents.

Should the adoptive parents have more rights than the biological parents in this case?
Oh wow!! I just posed this question in a different aspect to my son just yesterday. Our conversation was regarding abortion.

This issue, I would feel that given the amount of time involved, that the rights go to the adoptive parents. Where was the biological father when the decision was made to give up the child for adoption? I would feel bad for the biological parent that missed out, but would still say the adoptive parents have more say and rights. I know there are other situations that would make the decision different and I have never been in this position or had any friends in this position.
Oh wow!! I just posed this question in a different aspect to my son just yesterday. Our conversation was regarding abortion.

This issue, I would feel that given the amount of time involved, that the rights go to the adoptive parents. Where was the biological father when the decision was made to give up the child for adoption? I would feel bad for the biological parent that missed out, but would still say the adoptive parents have more say and rights. I know there are other situations that would make the decision different and I have never been in this position or had any friends in this position.

I dont want to be a "spoiler" for people who havent seen the movie. You should watch it. Very very powerful movie.

Like I said...what if the father never knew about the mother being pregnant and his signature on the adoption papers was forged?
The father should have rights, and there has been more than one case where the child has been taken away from adoptive parents due to this type of fraud.
The father should have rights, and there has been more than one case where the child has been taken away from adoptive parents due to this type of fraud.

Bottesini, your dog in your avatar is so adorable and so cute!!! What type of dog is it?
The father should have rights, and there has been more than one case where the child has been taken away from adoptive parents due to this type of fraud.

Have you seen the movie? Just curious.
Have you seen the movie? Just curious.

No. But there have been several court cases in the news that I remember. I have seen screaming children ripped from the adoptive parents, because of what you were talking about.
No. But there have been several court cases in the news that I remember. I have seen screaming children ripped from the adoptive parents, because of what you were talking about.

I didnt want to give away too much. The child went to see his biological parents a few times before being "stripped away" and in one of the visits, the biological father abused the child.
I didnt want to give away too much. The child went to see his biological parents a few times before being "stripped away" and in one of the visits, the biological father abused the child.

Oh! Well just completely changed my stance in view of that information. Very upsetting .
Oh! Well just completely changed my stance in view of that information. Very upsetting .

I want to discuss more but you gotta watch the movie. It does make one really think. It made me CRY! lol

Because of the abuse incident, the adoptive parents started planning their kidnapping plot. However, the adoptive mother who was soooooo deeply religious reported her own sister and husband to the authorities about their plot. But the sister's husband told her straight up that it was a sitaution where what God thought doesnt matter. It was where the child's life matters the most."
I want to discuss more but you gotta watch the movie. It does make one really think. It made me CRY! lol

Because of the abuse incident, the adoptive parents started planning their kidnapping plot. However, the adoptive mother who was soooooo deeply religious reported her own sister and husband to the authorities about their plot. But the sister's husband told her straight up that it was a sitaution where what God thought doesnt matter. It was where the child's life matters the most."

Ok. I bought the Kindle for PC book. I will read it quickly and get back to you. :wave:
Sadly, that's what can happen when men aren't careful about where they sow their wild oats. :(
No, I have not see the movie. But what you describe, it is very sad that a child and the adopted parents are so attached. So it is up to the court to decide who get the child, the biological or adopted parent. There are times that someone might have snatch the child like kidnapping and give the child to the adopted parents for money. It is not only in United States but it happen many times in China where China have a law with one child. Someone kidnapped the child that the biological parents never give up or sign for an adoption. Like Botts said, it is a fraud to be away with biological parents. The biological parents are distraught not knowing where to find their child.

Men can be unpredictable when they are controlling biological family members. Not all men are like that but it is unnerving to have a biological father to abuse the child. Usually it is always the mother who was carrying the child and decided if she wanted to give the child up or not. Being a parent is not a easy job and most young parents are not ready to become a parents. It all on the decision of the mother without the father present unless he was there with her to make the decision.

I wonder if the movie "Like Dandelion Dust" can be found in a store where you can rent or buy the DVD so that I can watch it. :dunno:
No, I have not see the movie. But what you describe, it is very sad that a child and the adopted parents are so attached. So it is up to the court to decide who get the child, the biological or adopted parent. There are times that someone might have snatch the child like kidnapping and give the child to the adopted parents for money. It is not only in United States but it happen many times in China where China have a law with one child. Someone kidnapped the child that the biological parents never give up or sign for an adoption. Like Botts said, it is a fraud to be away with biological parents. The biological parents are distraught not knowing where to find their child.

Men can be unpredictable when they are controlling biological family members. Not all men are like that but it is unnerving to have a biological father to abuse the child. Usually it is always the mother who was carrying the child and decided if she wanted to give the child up or not. Being a parent is not a easy job and most young parents are not ready to become a parents. It all on the decision of the mother without the father present unless he was there with her to make the decision.

I wonder if the movie "Like Dandelion Dust" can be found in a store where you can rent or buy the DVD so that I can watch it. :dunno:

I got it from RedBox.
Sadly, that's what can happen when men aren't careful about where they sow their wild oats. :(

What the women not being careful too! A woman can prevent herself from getting pregnant unless she force to have sex as getting raped.
What the women not being careful too! A woman can prevent herself from getting pregnant unless she force to have sex as getting raped.
Yes, but the case was about the guy not knowing the woman was pregnant, not about the woman not knowing that she was pregnant.
Why can't the child have the relationship with both the father and the adoptive parents? Why must it be one or the other? Especially in this case...