What did you learn today?

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I learned of a passionate academic, very valuable to the d/Deaf community as Glenn mentioned, that's sad and I hope she did inspired some future greats. I dont have perfect English but I do know about the reading and writing as passion its wonderful, it transcends minds and ideas...
i shall check the internet about her thanks for sharing Glenn.
I am learning alot about landscaping by experience not finished about 1/3 a way thru now -in a hurry to get it done so i can study as i get real tired by nighttime to read at all...but the result should be good, oh another i learned those concrete fence posts I moved are FUCCCKKKKKINGGGG HEEEEEEAAVVVVYY!!! it nearyl killed me...geeez got sore shoulders and ribs (prolly cracked one)...
I learned I am not coordinated enough to drive a car on the X-Box 360 today.
I learned that time is not absolute.
Daughter had her follow-up visit with her primary care doctor and an orthopedic doctor. Primary was just to get the referral to the ortho doc. Ortho doc removed the splint and told her she can do gentle exercises with the arm and nothing too extreme or fast. Her fracture is very small and he really didn't think there was much there. He will see her in a week and take new x-rays.
Let her take it easy. I had Doctors telling me that I tore ligaments in my ankle and that nothing was fractured. & that I would have been able to walk in 4-6 weeks. I tried that & felt like my ankle was on fire. All of my family said I was soaking up the attention.
4 years later I re-injured my ankle at work. I went to an orthopedist and found out that I had a healed fracture through the joint. Had I used it early. I would have fused the joint and I wouldn't be able to walk normal.
Let her take it easy. I had Doctors telling me that I tore ligaments in my ankle and that nothing was fractured. & that I would have been able to walk in 4-6 weeks. I tried that & felt like my ankle was on fire. All of my family said I was soaking up the attention.
4 years later I re-injured my ankle at work. I went to an orthopedist and found out that I had a healed fracture through the joint. Had I used it early. I would have fused the joint and I wouldn't be able to walk normal.

In three of the x-rays, there is nothing to show any abnormality. In only 1 of them, you see a slight mark of maybe a quarter inch. He said it could be a mark on the film or a tiny fracture. He will take new x-rays in a week to double check. She is not moving it much and is dying for her hair to be washed, so I get to do it for her this evening.
Learned the fancy way to wrap any scarves around my neck for an elegant "look".
Just learned that my hubby still lets his mother manipulate him like there's no tomorrow. Now, we are not moving for another year. Her request. I am upset enough that I am stupidly taking it out on the family for all the little things they do. I hate being like this.
I figure out cancel on my deaf youth because conflict to my my parents will on saturday
Just learned that my hubby still lets his mother manipulate him like there's no tomorrow. Now, we are not moving for another year. Her request. I am upset enough that I am stupidly taking it out on the family for all the little things they do. I hate being like this.

What does that do for the job, though? Did I miss something? I thought you were moving because of your husband's job?
What does that do for the job, though? Did I miss something? I thought you were moving because of your husband's job?

We were leaving because the hours were going to be cut. Now,. we are not sure what's happening. The other reason I wanted to leave was it's just too expensive here and I need my own space. Housing here is much more than we could afford legally. I mean, a 3 bedroom house for rent? $2700 a month. A 3BR apartment for rent, $1800. Technically, we need 4 bedrooms, but they don't have that size around here very often.
I learned that North Korea is a broken country whose infrastructures and economy are in dire need of overhaul.

Very little electricity available in North Korea.
We were leaving because the hours were going to be cut. Now,. we are not sure what's happening. The other reason I wanted to leave was it's just too expensive here and I need my own space. Housing here is much more than we could afford legally. I mean, a 3 bedroom house for rent? $2700 a month. A 3BR apartment for rent, $1800. Technically, we need 4 bedrooms, but they don't have that size around here very often.

You're right, the 4 bedrooms are hard to find. But whoo -- those prices? I'm guessing Florida is much more expensive than MN. Wow!
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