got into nursing:)


Active Member
May 26, 2006
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SO YAY I got into nursing:) now I'm saving for books and stuff like that..which is gonna be expensiveeee which sucks..its bout 2 grand for 1st semester books..another thing is a stethoscope..any suggestions on what one I can use because I can't obvs hear from the normal ones..i tried just for fun..told my partner for the lab she was dead cuz she had no heartbeat..any suggestions for anything deaf related and related to my nursing program would be much appreciated!
deaf nurse

Great you are gona be a nurse. I know 2 deaf who are medical doctors and they use special equipment for hearing heartbeats and stuff. I also know a deaf vet so there is stuff out there. Just can't tell you offhand where to go pick up one.
I have a stethoscope that hooks directly up to my CI....

I can get you in touch with the lady in question that deals with figuring out what you need and the program mapping neccessary for the Stethoscope.
SO YAY I got into nursing:) now I'm saving for books and stuff like that..which is gonna be expensiveeee which sucks..its bout 2 grand for 1st semester books..another thing is a stethoscope..any suggestions on what one I can use because I can't obvs hear from the normal ones..i tried just for fun..told my partner for the lab she was dead cuz she had no heartbeat..any suggestions for anything deaf related and related to my nursing program would be much appreciated!

stick a small mirror under patient's nose and look for fog :)
My doctor is deaf and using the special device to his CI.... When I see him, I can try to gather some information where he got them.

Good luck in nursing school! :dance2:
Awesome! Congrats, Alicia. Keeping the sexy nurse fantasy alive and well for millions of young men (and women) everywhere! :)

BTW, I don't think Alicia has a CI, at least not yet, but perhaps there is something she can get that hooks into her Naidas?
AliciaM good luck in your nursing career.

Implanted Advanced Bionics Harmony activated Aug/07
Thanks everyone, and yes I don't have a CI yet..the stethoscopes I was looking at had headphones with them and I just don't see that being comfy or practical I saw some with silhouettes hooks like that hatis but i dunno if that would work either? hohdougrn where you at! lol
Good luck Alicia. Hope you find the proper equipment in a timely fashion.
Good luck, Alicia.. I am sure ya will make a great nurse in any chosen field ya decide to be part of... do work hard and one day who knows, one of us could have ya as our nurse for sure in the ER or at the doc's office...
Congrats, AliciaM! Nursing programs are not easy to get into. I know you will do well.
Depend where you are, so I would avoid you. I afraid, you would want to give me a scary shot. omg omg omg...

btw, good luck
I just wanna make sure I get a stethoscope I can use long term and not have to replace anytime soon..I have another CI re-eval prob after the new year and something that is CI/Ha compatible is prob best:). And thanks everyone..I still eventually wanna get into botox but that won't be for awhile anyway:) and ya maybe I can be one of your nurses one day! Maybe ill just pick up and move to the states ill bring grace with me too..somewhere there are mountains to snowboard :)