The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

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What does your husband think of all this? I sure hope for your famlies sake, you will be able to move ASAP. Hang in there :hug:

Hubby thinks she is a royal pain in the ass as well. He asked his mother what was up, she claims we are too noisy and that we got her up early this morning. I'd like to know how. The kids, my mother and I left this morning a 8 to go to the store and to look at the ocean. We came home close to noon. I turned the ringers off on my phones and turned off the answering machine. Computer was shut down, so the P3 would not ring to wake her either. Don't know what she heard, but it wasn't us. I think it's mostly her being uncomfortable (overweight, brain tumor, and not aging well and bad health) and missing her hubby who died a year ago. She goes on and on about wanting us gone, then wails and cries that we are leaving her when she needs us. Hubby can't take that, but since he's at work all day, I have to deal with her.
Hubby thinks she is a royal pain in the ass as well. He asked his mother what was up, she claims we are too noisy and that we got her up early this morning. I'd like to know how. The kids, my mother and I left this morning a 8 to go to the store and to look at the ocean. We came home close to noon. I turned the ringers off on my phones and turned off the answering machine. Computer was shut down, so the P3 would not ring to wake her either. Don't know what she heard, but it wasn't us. I think it's mostly her being uncomfortable (overweight, brain tumor, and not aging well and bad health) and missing her hubby who died a year ago. She goes on and on about wanting us gone, then wails and cries that we are leaving her when she needs us. Hubby can't take that, but since he's at work all day, I have to deal with her.

Oh I get it. She's playing mind games with you. She will cut you down by forcing you to respect her ridiculous rules and she will tell you to get out if you don't follow them. BUT when you do try to leave she will wail and wallow and boohoo just make you feel like she is the only one that will 'put up' with you. She's probably done this all her life to keep her son close to her, and with the death of her own husband, it just makes it worse.

You are just going to have to state the facts to her, and flat out tell her you'll be leaving on XX date, and while you want to help her, you have your own family to deal with and you really need to be apart. I can understand you aren't in a fiancial situation to just up and move on a moment's thought, once your husband get his job 120% secured and for sure, start making arrangements for moving. If she bawls and squalls and wails, ignore her and just remind her that this is what is best for everyone in the family. Don't let her guilt you or your husband into moving back, because usually everytime you go back it is worse.
Oh I get it. She's playing mind games with you. She will cut you down by forcing you to respect her ridiculous rules and she will tell you to get out if you don't follow them. BUT when you do try to leave she will wail and wallow and boohoo just make you feel like she is the only one that will 'put up' with you. She's probably done this all her life to keep her son close to her, and with the death of her own husband, it just makes it worse.

You are just going to have to state the facts to her, and flat out tell her you'll be leaving on XX date, and while you want to help her, you have your own family to deal with and you really need to be apart. I can understand you aren't in a fiancial situation to just up and move on a moment's thought, once your husband get his job 120% secured and for sure, start making arrangements for moving. If she bawls and squalls and wails, ignore her and just remind her that this is what is best for everyone in the family. Don't let her guilt you or your husband into moving back, because usually everytime you go back it is worse.

We will never move back. Hubby has already said so. She has alienated a lot of her family over the years.

Now, if we can just get WalMart to get the ball rolling., Then, we have to find the money to move. Oh joy!!
But it doesn't, however it does grow on the butts of chickens for me. LOL.
KristinaB, hope things get better. I think Dixie gave you great advice. thoughts and prayers are with you. :hug:
Wirelessly posted

KristinaB said:
What does your husband think of all this? I sure hope for your famlies sake, you will be able to move ASAP. Hang in there :hug:

Hubby thinks she is a royal pain in the ass as well. He asked his mother what was up, she claims we are too noisy and that we got her up early this morning. I'd like to know how. The kids, my mother and I left this morning a 8 to go to the store and to look at the ocean. We came home close to noon. I turned the ringers off on my phones and turned off the answering machine. Computer was shut down, so the P3 would not ring to wake her either. Don't know what she heard, but it wasn't us. I think it's mostly her being uncomfortable (overweight, brain tumor, and not aging well and bad health) and missing her hubby who died a year ago. She goes on and on about wanting us gone, then wails and cries that we are leaving her when she needs us. Hubby can't take that, but since he's at work all day, I have to deal with her.

KristineB, completely understand how that would make anyone frustrated. The mother really needs help, you have done all can to her and be a good daughter to her. Its rough dealing with someone in her situation the loss of her husband, weight, illness can really affect her. Hang in there, hope everything will work out.
Oh damn I cannot wait to go OBX!! LOL! It will be fun! We'll be also in D.C for a day as'll be a awesome trip!!! :)

Enjoy your weekend!
Oh damn I cannot wait to go OBX!! LOL! It will be fun! We'll be also in D.C for a day as'll be a awesome trip!!! :)

Enjoy your weekend!

What is OBX??

Oh and I'm going through my Saturday routine. Already cooked breakfast now I'm about to go clean my truck, get the laundry started and then get the bathroom and bedroom cleaned out. Get Maddie to clean her playroom up, and when all that is done I will force myself through a workout then later I am taking Maddie to see Ramona and Beezus at the theatre.

OBX stands for Outer Banks in NC :) so much fun to go! :)

And have fun cleaning! :)

What is OBX??

Oh and I'm going through my Saturday routine. Already cooked breakfast now I'm about to go clean my truck, get the laundry started and then get the bathroom and bedroom cleaned out. Get Maddie to clean her playroom up, and when all that is done I will force myself through a workout then later I am taking Maddie to see Ramona and Beezus at the theatre.
kristinab, i hope things are going to get better soon. I agree what dixie gave you a good tips. you all are in my thoughts. :hug:
Hubby and I had a long talk. It seems this is his mother's way of saying she is scared and doesn't want us to leave. She was never one to really open up and talk things out, just uses snide comments and remarks. Hubby is used to that. I am more used to a very open family where we all talk things out and work it out together. Hubby knows he wants to leave, but he is worried about his mother. He is also worried about me. This morning is not very good for me, since I just don't know quite how to deal with it, so the waterworks start and I'm too darn old to sit here and cry like a child. Ah well! I know it will get better.

Hubby escaped and went to play racquetball, the fiend. Son is in his room on laptop and daughter just woke up and is laing in my bed playing on her DS. I am biding my time until I have to take MIL to her hair appointment.

Thanks for all the kind words. I know it will get better eventually. I only hope hubby really thinks before making his decision. It really is a "catch 22" situation. She needs us, but we need to get away. She has no one else to help, only us, but she doesn't know how to handle having an extra family living with her.
I have to design a banner for my church's 110th anniversary celebration. I kind of want it to be incorporated into the overall design of our page on the Internet, but at the same time I want it catchy yet tasteful so that the older adults won't grumble over the design. I'm thinking doing a sketch of the original church building and then designing a modern ribbon banner around it with the words 110 years of stepping into the future or something like that. I would have it pre-approved by the pastor and committee before setting anything in stone.
I have to design a banner for my church's 110th anniversary celebration. I kind of want it to be incorporated into the overall design of our page on the Internet, but at the same time I want it catchy yet tasteful so that the older adults won't grumble over the design. I'm thinking doing a sketch of the original church building and then designing a modern ribbon banner around it with the words 110 years of stepping into the future or something like that. I would have it pre-approved by the pastor and committee before setting anything in stone.

Sounds nice - Good luck!!
Had a talk with MIL today. She did admit that she is scared about us leaving and doesn't really want us to go, but understands that there is no money here in West Palm Beach. She does want us to go where we can, and will help if she is able. I did tell her, to make sure she plans all her doctor appointments on one day if possible, and I would drive down the day before, spend the night and take her to her appointments, then drive home. It's a 3 hour drive. She was happy that I was willing to do that. She will also make arrangements for transportation for her hairdresser, church and groceries and bank runs. She already has arrangements for her weight loss group. She apologized to me and is hoping to not do something like this again, but asked me to be patient as she was never one to show emotion and doesn't quite no how to deal with it.
Was at a pool party all day at my brother's girlfriend's house in Annapolis. Very beautiful area..wish I could live there since it is by the Chesapeake Bay but property taxes are sooo high. Grrr

Got roughed up playing pool basketball by the, my little toe is dislocated and I have bruises all over. Ooops!

Iam so ready for a good night's sleep when we get home. :)

Hope everyone had a great day. My brother is so TAN from Vegas!! Lucky jerk!
Also, i know that ive not been going here for a long while...

its been busiest for me with tight schedule from work, family, and activities. Pardon me-
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