Spoooooooky stuff...

The Holy Bible is always perfect; complete and inerrant, including moral accounts.

I do believe God created everything, one time, during a six-day period.

There was nothing until God created it.

Each person has a free will to believe as he or she wants.
The Holy Bible is always perfect; complete and inerrant, including moral accounts.

I do believe God created everything, one time, during a six-day period.

There was nothing until God created it.

Each person has a free will to believe as he or she wants.

That is fine with me. :hug:
I am happy with my beliefs as well.
I quoted from the King James Version. Which version did you use in your post?

The original Creation events were at first passed down by the generations as oral history until they were written down by Moses under direct inspiration by God.

Prior to Moses putting down the events in writing, various culture and religious groups adapted the original oral history to fit their beliefs. That's how the other stories originated. Some of those adaptations were subsequently written down.

The Genesis records are not "confused distortion" of Creation. The facts of the Creation events were given directly from God (the Creator) to Moses in order to ensure accuracy.

First of all, I would appreciate if you remember to capitalize Bible and God when referring to them. They are proper nouns, so they are supposed to be capitalized. It will also make references less confusing. "Bible" with a capital B refers specifically to the 66 books of the Holy Bible of Christians. The word "bible" without a capital refers to any authoritative reference book. "God" with a capital G refers specifically to Jehovah God, while "god" refers generically to any deity. As a student of theology, I'm sure that you know that, and we all make typo mistakes when we're in a hurry. :)

The answer to your question about the creation of man would be the same as my above reply since it covers the whole Creation record.

Okay ... So the Sumerians version of creation is wrong, IYO, because the later published works of Moses was told to him directly from god? His god? The Sumerians also had their gods, those gods told them the story of creation, which is similar to Moses events' .... just saying. Only Moses seems to have plagiarizecd the Sumerians.

Do you show the same respect when referring to religions other than your own?

Do you capitalize Allah, Wiccan, Judaism, Pagan? Are these religions inferior to yours?
Do you show the same respect when referring to religions other than your own?

Do you capitalize Allah, Wiccan, Judaism, Pagan? Are these religions inferior to yours?

why do you tend to ask such rude questions like that? Are you always this defensive whenever your post is being challenged? or whenever you don't want to answer a simple question?

I don't see anywhere in your post that answered Reba's simple question - "Which version did you use in your post?"
The Holy Bible is always perfect; complete and inerrant, including moral accounts.

I do believe God created everything, one time, during a six-day period.

There was nothing until God created it.

Each person has a free will to believe as he or she wants.

I agree with that bold line.

What I mean is that the Bible is not perfect and complete because many verses and chapters of the Bible as it was written originally have been taken away before it was circulated among the Gentiles. I'd rather say the Bible (KJV) is mostly accurate. Spiritually, it is still value to believers and also a word of God.

Everything is made by God. The Earth wasn't made six thousand ago. It has been roughly 6000 years (perhaps more than that) from the time Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. I was wondering if during the creation, a 'day' wasn't a 'day' but a period of time. They could all be different.

One of the theories is If a 'day' in Genesis was used, then the earth would be approximately thirteen thousand years old (seven days of a thousand years each for the Creation plus the nearly six thousand years since The Fall. 2 Peter 3:8 and Psalm 90:4 (KJV) support that theory.
Okay ... So the Sumerians version of creation is wrong, IYO, because the later published works of Moses was told to him directly from god? His god?
His God, Jehovah, of course.

The Sumerians also had their gods, those gods told them the story of creation, which is similar to Moses events' .... just saying. Only Moses seems to have plagiarizecd the Sumerians.
Why would you say that? What's your beef with Moses?

Do you show the same respect when referring to religions other than your own?

Do you capitalize Allah, Wiccan, Judaism, Pagan? Are these religions inferior to yours?
Yes, I do capitalize them. I capitalize pagan when it's used to identify a religious group but not when it's used in a generic way.

I don't classify religions as either superior or inferior. Do you?

I capitalize all proper nouns as a matter of grammatical correctness. It has nothing to do with respect or lack of same. I don't respect Nazis or the Ku Klux Klan or Osama Bin Laden but I capitalize them. I even capitalize Satan because that's a proper name. So?
I agree with that bold line.

What I mean is that the Bible is not perfect and complete because many verses and chapters of the Bible as it was written originally have been taken away before it was circulated among the Gentiles. I'd rather say the Bible (KJV) is mostly accurate. Spiritually, it is still value to believers and also a word of God.

Everything is made by God. The Earth wasn't made six thousand ago. It has been roughly 6000 years (perhaps more than that) from the time Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. I was wondering if during the creation, a 'day' wasn't a 'day' but a period of time. They could all be different.

One of the theories is If a 'day' in Genesis was used, then the earth would be approximately thirteen thousand years old (seven days of a thousand years each for the Creation plus the nearly six thousand years since The Fall. 2 Peter 3:8 and Psalm 90:4 (KJV) support that theory.
Got it. :)

Personally, I only post to provide another viewpoint, and to be honest about mine. I don't expect to convince anyone to change their beliefs on the basis of what I post. That's not my goal. :)
His God, Jehovah, of course.

Why would you say that? What's your beef with Moses?

Yes, I do capitalize them. I capitalize pagan when it's used to identify a religious group but not when it's used in a generic way.

I don't classify religions as either superior or inferior. Do you?

I capitalize all proper nouns as a matter of grammatical correctness. It has nothing to do with respect or lack of same. I don't respect Nazis or the Ku Klux Klan or Osama Bin Laden but I capitalize them. I even capitalize Satan because that's a proper name. So?

I was trying to figure out if it was my english you had a problem with, or just the words, god and bible.

merry Xmas.

I atteneded many many services where it was taught that the god of israel is to be capitalized and the word "god" when in reference to "false gods" is not to be capitalized. It has nothing at all to do with being a proper pronoun and everything to do with remnants of imperialism. AD and BC vs BCE, xmas vs christmas, etc.

Happy "Holy"days, "Christ"mas, yeah, I get it.


(no, I am not an atheist, nor am I the traditional bible thumping church going believer - the GOD I believe in doesn't give spelling bees ;) ).
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why do you tend to ask such rude questions like that? Are you always this defensive whenever your post is being challenged? or whenever you don't want to answer a simple question?

I don't see anywhere in your post that answered Reba's simple question - "Which version did you use in your post?"

Here, I will let you pick which version then I will cite the reference:

Septuagint, Vulgate, Luther's German Bible, William Tyndale, Coverdale's, Matthew's, Taverner's, The Great Bible, The Geneva Bible, The Bishop's Bible, The Douay Bible, King James Version, New International Version, The Holy Bible (New English Translation), The Holy Bible (English Standard Version), The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language, The New Testament: Today's New International Version, Holman Christian Standard Bible, Good As New: A Radical Retelling of Scripture, The Five Books of Moses: A Translation with Commentary, Holy Bible: New Living Translation, or Today's New International Version.

There are many many more versions ... take your pick.

Just an interesting footnote, the word "baptist" comes from the greek word "baptistés" which means "immersion". Why would King James transliterate this one word instead of translate it? Are baptisms performed differently in different denominations?

With all these different versions ...... the original scriptures don't even exist.
That's right. Immersion is necessary. The Apostle Paul taught that being immersed in water and coming out again is symbolic of death, burial, and resurrection. Roman 6:3-5 states it.

In the New Testament, The Lord gave the instructions to His Apostles- Baptism. Matthew 28:19-20 explains that. If one has a faith in Jesus Christ, repent, and is baptized, sins are forgiven through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. John the Baptist did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins- Mark 1:4. There are two more verses- Acts 2:38 and Acts 22:16 said the same thing.

Jesus Christ was without sin, but he said that His baptism was necessary to fulfil all righteousness- Matthew 3. He asks all of us to follow him and do the things we have seen him do-

Now, it is up to everyone to make a choice. That's it.
My family had an Indian coffee cup that my dad found in the woods when he was a boy in Virginia. It was painted in an interesting pattern, and though it was missing the grip, a museum offered him fifty dollars for it around the time, which translates into good money today, you know? I would look at it in my hands occasionally, turning it this way and that way and marvelling at it and wondering about the tribe it belonged to. When I was 13, I was looking it in my sisters' bedroom and dropped it onto the wooden floor, and it shattered into several pieces. The room was spartan, with no clutter or anything on the floor, but we could never find a rather large shard that belonged to it. It was a rather large piece and we scoured everywhere in the room for it, but never found it. My dad was not angry with me about it. He looked at me, smiled and said that stranger things will happen in my life, but I find that hard to top. :lol:
In addition to the many theologians in my family, I had a Great Aunt who read tea leaves and was Wiccan. It was like a real big secret in my family and I wasn't supposed to know when we visited her.

Now, when I look back on it, I think "gee, a big deal over nothing":roll:

Anyways, I know I owe a few folks in PM land a story, just give me some more time.
In addition to the many theologians in my family, I had a Great Aunt who read tea leaves and was Wiccan. It was like a real big secret in my family and I wasn't supposed to know when we visited her.

Now, when I look back on it, I think "gee, a big deal over nothing":roll:

Anyways, I know I owe a few folks in PM land a story, just give me some more time.

Amazing how people make a big deal over nothing isn't it? But, then again, from what I read in your posts about nearly everyone in your family being either preachers or missionarys, one can only assume that they thought she was "worshipping" their devil, or something like that perhaps, if they were trying to keep it a big ol' secret. :roll:
No, it isn't an "evil" sorceress painting.

Wow, I'm gone a few days and it's amazing what I've missed.:roll:

Not quite sure why you roll your eyes? The hourglass represents death, yes? And the raven a familiar who can travel between the world of the living and the world of the dead.

I don't know who is the painter or the title. Could you enlighten me please?
Real Ghost appears on CCTV...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ag5xfdPO1c]YouTube - Scary Ghost Caught on Camera Popup[/ame]