Those who decide not to get a CI

No one is arguing that .. The question is while she is wearing the CI , does she fit the 'general' definition of deaf if ( for lack of a better term ) her performance is high enough with the CI that the 'general public' could not tell. The example is being able to follow /understand spoken speech at a 'normal' level while her back is turned. If 'deaf' the proper technical ( not cultural ) term.

To me there is only deaf and hearing. She is not hearing, so that only leaves deaf. There are plenty of situations in which her hearing is not "optimal", and it is never like mine.
They don't? I thought it was all part of the great conspiracy between school administrators, the medical professionals and the ci manufacturers so they could all make more money.

HUGE share of the market just opened up $$$$$$$$!
You mean...while she is wearing her CI, she is essentially hearing. When she takes it off, she is deaf. ?

Well .. I can not say what she hears , I am not her .. But if she can hear and understand spoken words at a 'normal' level with her back turned. How is that functionally any different from someone that does not use a ci ?

Technically the term deaf should not apply.
With the CI on, she may function like a hearing person in many ways, but she will never be hearing...because it is not the same. Kind of like a prosthetic limb. The prosthetic arm functions like an arm, but it's still not the same as an actual arm. Sometimes the prosthetic arm works even better!
Well .. I can not say what she hears , I am not her .. But if she can hear and understand spoken words at a 'normal' level with her back turned. How is that functionally any different from someone that does not use a ci ?

Technically the term deaf should not apply.

Because she can't hear whispers from far away or in a crowded resturant, or anything at all outside the processors specific range. That isn't being "hearing".
They don't? I thought it was all part of the great conspiracy between school administrators, the medical professionals and the ci manufacturers so they could all make more money.

Ya'll don't forget the aural-oral supporters, too! lol *buzzer*
Wirelessly posted

faire_jour said:
They don't? I thought it was all part of the great conspiracy between school administrators, the medical professionals and the ci manufacturers so they could all make more money.

HUGE share of the market just opened up $$$$$$$$!

medical view of deaf is good for business. In fact I am sure they are making more than oil.
For TXGolfer and others. Much of what's being said here re: hearing aids and the CI is all well and good but without a really good and caring audi, well, you can just forget it.
Because she can't hear whispers from far away or in a crowded resturant, or anything at all outside the processors specific range. That isn't being "hearing".

but it is also not deaf.

where is the line .. Previously in this thread someone stated it as "ability to understand speech"

Does the lack of the ability to understand whispers across a crowded room define deaf even if the person is not a CI user ??Why does that lack bring the CI user under the definition of deaf ? The performance level is the same.
For TXGolfer and others. Much of what's being said here re: hearing aids and the CI is all well and good but without a really good and caring audi, well, you can just forget it.

Good point....I am starting to question my audi.....
but it is also not deaf.

where is the line .. Previously in this thread someone stated it as "ability to understand speech"

Does the lack of the ability to understand whispers across a crowded room define deaf even if the person is not a CI user ??Why does that lack bring the CI user under the definition of deaf ? The performance level is the same.

Her profound hearing loss does. If someone can run and win a race using a prosthetic leg, does that make him not an amputee? No, it means his prosthetics work very well.
I'm curious, cjg ... Why are you so hell-bent on the definition of deaf? Either we (or our children) feel we are, or we aren't. What's it to you? Why 60+ posts fighting on what deaf is?
but it is also not deaf.

where is the line .. Previously in this thread someone stated it as "ability to understand speech"

Does the lack of the ability to understand whispers across a crowded room define deaf even if the person is not a CI user ??Why does that lack bring the CI user under the definition of deaf ? The performance level is the same.

Who cares?